Jan C.
on 4/21/08 3:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Seems we have a lot of newbies fighting the food hungry demons. Just remember you aren’t going to starve. Get in your protein drinks and vits and water and you have all you need to survive. The food is uses to help us control our hunger. So therefore you should always eat protein first since it will stay in the stomach longer and keep you feeling full.

It really does get easier to where you don’t think you are starving all the time. And yes I am 1 and half years out and I still have the triggers of smell and sight of something and want it, once in awhile I give into that and then im sorry, The dumping you have after eating something we aren’t suppose to have is a hard lesson to learn. I was all this ive never dumped up until just recently and it is no fun believe me , the heart rate double what it is suppose to be the feeling like you are going to throw up and with me gas like you wouldn’t believe . after about 2 hours it was over but I felt like I was weak and wrung out. I wont go there again I know that for sure. No matter how good something smells, looks or even tastes. Cause you might get away with a taste of it but go for the whole thing and you will be sorry. Believe me.


Went to my pcp today and gave her the list of lab I need to have done .she put it in my chart and said that to come in any morning fasting about 7:30 and the lab would draw these. She laughed and said she had forgotten some of those were even available. Lol

She is a really cool girl. I say girl because she is about half my age lol She and her husband are both doctors and they have 3 kids and they live downstairs from the clinic. She said they have talked about building a nice big house somewhere but this is just so convenient and she can run down and see about the kids anytime the babysitter needs her.


Went to the nursery today and got several new perennials. I bought another bleeding heart since mine went wacky this year…the old one is really pretty and huge bush but the flowers on it turned into something else …don’t know what , everyone doesn’t believe me about it but I swear, the bleeding heart is purple fuzzy flowers this year. ????Dont ask me I have never seen anything do this. The flowers on it are pretty but weird .


I am going to plant all my hostas that I grew in the green house tomorrow since all the ones I had in the ground are up and doing fine, and last year they were up and it came that freeze and didn’t hurt them at all. So I think I will be safe planting those.


Sprinkled bug dust on all my roses today , they are looking really good but noticed looked like aphids on them so get that stopped before it gets worse I hope.

I have some of the old fashioned iris in bloom already , but a lot of the hybrid ones have buds on them lets just hope that it doesn’t freeze or have a heavy frost now.




BEVERLY  B:::::: see I told you that what I have to say isnt that interesting either so don’t feel bad. What you do day to day is interesting you your friends. And we like to know how you are doing ….I am so proud of you for quiting smoking that is awesome, shows me and everyone else that you are serious about gaining back your health.


I don’t blame you for being proud of your daughter, that is awesome that she is doing all of that by herself, but yeah like you said she needs a Nanny. I don’t know of one off hand but we will keep the word out. I had one for my kids when they were young and I was by myself , well I don’t know if you call her a Nanny or not because I couldn’t afford to pay her but I knew her and she was from such a poor family ,she was 17 and wanted to get away from her home so I gave her a room and board to watch my kids, so I could work 2 full time jobs to make ends meet. I gave her a small salary and bought her a new blouse or pair of jeans or something each week. She was with me for about 2 years and it was wonderful but sad when I lost her too. Never had anyone like that afterwards. It was so nice for the kids to be able to come home on the bus and she cooked for them and all and when I would run in inbetween jobs to change clothes. They were always ok .


When in May is the graduations. Believe me after the surgery it wont take you long at all to recover , By the time I was on my second week after surgery I felt totally fine. No soreness or anything. My only problems was needing to keep a bathroom to close to be able to go anywhere for about another week lol but not everyone has that problem.


We will keep you on the prayer list to have your insurance approve you fast and get this scheduled and over and done with. And keep posting. Please.



TRACI::::::::yea!!!was a great day yes?? How was Curves???do you think you will like it?

I opened all the windows in my house up and they are still open right now too. I love this time of year.

Temp got up to 81 today but I sure wasn’t hot like I use to be. Use to I would have had the A.C. going by now.



