help with first week
Mitzi tell yourself this over and over it really isnt hunger and actually it isnt . your mind tries to tell you you are hungry but if you tried to eat it you couldnt. go chew on some s.f. popcycles, drink your water , juice, broth, and suger free jello if you thinkyou are hungry,,,,,remember we had surgery on our stomachs not our brains. keep coming on you are no different than the rest of us were. love and hugs.
Jan is right!!! I am 2 week's out, I felt EXACTLY the same. Don't worry it will wear off fairly quick, I don't really ever feel hungry now, but I have noticed that when I smell/ see favorite food (old favorites) I suddenly want to have it too, so I know it is head hunger. It will get easier just about any day now, i promise.
Hi Mitzi,
My name is Janet-I am 1 1/2 yrs out-and let me tell you-the hardest part of this surgery IS NOT the physical things you go through-but the mental. I remember feeling just like you-and yes, its truly head hunger-and yes, we swear up and down its real-but its just that mental crud we go through!!
This too shall pass-and you will move on to the next stage, its true that it IS hard...but we will help you through it~We will~ You can do it-you have worked too hard for this and dont give up. Like I said-it WILL get easier the further out you get-but there WILL BE new challenges-I still have challenges mentally! (yeah, some may say I am a mental case anyway-LOL) But, I can be folding laundry, and I pick up something I wore and I look at it and cant believe I wore it-cause its little, you know? So-its a mental thing, constantly-and I dont know if it ever truly goes away-but people here understand and care-and this is what we are here for!! I will keep you in my prayers! Take care and keep us posted ok? Janet
Hi Janet!!! Thank you so muck for those kind words. I can't believe how just talking to someone who has gone through this can take a big load off. I feel great today. I have a life to get living with my three boys. Thats where my attention needs to go.( and my husband too). Thanks for the prayers and I will keep you in mine. Everyday is a new challenge no matter where you are in the process. Thank so much. Mitzi