Im telling you ,you know that good tired you get when you have done physical work all day? That is the way I feel right now. We started in this morning about 8:30 or so working on and cleaning up in the rental house , oh my gosh we hauled 5 huge wheel barrels full of stuff out and burnt it. Made a dent in it some what. Still have old furniture to get out of there. Plus 2 old refrigerators that don’t work, now why would someone keep that? Most of the rest of the stuff I think we will call our trash people and see if they will bring out a dumpster to put it all in.
You know my mind got to thinking today about what was my biggest thing I would tell everyone about that was different in me before surgery and now. And I guess a day like today would have to be one of the biggest wows. I mean I physically worked all day only stopping to drink down a protein drink and plenty of water today, Before surgery my hardest thing I could do was try to sweep the floor and never got that done too well or too often. Now I can clean, and clean and then I planted 22 Hostas in the shade garden. I potted up from their starter beds 24 Petunias 24 Vinca,24 torch lilies, and about that many more tomato plants. And let me tell you that if someone wants this surgery and they think they are too old , not so. , not so. I was 65 when I had my surgery in August of 06 and im able to do so much more and feel like I did when I was in my 40s. lol 30s even I don’t really know but do know that my life has taken such a turn for the better.
Before surgery I had high blood pressure and my cholesterol was heading up the scale and I was borderline diabetic , now every test they do on me they find nothing wrong. Lol well the only thing is my joints. And that wont kill you , hurt like crazy but wont kill you.
Slowly I am getting them all replaced I guess. Lol was going to get the left knee done soon as I had the rt knee done in December but my orthopedic surgeon says I have to have my right shoulder repaired first. Tore rotator cuff. Oh well . enough of that stuff.
When I had my surgery I was well and felt fine right off the bat and never had much of anything wrong.
The whats happening post sort of grew out of my need to be in touch with others that have had the surgery and to help the ones coming along too. The board was quite at time and no one coming on so I started Whats Happening and little by little it has become a staple on the MO. Board. It is for everyone to post on about what they have been doing and any questions or wow moments or anything that is troubling them. We have some great and knowledgably people on here.
Janet said that I have been an inspiration to many, Oh my , me and inspiration? I like helping people and like to show them that they are ok that what ever it is that is troubling them will get better, Nothing ever stays the same, that has always been my motto to some degree. So if things never stay the same that means what ever it is that is troubling you, It will go away. Maybe not be tomorrow or whenever but you can count on it to change.
Well I guess I had better hurry and get this written and posted since we are having some heavy thunderstorms here at the present . and it looks like I may have waited too late to get on line. The computer satellite is out right now. Maybe it will clear up soon don’t know. Whatever I cant post this online and may have to wait till morning to do so.
If it doesn’t come on soon I wont be able to recap your post since I have to be at my pcps for blood work up this morning.
Man is it ever coming down. lol
MELISSA::::: honey I cant imagine all the horror you are going thru with every sound or phone call and all. Bless your heart and all I can do is Pray. But know that I am praying that the affair with the children will be to Gods plan, sometimes Gods plan doesn’t go the way we want it too but we have to remember that he is in control.
TRACI:::::: well we had that downpour yesterday and yeah it lasted about 40 minutes and we got one inch of rain when it was over with. Tonight it is raining just as hard but has been raining a long , long time. For at least 5 hours now. Don’t know what the rain gauge will say in the morning.
That sounds like a good exercise place too. I just wish I had one place to exercise near me.
AMY::::: how are you doing now, how is your mother. Is she ok? What was wrong?
Did you get your mothers dog back home so yours calmed down ?
Sounds like you have a reasonably calm place for 2 boys and dogs etc. Did you all get to Awannas on time?
I love Iris, they are really my favorite flower. I have over 300 varieties of them Some I have had for years but I usually go to the Iris farm in
JANET:::::::that sure was some rain yesterday , so did you all get this stuff tonight that we have had? Wild night.