DEB  M::::: I hope you are feeling better now that the drain is out . Hope that you heal like you are suppose to. Take it easy for a while and remember you have people praying for you.  

About the time you are feeling great will be the time to get out there and plant some pretty flowers and that will make everything so much better.

Hang in there kid , you know you don’t have any choice.



MEG::::: the biggest wow you can have is the first time you try the smallest clothes on that they have in the plus size and they are falling off of you. Wow.!!!! Makes you start grinning from ear to ear.




SUGAR:::::;hey baby sister did you survive all your running you had to do yesterday?

Love the picture you sent me , you need to put that in your book and bring it to the support meeting Monday. Ok?

For all the newbies that don’t know , Sugar is my younger sister. And no sugar is just the name we have all called her since she was born. But so does everyone else now.



JANET::::so did you all get all the lawn and fields mowed???

I know what you mean it seems like I cant get out of wal mart for less than a hundred dollars.

So it was gloomy at your house today? Was beautiful here. But did get sort of cloudy once in a while.

Oh yeah on the one year old and the birthday cake, did you see my pictures of the four one year olds that we had back in Febuary? The pictures are on my profile if anyone wants to see them they are adorable.

Sounds like your ex needs to be touched , real hard up side his head. Lol with maybe a steel pipe or something.

Like Melissas bil. I hope he tries something with the bikers lol

I will bring you several tomato plants….you will get a variety of  them. Big red ones, Roma ones and small yellow ones. Do you have a fairly good sized garden?


Has Melissa heard anymore from the bil and the she devil? I have been praying and praying that nothing will happen to bar the adoption. But if she reneges on  the paper she signed already well lets just say that I don’t really believe God would put those babies in Melissas arms to take them away from her now. Pray pray pray.




TAMMY : So good to see you again. Isnt that a great feeling to be able to work outside doing things that a year ago you could only dream that you would be able to do that.

The first time I worked outside hard all day was like wow!!!im human again. lol

You just keep on smiling girl it will only get better the more weight you lose.


I thought I felt someone thinking of me , lol probably wishing I was there to pull weeds huh?

Wish you could plan on being at the meeting next Monday, but I know how this high price of gas is stopping a lot of people from doing a lot of things.



DEBBIE  D:::: oh no don’t take back those pretty clothes. You looked so cute in them I don’t know why you wouldn’t wear that jacket , you go to church and all sorts of things all the time don’t you? And that lookes so cute with jeans or a nice pair of dress pants both. So you could dress it up a lot. The leather jacket I could see taking it back it is nice and beautiful but it wasn’t as cute as the other jacket. I hope you decide to keep the bright colored one especially.

You are like me since I have lost this weight I haven’t bought much at all that was new and just for me. Most of what I have has been given to me but I keep eliminating things that people give me by hanging it in my closet and if I haven’t found a use for it or a way to wear it in 2 months it goes in the give away box.

I have a whole big box to bring to the meeting this month.

Hope some people can find a use for some of it.

It was just so much fun to shop with you but I could see you were getting really tired , I would have been too trying on all of those clothes. Lol.

It wears me out real quick when I do that.



MELISSA:::: so sorry you are being sick , do you think it might be the pain pills that you are taking? I have a hard time taking pain meds it always seems to do me that way. I hate taking anything more than Tylenol for that reason.

And then again since you aren’t under any stress that couldn’t be any part of it too

We all love and care about you and those babies , like I said I really thing God has meant for you to take those babies and raise them and we all need to Pray and Pray that that is what he wants too and will make it happen .

Have you informed the bikers about the biological womb, as Janet says, is back , maybe they can make all of them just disappear. You think? If they cant there is a group of bikers in Arkansas that probably can , they are as bad as they come. Lol


Cant wait to see you again. take care and we will see you next Monday.




