Jan C.
on 4/24/08 2:34 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

You know we talk about a good and caring God and how much he loves us and wants us to be happy but it isnt often that we see that in evidence with small things like when a mom or dad does something special for you. Or maybe it is the fact that we don’t pay attention. I said all of that to tell you all something. Yesterday Joe and I were on the backporch looking at the birds in and around the feeders. Then I had the bird book and saw a picture of a Painted Bunting…They are so pretty in the pictures. I told Joe I wish we could see one of those here but I doubt that we ever will. They live around here but they don’t like coming out of the deep forest it says in the book.

This morning I had to get up and go get my blood drawn for all of my blood test that we need once in a while. When we got back Joe was sitting at the kitchen table looking out at one of the bird feeders and he said Honey come here quick, quick, so I ran in and looked out and there were two Painted Buntings and several Indigo buntings. I got pictures if you want to see them on my profile. Beautiful Birds if you have never seen them . Right then and there I said Thank You God, You heard me and you answered me with such a sweet present just to show me how much you love me. How wonderful. God is Good ….

Now none of that may not mean anything to people that don’t believe but I do and it means a lot to me. Praise God.



    AMY::::: so how much weight had you lost when you went in to see Dr. H.?

Im glad that your mom is feeling better too.


Oh my downfall is the hot garlic bread. Just smelling it makes me want to go knock someone down for it lol


Yeah I bet your iris will be just fine. You are farther north than I am so when I say I have such and such in bloom you can count for you to be a week or two behind me .

LOL breeding laundry. I use to wonder about that when I had three kids at home too.



VESTA:::: are you excited about your new house? I thought you loved your log house? Is this one log?

I sure hope the surgery helps with your back pain and I bet it does. Yeah when you get ready holler and I will come to see you for a day. But I bet you can come up with a plan that is pretty and as good as anything I could do.



TAMMY::::You sound like you need that job with the elderly lady to get a chance to sit and not have anyone wanting something. Besides you get paid for it, sounds like a pretty good job lol I know I would go crazy tho all that sitting. Wonder if you could pull her bed outside and clean out flower beds lol

Hey now the laptop sounds like a good idea you can keep up with us better.

Hey Im with you on your calgon trip. That sounds like great fun.


Im glad that you love my post and I love hearing from all of you. That is what it is meant to be is a place where you can all come to .

That is what is bothering me about these bone surgeries that I am having to have. All the downtime drives me crazy. Joe said well at least you can get up and walk around with the shoulder surgery but I don’t know, ever since I lost all this weight my center of gravity is messed up and I bump into things all the time. That arm will be in a sling to not use it for a couple of weeks, what if I start to fall and grab myself with that arm, automaticly. . it would ruin it all.

I have heard of a lot of doctor doing hernia repairs and tummy tucks at the same time. So check about it. Would make sense to me that you wouldn’t have to have another surgery.


We will remember your friend Paula in prayer divorce is so ugly no matter what the reason.

Your kids and you are all still on my prayer list. Hang in there things have to change …




CHRISTINE:::::you skipped school????hummmmmmm shame on you….you know better than that. Oh , oh I see well ok the flowers have to get into the ground you know.

That is a good excuse.


I keep you in my prayers all the time for comfort and caring


JANET::::::maybe you need to get a job like Tammy has lol sounds like you could get some much need rest.

I am so glad that God kept you late for that accident. You never know what is on down the road so when things delay you , it may just be Gods way of now allowing you to get into a bad accident.


The weird feelings, I get those too. I have learned that they are usually sensitivity to the world around. It is like your brain and body is a giant radio intercepting all of these feelings and things in the air.


Hey just don’t bring those cats to one of our meetings. I lock my truck doors when I get out so you cant put one in my truck …lol


Yeah that is really the biggest change in most everyone I think, the changing of yourself inside. You know the saying pretty is as pretty does and before surgery we weren’t very pretty on the outside or inside.

Most become so much more active and happy and loving


LOL on the shock collars. Ihope no one from child protective services reads this lol



MELISSA: please be careful with some of those things happening,you never know what it is .

I keep you and those Babies in my prayers all the time and goto do my morning.



SHANNON ::::::.so glad that your legs are staarting to heal up some  we never know what each and every day will bring with it do we?

