Jan C.
on 4/22/08 3:00 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hmmmmmmmm I think I have writers block tonight….lol  Today we started transferring all our stacks of lumber left over from other jobs we have done to one shed to get them up out of the way. We had it in two different areas and covered with tarps so today was the day to finally get it up and in the shed . Good grief that was a job. But lumber is so expensive now that we just couldn’t see throwing away good 2x4s or 2x8s or cedar siding, etc etc.

I think we are going to call our trash company and see what they charge to bring out a big dumpster so we can clean out the rental house all at one time. Might save money in the long run that way. Especially since gas is so high. GAS!!! That just makes me want to scream 3.39 how could that be , I don’t know how someone that is working on min wage could possible make enough to go to work.


I have to get up really early in the morning and go get all of my lab drawn. That should be fun lol Dr. said it  should be about 6 to 8 vials of blood for all of them. Good grief and is suppose to be NPO so I will be weak anyway I better take me a mixed protein drink to drink as soon as they get done.   



TRACI:::: lol it is a shame that everyone doesn’t have the same thermostats isnt it? Use to I was always so hot and kept the house like a iceberg, now im always cold and keep the house like the desert. Lol .

I hope you like Curves since it is close to you like that.




HAPPYINOZ:::: hey that is a cool name but is it the one your mother gave you at birth? Lol  and to answer your question of course anyone can post and I encourage every one to do so. It helps me get to know you a little better. Basically because I stop long enough to read your profile and check it all out so I maybe get to know you better.


That is something we need to have done too is get the bug guy out. Ants are really going crazy out here too I guess it always happens this time of year.


OH about the iris. First off you planted them last year? Sometimes it takes a couple of years for them to start blooming according to what time of the year you planted them but on the up note it is a little early for them where you are. ,Mine have just started budding with some of the very earlist ones now blooming. Also you said in a well watered spot, bearded iris don’t like to have their feet wet at all. they do better on a high and dry spot. I never water mine at all. Iris are a pretty hardy lot if you give them what they like which is dry ground and plenty of sun. they really aren’t interested  in too much fertilizer or supplements.

My strawberries are blooming like crazy too. I meant to make another bed this winter but never got around to it , maybe later on I can get it made. Lol

Keep up the good work and keep that smile going.



JANET::::::sure sounds like your ex was planning something doesn’t it? I hope you got down there today with your papers and stuff. Makes you want him to come on in to try something like that doesn’t it? I bet he would be surprised that his scheme didn’t work lol


Oh wow I hope your grandbaby is better now. You know my grandbabies have ate some weird stuff but I don’t think they ever ate their own hair. You have funny grandbabies.


Wow I hope Dozer is ok from the snake bite….


Sounds like we know who you got your wonderful bones and joints from, your dad. I hope the meds that the doctor gave him will make him feel better.


Hope you are feeling better today but we are heading for rain all this week so all of us with the bad bones and arthritis and other joint aches and pains I guess we will just have to take our pain meds and grin and bear it lol


I will bring you some tomato plants on Monday night. They aren’t as big this year as the ones I brought last year but they haven’t been growing as long yet. So you will have to keep them for awhile yet. You want to make sure the weather isnt going to turn cool again before you put them out. they don’t like cool weather at all.



SHEILA::::::yes I will bring you some too. Don’t worry ok. Lol


Sorry you are still feeling sick , I told you it was allergies didn’t I. So did he give you anything to help clear it up?

That is awesome about the 92 pounds. You know I need to get busy and lose some more weight you all are catching up with me. Lol.


Anxious to see you Monday night.



MELISSA::::: I so happy that your mom is feeling better , at least comfortable enough to be able to go home,

I think you ought to tell your sister all of the things you are going thru right now so she wont be upset that you cant be in all places at once.

Maybe you need to go see someone about your being sick all the time.