Well everyone hope Tuesday finds you happy and going full steam ahead no matter where you are heading…

Take it easy on yourself

Love and hugs





Traci K.
on 4/21/08 8:50 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
Wow - yesterday was awesome! I did cave and turn the AC on, because my children were complaining and it was muggy and hot upstairs in the girls' room. The cats were even laying around staring and meowing at me. Even though I wasn't sweating, heat gives me migraines and I didn't want to go there - so I turned on the AC for a bit to cool it down and take that humidity out. The attic fan just wasn't cutting it.

Curves was fine. I'm not sore this morning and I was working in my target heart rate zone too. I'm going back this morning after I take the kids to school and will work in the 50% zone to give my muscles a chance to rest, which is what she said to do if you go every day. Since this is my free week, that's what I'm going to do. I'm not sure if I'm going to join yet or not. Obviously I'll make a decision by the end of the week.

So today after I take the kids to school, I'm stopping by Curves to workout, then home to work in my office. Got lots of client work to do.

Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 4/21/08 9:55 pm - Lebanon, MO
Hi Jan and all. I don't know if anyone can post, but, I'm kind of a social Helen Keller and tend to barge in...so here goes... Yesterday was beautiful here and SO WARM!!! I had a bug guy come and spray my nside and outside on account of the ants marching 2x2 to the 10th power everywhere. On the upside it also took care of any spiders or other creepy crawlies. While he was here I took my terrordactyls outside and let them roam, ride, and play while I walked up and down our lane. After my youngest had his nap we went back outside for a little bit before my oldest's soccer match. Question did anyone along I-44 here a huge boom like a explosion yesterday afternoon? It scared my whole family to death!!!  Sam (my oldest) asked me if Jesus was getting ready to come lol. I thought it was sweet and cute...made me proud too. Sam getting saved at VBS last year and then baptized has been the highlight of my parenting life. This morning I am listening to the thunder boomers moving in. I guess it's sposed to be like this off and on all day and get up to near 80 again. I love spring thunderstorms, but, not day after day after day of them. I'm hoping that it clears off in time for Saturday as we're wanting to go to Silver Dollar City this weekend. Jan, I had planted some purple bearded irises last fall and they are growing just to beat the band, but, there are NO BUDS!!!! I have them plante in a nice warm well watered part of the yard but I haven't seen bud one. My peonies are all budding, yet not irises. Is there something they're not getting that the ought to be? On the up side, my yard may look like poop, but my strawberries are going ape. I should have berries here within another month or so :) I have to have the DH get out there with some seed and plant grass before it gets so hot that it burns the seed up. Well, that's about it for me. Not much going on in the life of a stay at home Mom who can't drive for 2 more days lol. Keeping myself hydrated, keeping myself busy. God bless you all!!!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Jan C.
on 4/21/08 11:02 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
OF course anyone can post , the more the merrier.....i love it when i get on here and see that newbies that have just been around for a little while are posting on here. great , wonderful , it helps me get to know you all better.   Jan



on 4/21/08 11:35 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

I want a boring life-I do, I do-I DO!! Yesterday I didnt go anywhere-there was nothing that couldnt wait until today-so I opted to just stay home and get things done here and just chill. Well, chillin' wasnt in the cards for the day, but I sure gave it my best shot!

So I called Child Support Enforcement because I had this really weird feeling that my ex was up to something-and he had the name of our new worker-that I didnt even have-so I knew he had contact with them.....She called me back just before lunch-and lo and behold, she has notes in MY file-that "I" will be coming into the office WITH Eric and signing off on the lein so he can sell his house THEN put the money in the account for the state-WHAT B.S.......So-this morning, I get to bring in my affidavit stating that I am NOT releasing the monies owed for ANY reason-and I will sign and date it in front of their notary and give a copy of my license as well for the file-and when he shows up-he will be arrested for being at a felony level for his arrears-and if he has someone impersonate me like he did years ago with his very own attorney. My worker, Carol-said that the affidavit will help them should he really show up-when they call the police and she asked me if I would be willing to sign a complaint as well-heck yeah I will!!! Neither of my girls want to see that POS...Stephanie told me last night that she doesnt want to see him. I about went into shock-SHE is the one who put me through so much hell because of HIM-and she said Momma, I dont want to see Eric when he comes down here. Holy Crap!! He text me last night and asked if I could check at my parents motel to see if he could get a room there for a week...I dont know what this guy is thinking-but my parents wouldnt let him sleep in the woods behind the motel-much less in one of their rooms-they cant stand him and what he has done to the girls and me-they arent going to want to see him for a week straight-dont know WHY he doesnt stay with his mom, unless he is bringing his flavor of the month with him-which is a possibility!