You are still on our prayers for strength and pain conrol

I know your family visits you a lot …..take care of yourself.




TRACI: ::::::well there you are you got pushed plum to the very bottom isnt it.

Tell all I said hi ask you are all being rushed. .Hope you had a great day and tomorrow continues to be a reat is o



Can you all tell I am typing this faly asleep.  











Traci K.
on 4/24/08 8:41 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
Okay - enough with the rain already; someone turns the faucet off please. My lawn is watered enough thank-you.

Today is my errand day, I need to run to the feed store and get some dog food and then do my grocery shopping and then my parents are coming out to take me to lunch today!!! Squee!!!!!! They haven't seen my two newest dogs, so they want to see them and spend time with me - so we're going to lunch. Because it was STORMING yesterday, I did not bathe any dogs at all. I actually did not work at all either. I rested, chatted with my hubby, shopped a little and took it easy yesterday. I needed it. I did workout at Curves yesterday morning, but that was the major extent of my activity yesterday.

But this morning I'm going to have to at least get the puppy a bath so he's cuddle-friendly for my parents.

Jan: those have got to be the most beautiful birds I've ever seen! I've never seen any birds like that around here, that's for sure. It's amazing that you were able to see them and get pictures!!

Well, hope everyone is doing well - I've got to scoot. Have a great day!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 4/24/08 9:22 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning..... what a beaufiful day yest. just wished i had felt like getting outside...im pretty sure its my ears now that is doing the roaring and humming and ya Jan it looks funny on paper.....a friend sent me home some ear med drops last nite so im gonna try that ...it cant hurt.... cos if i dont get this to stop im gonna end up in PYSHIC ward lol

had a BIG wow moment last night...got into a pr of 12s and 14s easily HEEHEE  im so excited

sat is our city wide yard sales and my daughter is coming down and we are going to look for baby stuff ( and i be peeking on side for clothes 4 me ) i need tops BAD and Bras but cant figure out whats size these saggy things are now LOL well i hope eevry one is feeling good and prayers up 4 all *****quested em...have a GREAT weeekend my friends...3 more days till COF and yes i plan to be there momma hen   love ya

love and hugs


on 4/24/08 9:56 pm - Clever, MO
The buntings are absolutely gorgeous and isnt it wonderful how our heavenly father gives us great things just to pleasure us??? Today I am going somewhere you would love sis! I am taking the Sr adults on a field trip to Muskogee's Azaela Festival. The pics of the park are great and I cant wait to see them. There is about 20 of us going and it should be a lot of fun but a long day trip for them.  So today I skip exercise and that always makes for a long day for my back! Especailly if I am driving any distance. Pray for me! Tomorrow promises to be a long day too as I will have 3 of the grandkids! lol! Have a great day and I love ya! Sugar
on 4/24/08 10:15 pm - Lebanon, MO
Hello All from the Land of Can't Learn My Lessons From Others. I am feeling MUCH better this moring, but, I a babying my pouch by sipping my water slowwwwwly. I should have learned from Susy lol. Last night, other then being my first experience with grouchy pouch, my youngest Ben got bit on the mouh by our neighbors weiner dog. He was trying to bend over and kiss it like he does all animals and Roscoe got his lip and chin...right through the lip too. I'd like to get mad at them, but, 1. they're fellow Christians, 2. they felt awful anyway, and 3. we've known about roscoes issues with small kid for awhile. Ben seems fine this morning, other then his mouth being tender. We washed the wound outwith bactine on a q-tip last night to make sue it was clean. To top things off, Mom STILL isn't any better. Thank God, Dad is comig down tomorrow to take care of her for the weekend. Please pray everyone that Dad's job can move south so that him and Mom can be together again.  It's not good that they're sofar apart. Today I have to go to Springfield to Sam's Club. I love that store! Tomorrow we're still hoping to get down to SDC if the weather holds. If anyone wants to join us just let me know! Jan, I'm really bummed about my doctor visit. I have only lost 7lbs since surgery, a total of 30 since my liquid diet. I really thought I would have lost more. I have been doing my walking and excerising, but, only 7 lbs!!!! Oh well, guess this maybe doesn't work as well for everyone. I also love to sit and look at my bird book and watch my feathered friends. All except the blasted grackles. I have to admit I tend to take pot shots at them, I have a 50% sucess rate lol. The other birds actually seem to appreciate it too, cause once the grackles are dead or flown, they all come down to the feeder. Yesterday I saw my first either indigo bunting or blue grosbeak...my dog scared him off before I could be sure.  For the record, I too have contemplated shock collar use on my kids...especially the chip off my block, Ben. I ask, why is it child abuse to put one on a child, yet training when you put it on the dog??? Jan I hope your blood work went okay. You will be FINE after your surgery. God will take care of you, and if you take it easy and let yourself heal (this from me???) you will do great. Well, I'm going to end this missive for today and go herd the dogs and the kids into their morning routine. God Bless you all and keep you in His care!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 4/24/08 11:59 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Its finally Friday.....It has started out to be a BAD day so far-I am sitting here praying it will change SOON....I went to get on MY puter this morning and it wouldnt even turn on...Tried everything, checked the plug ins on the power strip, checked all plugs leading to the puter-nothing! I have been the ONLY one on it-when we got it back-I kicked everyone else off of it-forever! But, I had turned the power strip off when we were having bad storms-and I am wondering if something didnt surge through the puter-cause I did hear a *pop* yesterday-but the computer was already up and going, and it continued to wor****il I turned it off? Who the heck knows? Thank goodness I still had Megans-which is SOOO SLOWWW cause they have it overloaded with all kinds of crap-so I am going to have her come on Sunday and remove all extras that are on this-since they have the new hi-fi laptop-she said I could use hers until they get moved or I get a new one. I may just buy myself a brand new one IF the house sells and I get my back child support-OR when we get the stimulous check. I dont do much on it-I just check emails, post on OH and check a few other things, but thats it. Maybe an hour or two a day.