I hope and pray that you will feel better in no time flat , it is hard for mommies to take off time to be sick. Lol  GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU....



on 4/22/08 6:52 pm - Joplin, MO
Morning MO Peep's       Yes, it's me again at 2:30am. Wandering aimlessly thro the house while everyone is totally scaked out. Snoreing softly (except my dear hubby. he is viberating the roof of the house LOL) looking all comfy in their PJ's, streached out sleeping away. Almost make me wanna shake the Geebies out of my dear hubby. For being able to sleep so soundly. LOL Not that I would really do that to him.         I got to talk to my primary contact person. From the organazation that's going to be looking out for my family. I'm not useing their names until after they do the BIG Ride then I can start useing thier names. Anyhow I talked with him for almost an hr. And he asked me a buttload of questions. He told me that he is actually with 10 blocks of my house. Which made me really feel really safe. He told me that on occasion that acouple of them would ride by the house just to check things out. But that they wouldnt necessarly be stopping by. What they will do is when the start to go by our house. They will throttle up. So I guess it was around 7ish. The kids just got out of the bath tub and was finishing getting in thier jammies. When I heard this low rummble and then throttleing of motorcycles engiens as 3 of them went by the house. 1 of them came all the way from Carl Junction just to join the other 2 for a ride by. Now dont get me wrong CJ isnt that far from Carthage maybe 25 miles one way. But it was just the thought that he came this way to join his other brothers & sisters of the group come by to check on us.        We started getting the phone calls again today. And the scarey thing about it was they called when Terry was gone. One of my b-i-l's groupies called and wanted to know what my hubby wanted. They tried to say my hubby was out on my b-i-l's property. And of course my b-i-l called the police to try and get Terry for trespassing. But he wasnt know where near my b-i-l's property. But my b-i-l was going to get several of his friends lie and say that they all saw him out their. So the policed Dept ended up calling my house to spean to my hubby. My hubby told him what he was wearing. Hubby asked the police what vechile he was supposely driveing. They gave the wrong info. And I told the officer to feel free to send an officer over to my house. And I would take him out to the garage and he could lay down on the hood of the car to show that is was cold. Anyways it has been an up and down night all long. So much for the peace and quite. But we knew that it wasnt going to as long as it actually did. Besides I get more nervious when it is too quiet cause then I know he is sceaming things up. And it makes me feel like I have to always be looking over my shoulder. So I'm going tobe getting in contact with Frick before this weekend. To see if it would be possible to get togather Sunday after church. To come out and target pratice with Rufus. (JUST IN CASE)    Well I'm going to get off of here. I gotta get me something to drink and walk thro the house and check on everyone again. I have the alarm set and I have my tazer gun right beside me. lol Pretty sad yes I know. I pray you all have a great week. Love you all Melissa                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Traci K.
on 4/22/08 8:48 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
Well after the downpour yesterday morning, it ended up being a pretty nice day. Curves is going well, but then my Pastor's wife emailed me and there's a new gym in town: Snap, and they also have a 1 week free trial. Snap isn't just for women, so my hubby could join too, and Snap is available 24 hours a day with a key pass thing to get in, and they have personal trainers. So I'm going to try Snap I believe next week to see how I like them before I decide.

