Jan C.
on 4/20/08 3:31 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Met Debbie D at the Branson Landing , man can that girl shop or what? She about bought Chicos out. I love that shop too. I could buy a lot of things in there if I just had the money. One of the best reasons is their sizing lol I am a size one. Lol  now that sounds a lot better than a 10 doesn’t it. Debbie is also a one. She kept saying before hand she wore size 12s and I told her I don’t think so. So we get there and she tried on these jeans and big and baggy on her we said see you don’t need a 12 you need a 10 so we finally convinced her I think she was really pleased.

Debbie I love the clothes you got and you look cute a button in them. Wonder what that meant and why anyone ever said that? Cute as a button??? Have you ever seen a cute button?

Was great seeing you and your friends and family. I hope you got home safe and sound.

You had a long drive. I had to stop and get some pork rinds to chew on so I would stay awake, I really have a hard time driving any more I want to sleep don’t know why.

I guess it could be because I don’t sleep enough at night. A good night is about 4 hours for me.

When we left each other and I was walking to my truck I started getting dizzy and thought it was because I hadn’t had any protein for quite a while. So I stopped at GNC and bought a protein bar and a bottle of water. Started feeling better by the time I walked to the truck .


Got home in time to get all my little plants sit back into the green house for the night. Don’t think it is going to get that cold but don’t want the rabbits to nibble on them.

Being outside in the wind is making all those tomato plants grow and get stronger stems on them.  Does anyone that is going to be at the support meeting on the 28th need any tomato plants? They aren’t as big this year as they were last year because I got them started later. But they should be ok. I will start giving them some fertilize this week and get them bigger hopefully.




TRACI:::: I guess you are right about the hard work part but I love doing that. That is the reason im so upset about this shoulder thing. Spring and summer and fall are my time I love , I just got my life back so I can do this stuff and now my shoulder is messed up and I will be stuck sitting looking at things again. jeeze not fair.

But who said life was fair huh?


I have never been to curves either. There is one in Forsyth that I have never been in but now I hear that it is for sale, don’t know if it is going to close or what. Evidently they aren’t making a lot of money or they wouldn’t have it for sale you wouldn’t think huh?



NANCY :::::that really is a good deal about the trees. Im glad that you are finding people to share them with.

Hope you all had a wonderful day to go to a park full of flowers. I know it was really pretty down here.

I too am worried about Suzy , that is sort of what I thought it might be too. But is scary to her I know.



MEG::::: So you work at the commissary? Is your hubby in the service?



JANET::::: sounds like you have a lot going on still even tho you didn’t have much going down today. I hope you enjoyed your day off in the sunshine.


I was just wondering where BEV B has been. Why isnt she coming on the board anymore? That is amazing about her not having a cig for that long. She has it beat now for sure. After than long if she starts smoking again she is being silly.


That is amazing about the bikers against child abuse. Maybe that will make Melissas bil back off , I hope. We will pray for that to happen anyway. And will also pray that the mother of the kids will be decent and keep things like they are. Surely she wouldn’t want that thing having them would she?


Hey that will be cool about the pictures of the yard and pool area.

The website for the Josee reblooming lilac is www.springhillnursery.com

It is item number 72221 and it is pink.in this flyer I have it is 4.95 each…very good price. It is a dwarf bush only getting to 4 to 6 ft tall. And 4 to 5 ft wide. To get it to keep blooming you cut the flowers off as they die back ok. And it has to have full sun.



MELISSA:::::: well you had quite the birthday didn’t you? I am so glad that the bikers org. are going to see that you all remain safe. Again private citizens doing what the police should be doing. That is the greatest thing ever I think. I don’t think I would want to tangle with a bunch of bikers that is for sure.

Yes will continue to keep you and your little family in my prayers, you and your needs are my first and last prayers of the day. Also praying for your mother to have a easy last days to her life that God let her have some peace  .

So almost 40 huh? Man you are getting old …..lol.




Debbie D. said to tell all of you hi and wanted to know about our thing at West Branson like last year? The reunion??? Do we still have a tentative reservation there?


Yes Sugar will be at the meeting this month. cant wait to see everyone.