Well, when I was changing out the computers-one of the big speakers fell on my right foot and I think my 2nd toe is broken-the one right by the big toe-actually I dont think-I KNOW it is! I also know they dont do anything, because they really cant if I go to the ER-so I am choosing to save my money. Holy crap does that HURT!

I am going turkey hunting with Mike tomorrow morning. We did more practicing last night-I am pretty good, if I can brag on myself for just a second-the targets are shaped like real turkeys and each time I got it!! YAY....Im pretty excited. Mike has the laundry going-the no scent laundry soap and the smelly earth dryer sheets-that smell makes me gag-so I asked him to get a different scent to spray on me-because I WILL be out there gagging and vomitting if I have to smell that crap all morning long! So, not sure how thats going to go with having my monthly visitor-AND a broken toe, but I AM THERE! I spent 12 hours in hunters safety courses and more than that target practicing. Ive even been on the ground, just sitting on a cushion with brush around me-so I have been through it-and now I am gonna do it....I want to get a turkey so bad-and smoke it when we have a BBQ....That would be so awesome!

Well, My cat, Abby had her babies last night! We have 5 of the most adorable little things you ever saw! One of them looks exactly like her-to a T! Its so darn cute. She was so tired that when the 5th one was delivered, she just laid there-we had to lift her body/head up and put her towards the baby-she just had no energy to clean the little guy. I thought he was going to die because he had laid there trying to get out of that sack for more than 5 minutes-prob closer to 10 and I started to get nervous-but he is doing great today. Jon has been so excited-its better than Christmas-last night when he saw the first two-he started jumping up and down and clapping Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!! He wants to keep one-and we told him he gets pick of the litter-but it has to be a little boy and he will be an outdoors cat.

Sunday, if Mike doesnt go to the awards ceremony for his slot car racing he does in OK-then we are back to hunting. In the evening, his mom is coming up to show us what part of the gardens are ours. We are planting corn on the cob, watermelon, pumpkins, green beans, squash, cucumber, zucchini, and we have potatoes and onion already out there-I know there is more-but cant think of it all right now.

We got thunder and more rain yesterday-and already this morning, the sky just opened up and it poured like crazy for 10 minutes and then stopped-but we are suppose to get rain, maybe some severe t-storms all day today and then they are saying again on Sunday.....I hope it doesnt rain tomorrow-wont be hunting if it does.