Tonight I have church home group here at my house, so I'll be cleaning today. If I can manage to get the house in order, I have some web design work I need to do - if not, it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 4/22/08 10:55 pm - Lebanon, MO
Ok, O****ep forgetting that I haven't tod many folks my TRUE identity here...yes, it's true, I AM Hillary Clinton...lol. Ok, I'll fess, I am AMY. The HappyInOz is code for happy in the ozarks lol. Sorry, I'm a little punch drunk this morning. My Mom got real sick out of the bue yesterday, so, me and the DH went over t help her out a bit last night. I cooked her some supper while DH rehung her blinds and started puttin her socket plates back on (she's having her house remodeled and the contractors don't do that). Anyways, she was pretty sick, and I volunteered to take her schnauzer home with me so she wouldn't have to take care of her on top of being sick. OY!!!! My dog (also a schnauzer) and hers just about droveme nuts!!! First Zoey (hers) jumped on my stomach...OUCH! My incision sites are still a litle tender and I think she planted her feet on every one of them before I threw her off. My See See (my schnauzer) knows better. But then,DH didn't want to lock poor Zoey up last night and so I had TWO dogs in my bed last night and Zoey has NO manners. Then at 3 am, Ben, my youngest, decideds to come climb on my head and try to sleep with us too for some reason.  Zoey  then proceeded to jump all over him AND me and the resulting chao woke up See See up who decided SHE had to potty!!! GRRR. By the time we got everyone settled back down and in their right beds it was 3:30. I think my poor boy is still feeling a bit puny from his latest cold and might even be headed for a relapse based on his cough. Can't really get to mad at him when he feels like that. But, today is a new day and except for feeling slightly silly, I have suffered no ill effects from the nights activities. Currently, my boys are snarfing wheat toastand apple slices for breakfast. The schnauzers are tearing around playing, and we are all enjoying the warm spring morning. I keep hoping the forecast for Saturday will change over to sunshine as I am dying to get to SDC. This is the last weekend we can go before the World Fest is over as Jason is on call next weekend and that's the Frog Fest anyways. I'm starting to sound like the Queen in Alice in Wonderland lol. Anyways, at least it's a beautiful start to the day. My roof is now 5/8 finished. Sadly, with all the rain Jason hsn't been able to get up there and slap anymore shingles down. He's been working on it for a month and half now adI'm starting to think it's never going to get done! The stuff that is finished is absolutely beautiful though, and so much better the the drab brow we had before that was popping shingles every time the wind blew. Tonight Sam has Awanas and since I STILL can't drive (grrrrrr, worst part of post op in my book), I have t hope Jaon makes it home from work in time to go. Our church serves dinner on Wednesday night for 5$ for a family. It's a lot easier then trying to get everyone fed, cleaned up, and dressed before we'd have to leave and the food is great...not that I'd know lol. Our church is a real home fo me and such a support as well. Jan thanks for the advice on the irises. When I said well watered...I should have explained that I meant that in regards to my yard lol. My yard is either swamp or drought, there are only  happy mediums on it and my flower plot is one. I will keep patiently waiting, I so hope they grow. There's just something sweetly old fashioned about irises. Well I've babbled enough lol. Best wishes to you all on this blessed day!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 4/22/08 11:36 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Good Wednesday to you all!!! I have to make this quick-as I have to get to town early today and finish up some things I didnt get done yesterday for my parents. Yesterday was just a ho-hum Eeyore kind of day and let me tell you-when it started to rain-it wasnt any of that sissy stuff-it was one of the hardest rains I have seen in a long time-cars all over were pulled over-in fact, there were only a couple of cars that didnt pull over-you couldnt see ANYTHING!! Thank goodness it only lasted about 1/2 hr-that would have caused more flooding if it would have done that any longer!!

On my way in to my parents-I stopped at Child Support Enforcement and dropped off my paperwork. I had to add a paragraph stating that I would in deed press charges should he come in and either have someone inpersonate me or whatever the case would be-he isnt going to walk in there on his own, because he is felony level for back support-so he will want someone there to be me so that I can sign off on the arrears-which I am not going to do-no way, no how!

I had gone to check on my boy, Dozer-and that bite is probably the worst one I have seen so far on him-I swear that dog gets bit twice a summer-and you would think he would learn to leave them alone! If it comes in the pen-he wants to kill it-which is okay with the opposums, the ground hogs, stuff like that-but he once carried a full sized turtle in his mouth-and the only reason we knew it was there-was the turtle had a pc of weed in its mouth so it was hanging out of Dozers too! LOL...that was funny-but anyway-when I saw the wound yesterday I got the dry heaves-Im not gonna go into details, for fear I will get sick all over again-but if you could say some prayers for our dog, I would appreciate it.

I tried to talk Mikes dad and uncle into finding the snake and killing it-but they say that the black snake (he is 6 ft easy) kills the copperheads-so they dont want to kill him. YIKES...So-while dad is out on the tractor in front, Uncle Jessie is standing next to it-talking to Dad-I come around the corner to talk to both of them-stop dead in my tracks and yell at Jessie that there is a huge snake between his feet....He about jumped out of his skin-HA. Thats what you get for making fun of me for being afraid of it-Mr. Manly-WHATEVER-he jumped up on the tractor like a big old sissy!!! And off went the snake-right to the dogs pen!~I couldnt believe it-and I sure as heck wasnt going to follow too close, however I watched where it went-from a safe distance.

