scope blog
I posted a blog on my profile about my day with the scope and wacky internist. I didn't do it to make myself feel important (I already know I am! LOL) I did if for ppl like me who are crazy worried or crazy planners and want to know every little thing about every little step. I did my best to remember as best as I could so I could write it all down. So, post-opers, no need to look! You've been there, pre-opers, if you are just dying to know, have a look. If not, well, that's just dandy with me! I hope everyone has a good night, I'm taking my butt to bed! It's been a long day!
Hey Christine, I'm a post-op too and I had to have a scope by Dr. H, but, I had mine done at the hospital the day of my pre-surgical assessment. BOY do they do things different!!! I can't believe that the difference in surgical sites would make such a diff! I was never even knocked out completely, just calmed down a bunch lol. Glad everything went okay for you.
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2