I was watching my furbaby yesterday too-and every time I turned around he was throwing up all over the place~ I hate cleaning that stuff up-makes me sick to my own stomach-and when Megan got here-I was telling her that he was sick all over the place-and she said-Oh, I forgot to tell you that when he was getting his hair cut yesterday, he was eating his hair-and had been throwing up off and on since then! What a TARD!

Mike gets home and we were letting the dogs out to get some excercise and play ball-and Dozer already has a snake bite this year-right under his ear where his jaw line ends! Great big and swollen and you can see where the teeth marks were from the snake-I swear-that dog has gotten bit at least twice a year-you think he would leave those dang things alone...I told Mike that if they dont get rid of that huge 6 ft snake who has his big old hole for his house in that pen area-I am going to hire someone to come out and get it out of there-or I am going to pour concrete down there!

My dad went to the specialist yesterday-FINALLY! He needs his knees replaced-he has a broken bone in his left foot, he has really high cholesterol and he has arthritis and osteo arthritis in his legs, knees, hips and spine and so his doc put him on all kinds of meds and dad is not one to take pills-so he isnt happy, but I gaurantee that when he starts taking his meds and he isnt hurting so bad all the time, he wont be such an ass to everyone! Im kinda looking forward to that one!!

Im going to finish this up, get a few chores done, then Jon and I are headed to town, I am going to be stopping at Child Support office to give them my affidavit and then I am going to my parents to help them out today. Yesterday was a horrible day for pain-we were expecting wicked thunderstorms out here-but it just rained-and I know thats why I hurt so bad-and then I got my visit from Aunt Flo in the middle of the night-ARGH!!! I HATE THAT!! So, that was another reason my back hurt so bad. Not a good combination....I kept dozing off and on last night-just couldnt get the pain to go away-I was on 2 heating pads...I dont put them on high anymore-because of the areas on my back that are numb and they get blistered because I cant feel how hot the heating pad is!! I didnt take my night time meds because I slept through them-but this morning thats the first thing I did after going to the restroom and getting my cup of coffee!

Mr. Jon was feeling puney yesterday-so he was stuck to my side ALL DAY LONG!! Every 5 minutes he was laying across my lap-or whining....I felt so sorry for him. Today he is doing much better (thank God) Im not sure I would have done so good today to have another day of puneyness-Or as Jon would say- OH BARNICLES!!! He didnt want to eat anything, I made him chicken noodle soup. He did eat about 10 sf popsicles during the day and some gatorade, but thats it. No fever today so far (knocking on wood) Im glad cause I wouldnt want my mom to watch him and catch it if its catchy. I think he may have just gotten too much sun the day before.

**Jan-our garden is huge-its the community garden, Mikes adopted parents, his aunt and uncle and Grandma Vera and then us and our family are all planting there. Its gigantic-and I am so excited. I wont put the tomatos out there-want them closer to the house so I can keep a closer eye on them. I am going to have grandma help me with them since she always gets the biggest tomatos ever, every year! We are going to do some canning too- we have a whole shelving unit in the laundry room full of jars to can with. I cant wait!!

**Bev B- It was SO GOOD to see you here! Please dont ever think your boring to us-your not! Love to hear what your up to- Love to see you, no matter what!! Please stop in more often-although you sound busy, busy, busy-we want to see you more often!! Love you and I cant wait to hear how your next appt goes-your on your way and I know you WILL BE APPROVED AGAIN!!! Im so proud of you for not smoking!!