Then we went to check the pool and see how many critters were in there-we usually have a couple of snakes, trantulas and tons of frogs. We didnt see any snakes yet-but we wont be opening it for about 6 more weeks anyway-so there is still time. While we were all standing in there, Mike (the hunter that he is) says-I hear bunnies that are in trouble-or hurt (one of his pig calls sounds like a wounded bunny-believe it or not) so anyway-sure enough, right on the other side of the privacy fencing-Grandmas beagle had dug up a baby bunny nest-and she had one of the babies in her mouth. We were too late-that one died-and another had a little wound on his head-I hope he makes it. We tried to see if our pregnant cat would lick his wound or something and she just picked it up and put it on the rug. She didnt try to eat it though, and Abby is a hunter. Anyway-we put their little nest back where it was suppose to be and covered it back up. This morning they were gone, so I hope mamma bunny put them somewhere else-these were the smallest bunnies I have ever seen-probably a day or two old.

Tonite, if it doesnt rain, Mike is making load the chamber of the shotgun without making any noise because we are turkey hunting saturday. Sunday he has his big racing banquet that he goes to-so Sunday I wont have to get up at the butt crack of dawn and sit on my rear end all day not being able to move...Im pretty worried about the coughing thing or having to pee-LOL....He takes his hunting really seriously-and thats why a lot of people dont like to hunt or fish with him.....I must be crazy!

Well, I am going to wrap this up and get. Grandma and Aunt Mary are out at the garden to finish getting it prepped for our planting-so I am going to go talk to them for a few and head to town.

**Jan-I didnt see your post on the inspirational post for the newbies-you have to get in there and post-because you are an inspiration to so many here. You keep us all bonded with your dedication to your posts and such. By the way, in case we havent told you lately-THANK YOU for what you do-thanks for always giving us a place to connect and for the dedication it takes. We love you so much and I, for one, am glad to call you my friend. Love ya! Say hi to Joe for me.

Oh-and I bet that big dumpster would be the best bet too-they are pretty reasonable out this way- When things settle down, I am going to email you about my flowers and plants etc and where and when-all that good stuff. Or maybe Monday IF we all get to go out afterwards-I can pick your brain then-and I have a notebook in my purse to take notes, like Im in class. LOL...No-I wouldnt want to take over the time at Village Inn-cause I know thats when everyone just chats about everything. Will see you then.

**TO everyone else-I hope you are all doing well and good-I pray for all of you, all the time-blanket prayers too. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Sheila H.
on 4/23/08 12:15 am - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH peeps i have a Q..........  dr said the roaring in my head was allergys and he gave me a shot and a nasal spray but its NOT any better... so i am sitting here wondering whats going on...could it be low sugar? high sugar? any idea's? my friend called the Drs office yest and he said if not better go to ER but i dont wanna do that yet... i just feel like its some thing to do with ALL the changes my body is going thru....what u think? any   in put would be appreciated..tks have a GREAT day


on 4/23/08 2:08 am - pomona, MO
have you ever had inner ear problems? just go and have your sugar and blood pressure taken...I just dont know.....vesta


on 4/23/08 2:15 am - pomona, MO
good morning Jan and board, compared to some I live a very boring life...lol well we did buy a place in town (west plains) and we are gonna remodel it and may live there we have put ours up for sale, that will keep me busy awhile, also alot of flower work. I sure worry about Mel, checking on everyone at 2:00 thats a good mamma....thinking of her family first, bless her heart. Everyone have a great day....vesta


Debbie M.
on 4/23/08 9:37 am - Harrisonville, MO
As of today, what I have been told is: There were 17 lymph nodes removed with both sides of my thyroid gland, as well. Most of my para- thyroid glands were taken as well. 4 of the 17 were cancerous, 3 being in lymph nodes just below my thyroid gland and 1 being off by itself toward the left side of my neck. With these 4 cancerous lymph nodes being found outside the thyroid, they consider it having had spread.   They believe they got it all, only the Lord knows that for sure! I feel fine and am recovering well. I will have to go in for treatments related to Papillary Thyroid Cancer which consists of bloodwork ups and full body scans while being given something called "Radioactive-Iodine Treatments." It's not like Chemo or Radiation, the thyroid or the thyroid tissues that are left draw the Iodine right to them and it kills off any cancer left. The full body scans will check to see if the cancers have moved to any other place in my body, which is doubtful. If it has, this iodine should wipe them out as it goes through my body.   I also got all my drains and stitches out today....thank you Lord!!   I have faith that all will be okay...do you? If not, pray!! God is here for all of us, not just for the sick!!   I love all of you and will be praying that you find peace with this as I pray that you do the same for me. Love & Prayers, Deb M  

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