Im glad that you got those papers filed with the child support office. I actually hope that he does come in there with someone to try and file those papers. Since so many of the bad guys here lately have been getting away with all their evil deeds would be fun to see at least one of them pay for their crocked ways.
I didn’t know that a black snake bite would be that bad for a dog. Black snakes do take care of a lot of bad things , like rats and mice and other evasive pests too
Got a good laugh out of the visual you painted about the snake and your Uncle lol
You know you can get a chemical to put around the outside area of your property that will keep the snakes out of your yard. Ive never used it but some who have say it works. Check at the feed mill would probably be the best place to find it.
Will be glad to try and help you anyway I can with the flowers and your yard.
Joe said to tell you HI too.
SHEILA:::::: wonder why your doctor told you to go to the ER? Weird if it is just allergies. What kind of shot did he give you for allergies? Continue to use the nasal spray does that seem to help any? And if it doesn’t help go back to doctor maybe ask your pharmacy what is good to take. They usually know as much as doctors about meds .
I don’t think losing weight would cause your head to roar lol that looks funny when you see it written down doesn’t it? Maybe see and eye, ears nose and throat guy. With medicare you don’t have to have a recommendation you can just call and make your own appointment. That might be the best person to go to.
Axious to see you Monday again. I know I wont even know you since you have gotten so little.
VESTA:::::: hey that is neat the buying the new place. So if you sell your you will live there or what? I love doing over old places and yards , is fun to me.
DEB M::::::know that we are all praying for you , Just know that God knows and you are in his hands so what ever is to be He is there with you on the journey. I have faith that you are going to be just fine.
Oh while the storms is calm im going to get this posted I hope
Love you all and

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2

~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I start my post-I would like to ask for prayer for the following: Brenda M. and her appt. May they finally help her with the pain! Also for Brenda N. for her cough and that she gets better before her surgery! Then for Chipster who is back in the hospital-that they will find out whats wrong and get him fixed-FOR GOOD this time! For Deb M. and her testing and treatments for the thyroid cancer, and for Bec M-for relief from her pain, and for strength and peace of mind! Thank you...All of these people are very special and I pray that all of them have strength, peace of mind and complete healing, no matter what the issue is!!
So yesterday proved to be the "norm" lately-ARGH...I HATE being/feeling rushed-and I cant stand it when one of my children does that last minute crap-they know this too-so you would THINK that they would stop-or deal with mom being the B word, not my kids! I went to the motel to help clean.....I was there for 6 hours. I had just gotten done-and my mom and I were loading Jonathan into her SUV to go out and do some shopping for the motel-curtains and such-when my 17 yr old texts me and says-whose picking me up? I text her back-For what? I didnt have or see anything on the calender until Thurs (tonite) for a job interview at the mall.....No-she tells me that she told me that she had to work-???? Ok-so #1-I think I would remember that. #2-I know its NOT on the calender.....so crap-now I have to go ALL the way out to Diamond-and back to Joplin AGAIN...And I am NOT a happy camper. I hate being rushed. Every A hole you could see yesterday was on the road-and riding my *ss. To the point I wanted to say-if your gonna ride my *ss, at least pull my hair at the same time!!! So-I rush out to Diamond to get her-then I am pulling into my driveway and there is a back hoe blocking the front of my driveway-towards the top where the house is-???? Oh man-they are digging something up-so I have to leave the car-walk to the house (No biggie yet)...then Steph starts whining-I wanna drive-and I am just not in the mood to be scared on top of pee`d off-right? Against my better judgement I let her-because I figured I would be able to pluck this hair off my chin thats been bugging me all day (yes-you heard me right!! LOL-) Well, lo and behold-my tweezers are like a little weapon, very sharp-I could seriously damage someone if I used them!