Advice Needed:
Ok I had gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago this past November. This last Saturday I had to have my gallbladder removed, and unfortunately my scale jumped up 10#'s and this totally freaks me out. Prior to my most recent surgery I was unable to eat for 2 days and haven't really eaten since, but have only managed to lose 4#'s of the 10#'s I gained. If anyone out there has had this experience please help. None of my clothes fit right now except my school scrubs and it is getting depressing.
i would imagine it is air that they put in abdomen to be able to see and also ivs that you were given, they always load you up while you are there with them. you should lose the 6 pounds easily enough drink lots of protein drinks for your protein and lots of water and take vits you will be ok. im sure of it.
Dear Anita,
Nurse Jan hit the nail on the head-PLEASE dont freak out-its going to take a bit for all of that stuff to be out of your system. You will return to normal-Im positive. Its happened to a lot of us-after ANY type of surgery-there IS weight gain-for the reasons Jan gave. You will be back to your old weight before you know it- Good Luck!! Janet