~Weekly Weigh In~
Hi Peeps~
Yep, its that time again-for those of you newer post ops, your scale is probably moving more than mine-LOL...Ive been pretty much at the same weight for the last month, give or take 1-2#. They say the further out you are-the harder it gets and the slower it is coming off-and its proving to be the situation with me!! Anyway-here goes-and Good luck to all of you~
Weight Day of Seminar (07/08/06)=438#
Weight Day of Surgery (11/29/06)=394#
Weight today=188# Total Weight Loss this week= 0, zip, nada pound!!
Total Weight Loss to date- 250# WOOOOO HOOOOO-Ive lost more weight than I weigh- (doing my famous baby circle dance!!!)
Mornin' Jan and all-
As of this morning I've lost 25 pounds on the liquid diet. I carry so much fluid on my body that I know 20 pounds of it was fluid. It's funny cause I drink drink drink all the time. Odd how drinking fluid will remove fluid, guess our body sort of 'flushes' its self! ha!
I think you are a perfect size now Jan- at some point you have got to level out. I hear you get compliments on how great you are doing and I know that makes you feel good. I'd bet you drop some more this summer because of working outside and sweating.
I just can not believe how much better I am today. The cold is still in my head, but my chest is 80% better, so one more day of improvement like this and I believe the Lord will get me past this and ready for Monday's surgery for sure. This is such a blessing, it is nothing for me to take 3 or 4 months to recover from a cold...so this is super speedy for me! Praise the Lord!!!! Thank you sooo much for all your prayers! I have been praying for your needs too-
I have got to get myself down stairs and on the sewing machine to take up my PJ's I bought for the hospital stay. The tops are nice and big, but the pants are massive huge. So I'll put side seams down them. Simple job, it's just making myself get down there and to it.
My feeders seem too have kept a swarm of red birds intrested this year, boy are they ever bright too. I have two new feeders and the birds are not eating out of them...wonder what's up with that? We have a lot of birds around here.
I have something I'd like discussed. Dehydration...what are the symptoms or signs of it, and what is the fastest way to get rid of it? (water verses some sort of drink) I'd just like to be prepaired. I drink constantly now - but everything is going to change Monday- and I can't wait!
I am so tired of this liquid diet I'd just as soon not drink my shakes. But I know I need to. Did anyone else get like that before the two weeks was over?
Much love to all,

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2
Thaks for the great responce.....I knew most of these, but wondered if it was still the same post surgery. Lots of things change and I wondered if that was one of them. I'm sure we get dehydrated fast with smaller stomachs- right?
Today, I just got sick of shakes. Several of those nector shake flavors are just terrible! Some are pretty good. Mixing the shakes with water and not milk sure isn't very good....but I'm doing it. For super I warmed me up some Campbell's tomato soup and I think it was the most wonderful thing in the whole wide world! I just had to have something hot! But I didn't want to totally blow it either. I'm not even sorry, I planned it, my belly is sooo happy right now- I'm satisfied and will keep doing my liquids like I should. Sure would have loved to have had some crackers with it...but knew better.
Better get busy with laundry tonight- we will leave for Sedalia Sunday mid morning. I told preacher we'd be missing church and he understood.

Friday again already... Janet thank you for posting this. I weighed in at 312.5 last dr. visit and gained to 315 (water weight) feet and leggs swelled up to miserable... but today I weighed in at 309.. it is nothing for me to yo-yo around 5 to 7 lbs. I need to lose another few lbs before my dr. visit on the 5th... my 4th of the 6 months supervised diet. So I have joined the ranks of the liquid dieters... Brenda I'm feeling for you... I am on my third day now and my head is "busting a move" like Janet says ~tee hee When I think about me "busting a move" it just too funny! Things would go "where no man has gone before" and NEVER come back! It just lifts my spirits to see such success with so many... "keeps me keeping on" if you know what I mean. bec