~ Well, I get the mirror down, and I have my tweezers-and I will be damned if my daughter jerks the car into the other lane-so she wouldnt hit a squirrel in the road-and I rip my chin open!!!! ok-so now I am bleeding, and I still didnt get that hair-but I am NOT about to try again! Hope this heals up before I get to see my peeps Monday night! Ok-so I give her this huge lecture about swurving like that-and not to do that when she doesnt know if something is in that lane coming over the hill and yadi yadi....Now-if that was the worst thing-probably wouldnt be too bad-but I decide that the boys and I are going to go grocery shopping (mistake #2)...I go to Dillons and spend the rest of my money on food for my family-LOL.. and when I was getting out of the car-the molding strip for the door jam on the bottom, snags my foot-and I fall back into that peice thats round that the door latches to-kinda like the hatch? anyway-it catches my back pocket-and Yep, you guessed it-it ripped the pocket right off my jeans/capris-and now my underwear are showing-and my sons are oblivious to my delimna because they are arguing about whose gameboy has what game in it????? HELLO. MOM NEEDS HELP HERE? Thank goodness I had left my jacket in the car-cuz I just tied it around my waist-thank goodness I had lost the weight or it wouldnt have fit around my waist-see-I did see the positive in the situation.....I just looked like I had been in a wreck with Mother Nature - and she won!!! We get done in the store and go to walk out to the car and the sky opened up-so I have the boys stay there-and I go load the groceries in the car and get them-I am soaked, completely-and now I am driving in this mess-about 30 mph and still could barely see! It was still raining like that when I went to pick up Steph at 9 pm. When I got to our road-I pulled over and told her that she was going to drive-night and rain....and when I get out of the car-I end up in this puddle-above my ankle-Are you kidding me? I couldnt even believe it! Stephy has the giggles because she stepped in it first-and she was wearing MY TENNIS SHOES!! She said-Mom, thats WHY I told you to be careful~I didnt hear her because her phone was going off and I was listening to the ringtone...... So, not one, but TWO pair of my shoes are muddy and completely soaked-and I hate that feeling between my toes!!! If Stephy wouldnt have gotten the giggles, I think I would have started to cry. When I told her about my pocket on my pants-I thought she was going to wet herself!
Anyway-When I was getting ready to head to town to get Steph about 8:40 pm, I had this really weird feeling that was freaking me out-and bad...I had text my mom, Megan, Mel and Tammy asking for prayer-I dont get that kind of feeling very often-like a spooky kind-well, I get up to 32nd street and Duquesne Road and there was a HUGE accident-there were 7 cars and 2 semis! There were 2 cars whose front ends were totally gone off the cars and the red cars roof was totally caved in!! Down to the bottom of the seats at least...It had just happened-there was one police officer there-the Dusquesne one, and he was probably sitting in his normal speeding trap spot-so he was within a block or so of the accident anyway-when I passed it, I started crying-it was awful-the ambulances, paramedics, firetrucks and 3 more police cars passed by within a mile of the accident. Thats the worst accident I have ever seen. When I got to Stephs work-I text them to ask for prayer for the people in that accident! That was my weird feeling. 5 minutes earlier and I would have been there! I was taking it really slow though because of the hard rain. Thank God!!
I think our cat is going to have her kittens soon-she is sleeping a lot and looking mopey-and she is the friendlist cat I have ever seen-but she is just so uncomfortable, she will come to you-but then she just lays down....We made a box for her-with a towel in it, and I hope she will have them there-and not in my closet-where I keep finding her! We usually dont let her in the house cause she wont stay off the counters-but she hasnt gotten on the counters at all in 2 days. I know she can still jump-cause she jumps up on the hood of the car when I pull in the carport! She is getting fixed before I let her outside again! As soon as she can. Jon gets to keep a boy kitty and then Clair (Mels little girl) gets a boy kitty too. I hope we get 2 boys out of them. I hope she doesnt have a lot-LOL....Shes pretty portly though and when you touch her belly, you can feel the kittens in there! Thats so cool!
Oh-I got this text from Mel last night-her and Clair were out at Walmart and some man was following them around the store! I told her to show him her pepper spray and to find a Walmart employee-manager whomever....Of course, when he was confronted, he claimed he wasnt following her! Its too scary! I know he was following her-and it bothers me that I feel like something else is going to go down before its all said and done (AGAIN!) Please pray for them too-they can use it.