Stephanie told me yesterday that she just doesnt want to see her biological dad. She said that she has already realized HOW he is-and she just doesnt care to spend 10 minutes with him, much less a whole day or weekend. He, of course, made her ALL kinds of promises when he was talking to her yesterday and she told him that she didnt think she would have time to see him this week-then he was like-Oh, I came ALL THE WAY from Vegas JUST to see YOU, and I got you a laptop-and she is like-Mom, I dont even care, I dont care to see him or his "friend". The jerk, when she asked WHO Adam was-instead of saying my partner or whatever-he says-Adam is my lover-what a pc of crap he is! Stephanie said it made her sick to her stomach-and I dont blame her! I feel like reaching out and touching someone....using the shock collar on him would be nice-however, he would probably enjoy it!

**Jan-we have buntings here-When we first moved in-I had never ever seen a blue bunting-and my mom told me what it was-I have got to say that it is the most beautiful and vibrant color blue I have ever seen! It takes your breath away!!! Im so glad you got a blessing like that-you sure deserve it-and its amazing that they stayed long enough for pictures-how awesome is that?

Amy did have a point in her post-WHY is it child abuse if you put a shock collar on a child-but for a dog, its training? Would it be spousal abuse if I put one on Mike? Like I can show that for 12 years I have been TRYING to train him NOT to leave his crap laying around everywhere-so I CAN show that nothing else has worked-would I still get in trouble for spousal abuse? LOL.....Will let you know how that goes. It reminds me of an episode of Coach I watched once when Hayden snored so bad that he kept Christine up all night-and she put this shocking contraption on 2 of his fingers and when he snored, it would shock him-and I have never laughed so hard watching a tv show!! I think I wet my pants-I have thought of doing that to Mike too-Man, does he blow the roof off the house with his snoring. If I can find one-I am gonna wire him up!

Before closing-could you all say a prayer for Mels mom-for her hubby and for all of her children. Mel spoke to her mom and her dad yesterday and her mom told her that she felt in her heart that she will not make it to her next appt, which is May 1st. Then when she talked to her dad-he told her the same thing. Mel is really on overload-and man, do I feel like a crappy friend-because I just cant do anything to help out in this situation. I am probably just trying to dodge reality-but I am just not believing that she will go that fast-and I dont want her to either. I love her as if she is my own mother-she is so sweet, awesome, loving and funny...I have never met a more loving and welcoming family as theirs-and they have accepted all of us as theirs as well!! I dont want her to suffer-I hate that this is taking its toll on her and the family-and I am so sad. My heart just breaks when I think about it-but I have just been claiming healing and peace of mind and strength for her-and I dont let anything else enter my mind. Anyway-I would appreciate the prayers. Mel needs strength-she needs peace and calming presence. Thanks everyone. I wont be posting tomorrow morning because we are leaving at 4 am to get to the property we are hunting (although 2 miles up the road, uncle Jessie saw 3 turkeys come out of the woods just yesterday-in broad daylight-).....We used to have 12 wild turkeys out here-but they all were poached. Ok-enough of that-I will see you guys either Sunday or Monday. I think of you all and pray for you as well. All my love-Janet

on 4/25/08 4:36 am - pomona, MO
Good afternoon Jan and board...just got home from springfield got everything done now I am ready for surgery the 8th of may.  Janet you all be sure and call me when you come up here again. I would love to come to the meeting mon. we love the log house but is just to much to take care of with the acreage, it keeps both us mowing or something all time and I would like to have some time to travel a little, if we move to the one in town we have a large yard about a half acre thats enough... I am praying for all thats having surgery, when I am on the spot I cant remember everyones name and I dont want to leave anyone out, Jan I dont know how you do it ....I love all you....vesta


on 4/25/08 7:23 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri,
Not much happening today. Registration is moving onward here at MSU and I know Monday or Tuesday it will get crazy for me again.
I've been feeling better - have had two doses of the new arthritis medicine and truly believe it is helping some. Of course the weather is warmer and that helps too. We have had very little rain today but it is very dark and overcast so who knows what the night might bring. The cold front has moved in so probably no tornadoes.
Jan, talk to me about your shoulder surgery when I see you on Monday night. I am just now feeling better from surgery on 12/28/07. It's a PAIN!!!
Hugs and love to everyone.

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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