Tests Test and even more Tests

(deactivated member)
on 4/21/08 8:43 am - Platte City, MO
Today I went to the Cardiologist and the Pulmonologist. Things went well at the Cardiologist. They did an EKG then the cardiologist came in the room and looked me over and seen brown spots I have had on my lower legs for the last 5-6 years. She said she wanted to check them out.  I then had an ECG on my heart.  It turns out the EKG and ECG turned out just fine. And I was cleared for surgery!  But then they did a sonogram of my legs and found out the valves that close and keep the blood pressure up to return the blood to my heart are not working correctly. Actually they do not close at all so the blood pools in my lower legs causing brown spots. She said she wants to keep an eye on them for a few months and of it don't improve after RNY then she will want to go in and repair the valves. Not really a great big deal but there is a rare vascular disease that runs in my family that my grandmother died of. Its so rare they have never had a chance to really study it. ONE in like a bazillion people have it.(note: these are not scientific numbers but numbers in which are made up by me meaning... Very Very Rare Disease!) Then I went to the Pulmonologist and she asked me a lot of questions, listened to me breath and checked my chest x-ray.  On all of her questions she asked if I had any problems with ______? Fill in the blank. Well everything was a NO except for when she asked if I snore. Now mind you that I am in overall good health other than being overweight and a few smaller problems like being borderline diabetic. But as soon as she asked if I snored and I said sometimes.... Look out that was what she wanted to hear for her to bombard me. Yes she said "OH........Well, I guess I have to schedule some testing then!"  then she went on to say "You need to have a sleep study and get put on a CPAP machine before your surgery." All this just because I said I snore sometimes? Well come to find out they do the sleep studies there...Go figure they would make more money from my insurance well I threw a wrench in their plans. I told them I want the sleep study done a Somnitech its closer to home.  Of course they came back with "Oh you will have to wait until Somnitechs doctors read the results and that could take a while."  But then they were looking at the soonest they could get me in at their place was May 5th. I told them I was having surgery May 19th so they called Sominitech and guess what. Somnitech will send the results to the pulmonolist office for her to read and they can get me in tonight. How does she know I will need a CPAP machine before I ever even have the sleep study? I think this doctor wants more than just me to have the surgery. I think its a money thing. But if thats what it takes to get the surgery so be it. CPAP machine here I come! Sorry its a long post as usual but these are thoughts and facts of my WLS Journey.
Nancy S.
on 4/21/08 8:57 am - Knob Noster, MO
WOW!  Sure sounds like a money thing to me....i told several people that my DH claims that I snore on occasion....they really didn't seem all that concerned...BTW...he says I hardly snore at all now .  The only way you're gonna end up with a CPAP is if you have sleep apnea or significant desats during your sleep....I wouldn't worry about it.  You've gone this long without one.  I know you have had a rough road getting here....doesn't surprise me that you keep getting a few obstacles thrown in your way...I've read your posts...but at least you are on your way.......  Keep us posted.

(deactivated member)
on 4/21/08 9:13 am, edited 4/21/08 11:11 am - Platte City, MO
Aint No Crappy lil pulmonologist gonna stand in my way of this life savin surgery! lol
on 4/21/08 10:12 am - Overland Park, KS
WOW I guess everyone wants a peice of the big old green cash pie lol lol, go get em tiger, sounds like you were to smart for that chickie


Bec M.
on 4/21/08 9:15 am

Thanks for posting each step of your journey.  Since I am working with the same office your posts are letting me in on what might be ahead for me. Thanks Again, bec

on 4/21/08 11:23 am - Lebanon, MO
Question...WHY do they all seemed so concerned about the snoring??? My DH is rail thin and so totally normal weight as to make we want to punch him (lol), yet he snores so loud he rattles the windows. The only time he stops breathingwhile sleeping is when I smother him with a pillow for snoring so loud. I think they need to tweek their rules and get their fat fingers out the insurance man's wallet, the little pickpockets

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 4/21/08 11:40 pm, edited 4/21/08 11:41 pm - Kansas City, MO
Okay my friend, I'm stepping up the plate to go toe-to-toe with you.  I work for pediatric pulmonologists, one of which is a sleep disorders expert (in pediatrics and adults).   People that are overweight as a rule snore, they have pauses during sleep, totally stop breathing for several seconds, which contributes to cardiac issues.  Tossing and turning in your sleep, moving your legs around ie can contributed to restless legs syndrome.  There are many other things that this includes.  Go get the sleep study.  If you need CPAP (positive pressure air that is forced through your nose and/or mouth to keep everything open, you'll feel more rested when you wake up in the morning.  As a result of my sleep apnea, which I found out about 2 years ago, I have hoarseness, feel exhausted when I wake up and nearly fall asleep while driving to work when I don't use the CPAP.  Then again, maybe you have sinus issues and narrowed passages.  I know it's another WLS hoop to jump through, but it could save your life. 
on 4/23/08 1:22 am - Grain Valley, MO
I have the same surgeon as Hot-Flash.  He requires a sleep study.  I stop breathing 26 times an hour on my back and 5 times an hour on my side.  May 8th I see the pulmonologist again.  She will be doing several breathing tests.  A month before surgery I will be fitted with a mask and will use it during and after surgery to prevent problems.  She knows of 6 patients who died in the last year during surgery because they didn't know they had sleep apnea. Good luck to you.  Maybe you don't have sleep apnea but it's a good idea to check it out.  My husband isn't overweight but he has it.  He doesn't snore very much but it's his constant leg movements that cause him to wake often. Jo
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