Well, I better get this wrapped up and get my laundry started before it starts to rain again....Our yard is all tore up-the plumbing!!! All along the side of the house to the front, and across the driveway to the other side!! What a mess!
**Jan-Dozer is going to be okay-but it looks pretty bad. There really isnt anything we can do for him until it starts to scab over-and then we put neosporin on it. Well, Mike does-I cant stomach it! To me-the only good snake is a dead one, but I do understand that they eat the field mice, the other snakes that are poisonous and so on...wish my dog didnt think they were something to play around with!
I got tears in my eyes when I was reading what you wrote-I feel like I was typing those words myself. The funny thing is-when I posted about all the changes-I didnt put down ALL the changes-like I forgot to put down that I think my BIGGEST change is the change in my soul. Truly. I feel happy and nicer. I also forgot to put down that my pre-diabetes, my high blood pressure, my incontenance problem and my sleep apnea are all gone!! All gone! That is huge. I dont envy our newbies-when they get that feeling of despair and frustration-It takes me back-and I pray for them, for strength and peace of mind!!!
When I was reading what Amy wrote (happy in oz) I was thinking to myself-I wonder if those shock collars would work if I put them on my kids-and they started to whine (Jon and Darrel) or complain (stephanie, jon and darrel) that I could just give it a little zap? What do you think? Or if it would work on my hubby when he goes to throw his tie down on the couch-ZZZZAAAAPPPP-or leave his jackets and shoes RIGHT WHERE WE WALK? ZZAPPPP... I could have some real entertainment here, couldnt I?
**Vesta-will you be at the meeting Monday? I WANT TO SEE YOU...Its been more than 6 months! I havent seen you since we used to have our meetings at the firehouse station! I will keep you in prayer for your upcoming surgery-and I am jelous-LOL...I want a boob job when I have my tummy tuck. I just want them to be perky, like they are suppose to be-and I dont think they ever have been-IF so-I was too young to know better or care! I figured that would be the ONE thing I do for myself-is a boob job-but will see. Dr. Price came to one of our group meetings and said that I would most likely have to have implants too-when I said I just wanted a "lift" to bring them up to where they are suppose to be-he said I would probably just be a large A or a small B then....Oh, I dont think I want them that small!! LOL... When I get to West Plains next with Mel-We will have to come see you! Where are you having surgery at? Good luck, hon~
**Tammy-Ammy: IF Calgon worked-I would simply buy them in truck loads-and buy stock in the company-and then sell them to all of us who could use a break! LOL...
I know you well enough to know that Heather is NOT a very good person-and that IS NOT your fault. DO NOT let yourself feel guilty Tammy, all you have done is give her chance after chance, after chance-and each time you get kicked in the teeth-enough is enough already! She is NOT a baby anymore-and she is going to have to learn the hard way that she doesnt always get her way. She does have a lot of growing up to do-but you cannot control her-and you cant make her take her medicine that makes her bearable-so just sit back and let God take care of her-you dont deserve the crap you are putting yourself through-from ANY of the kids-really. They are ALL old enough to take care of themselves-and as much as they lay on you-and screw you over, maybe its just time to do for Tammy, and you know I am saying that out of love, right? You will get those 2# off-you will-I stayed in one place for almost 3 months one time-but when the scale moved again, it was generous. Are you still doing protein? Love ya girl-take care of YOU...K?
Well, I have typed a novel-so I am going to close. Please take care, and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
This is going to have to be super quick, I'm extremely late and I have a very busy day.
It was a gorgeous day yesterday. Home group last night for church went very well - big turn out!!

Jan, honey, you already have a place close to you to work out - it's called your BACKYARD! You're out there working in that yard all day long! What more kind of workout do you need than that?!!! You're doing fine!!
Gotta run. Have a great day everyone!
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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