I hope your daughter knows how lucky she is to have a mom like you!! My parents helped me out so much after my divorce and I went back to college-I just dont know how I would have done it without them-so I know she appreciates all you do for her-

**Sugar-Miss you girl!! I cant wait to see you this month, will you be at the group~? Hope so-Cant wait to see you!

**Deb M-Wow-isnt it amazing that the good Lord put someone in your path that has been through what your going through and so much more? Thats so awesome! Your still in my prayers-and I know your a fighter, so you will be okay!! Love ya!

**Deb D-Maybe we will see each other at the reunion this year? Unless you get down here for a meeting before that? I cant wait to see you again!!

**Tammy-Ammy-Congrats on your WOW DAY!! I am so happy for you-and I know you had a huge smile on your face all day long! Thats so awesome!! Yes, lets wait till I get the pool open for the summer and then you and some others can come over and we will have a pool party-hows that sound? Would love it!!

**Mel-Im glad you didnt go down to see your mom if you were running a temp and sick!! Tell Rosemarie to kiss your *ss!!!! What would have happened if you made your mom sick with her immune system broke down the way it is? Dont let her make you feel bad- She doesnt have any kids at home, and her husband is over the road most of the time-she has it alot easier getting away and getting to moms than you do! That really chaps my butt that she did that to you-and I do hope you gave it back to her-cause I know how she can be with you. I know that you dont want them to know what you have been through here-but maybe you need to tell her-so she will understand what HELL you have been living here-and she will understand? Anyway-YOU take care of YOU-and when the time is right-you will be down there- God knows whats in your heart-and so does your beautiful mom....She knows your there in spirit-so wait until you feel better and get down there. Ok? Im praying for you and the situation...Keep your chin up. Love ya.

Well, I am going to close-to all of you on the board-I keep you in my prayers-and I pray all goes well for you, no matter where you are in this wonderful, scary journey. Love, Janet

Sheila H.
on 4/21/08 11:36 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning  well its raining like crazy here and im home from work sick..i went to the Dr yesterday and he said my head roaring was allergys and gave me a shot and i felt better yest. afternoon and evening but this morning its back BAD!!! loat 2 more lbs so that makes 92 YEAH Jan i want some tomatoes too PLEASE..cat got into mine thats all i will say   and i hope to get a bunch of ur clothes too hehehe   i NEED em.. ive noticed all these head hunger cases its weird cos i havent had any really to speak of..maybe a time or 2....but like momma hen said DONT give in..the dry heaving and foaming isnt worth it!!!!! Jan....i bet the purple bleeding hearst are cute or they sound pretty to me..i didnt know they was perrennials  gonna have to check into that.. any thing else u have that u wanna give away or even sell i will buy especially if its perrennials...  well hope every one feels better and hang in there love and hugs


on 4/22/08 4:02 am - Joplin, MO
Morning MO Peep's         Just checking in with a quick Hi, Hello, and Howdy. Didnt get to sleep until after 6 this morning. Then I was back up at 8ish. Back to running a fever and barffing my guts up. I keep trying differnt thing to see if anything will stay down in my tummy. But nothing seem to wanna stay. I think I'm going to bat my lashes and give my sweetest smile to my dear hubby. And see if he will go to Pump N Pantry. And  go buy me some beef n bean burrido's. I dont know what the deal with them are. but I know that they are the 1 thing that no matter how sick I get. It is the only thing I can find that will stay down. Crazy yea I know but I have no control over my body anymore anyways. lol         Well it is a beatiful day here the sun is partly shineing and cloudy. It looks like it can open up and pour at any moment. I'm in my heavey PJ's and still freezeing my tail off. Than the next moment I'm hotter then a firecracker.     Well Im going to get off of here and call and order my burrido's. And get something to drink and get comfy. Would love to take a nap right now. lol      I pray that everyone has a blessed day. And you are all in my thoughts and prayers ALWAYS!!!! God Bless Melissa
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