Surgery with a cough/cold???
Thank you everyone for your help! and prayers!
I went back to my doctor today and got another shot in the hinny. Then I came home and wanted to crash sooo bad but the phone kept ringing and it took me two hours to get that nap!
I am not coughing uncontrolably today, but when I am coughing I am bringing up tons of phlems (tmi I know). So as long as I keep the crud moving, I know I'll get better faster.
I will work on expanding my lungs, but will have to put my oxygen on to do that....sounds like a great idea!
Re the vicks on the feet....I didn't think anyone else knew about that! I do it with a pair of white socks on for the night. Is there anything vicks won't heal or help???
Better go back to the couch... my head feels like it's in a barrel. I'm taking everything in the medicine cabinet and it seems to be helping- thank you everyone for the prayers, it means so much to me!
I'm in a hurry to get out the door- but I just had t ostop and post that I'm sooooo much better today! I have not even coughed this morning, my chest is not nearly as tight or tired and I can take deep breaths! Oh thank you soooooo much for the prayers.....Medicine is good, but prayer is what does the job!
Will write more later, gotta get out the door-