Talk to you more later. Im really tired , it just wears me out to shop and I wasn’t even the one trying stuff on lol

I would like to go there and buy a complete wardrobe tho. They really have cool nice stuff.










Beverly B.
on 4/20/08 8:51 pm, edited 4/20/08 8:53 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi Jan and MO board, Thought I had better jump in here and let everyone know that I am still kicking. I read the post everyday but I don't have alot to say so just don't post.. I have been helping my daughter out and watching my grandchildren so she can work. She is having a hard time keeping a babysitter. She is a nurse so you know the long hours..I don't know how long I can do it as my back is so bad. I have to get out and take the kids to school, pick them up and take them to all their sports practices and games. I am there from about 6am to about 8pm.  And it just wears me out. I told her she needs a nanny. She is a single mother with 3 children so she has no help. She just received her bacholor's (sp) degree and going for her masters. She wants to be a nurse practioner. I am very proud of her. Jan, I hope I don't never start smoking again and I am going to try my best not to. It is so liberating not to have to have that next nicotine fix.  I can breathe better and feel alot better.  I hope it doesn't take to long to get my insurance approved. I want to get this over with. I am having Dr De la Torre do my surgery, I was going to have Dr Fearing but she is booked pretty heavy as she does other types of surgery and is on call. Dr Suttemoeller told me that the RNY is all that Dr De la Torre does now and I could get my surgery done fairly soon. He has lots of experience so I feel safe with him.   I have two graduations to go to in May. My granddaughter is graduating from Wentworth Military Academy, and then she will go to Warrengsburg for 2 more years before going into the service, she wants to make a carear out of the service. and my grandson is graduating high school. It has taken an extra long time for him because he quit and then decided to return so I am proud of him for making that  decision..So I don't want my surgery to interfer with that. Don't know how I am going to do all that walking but I will give it a shot..they both graduate on the same day. One in the morning and the other at night.  I know I don't post alot but I keep all those in need on my prayer list. I will try to do better at posting. I have really learned alot off this board and continue to learn. Hope everyone has a wonderful sun shiny day....



Traci K.
on 4/20/08 9:49 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
What a gorgeous day yesterday was and if this morning is any indication - today is going to be a repeat of yesterday! SQUEE!!!!

After my adventure to Curves this morning, I have to come back here and get some work done - at least I can open the windows in my office!

Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Debbie M.
on 4/20/08 9:51 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Well I made it back from yet, another surgery. In pain, groggy and confused but alive. I go back to see the surgeon today, gotta get my last drain removed and hopefully get the rest of my results from pathology. As you already know, the preliminary results showed it was papillary cancer on my thyroid. The surgery took 5 and a half hours. David and my pastor both waited patiently and stayed throught out....poor guys!! I didn't find out what all went on until the next day. As the surgeon and I decided before surgery, she took the right side of my thyroid and the swollen lymph nodes on the left shoulder, those looked fine. As she was checking out my thyroid she noticed some abnormalities on the left and took a biospy and sent it to be examined but she already knew what she needed to do and removed the thyroid along with the infected parathyroid glands and all the infected lymph nodes in the area. She said the whole thyroid was very noduley and that the left side of my thyroid was stuck to my windpipe. As she started removing what she had to, she found that side to be very sticky and that most of my lymph nodes in that area were black. Everything was removed and I will have to have a radioactive iodine treatment in six weeks but other than yearly bloodwork to keep an eye on everything, that should be it. I knew as soon as I woke that I had cancer. I could tell by the pain. There was more pain than what there should of been and more had been taken out then what had been decided on. I'm okay with what was done and am already feeling better. I have a sore throat but I think when I get this dang tube out, I will be better. I thank you all for your prayers, I wish I would of had more time to warn you what all was going on. I'm just glad it's all over. I need to rest and will write more when I feel better. I can't wait until I can get back outside and start planting everything. Love & Prayers, Deb M

Debbie M.
on 4/21/08 3:32 pm, edited 4/21/08 3:34 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Hey all, went to the doc's today. Still have one drain tube, still too much gunk coming out to pull it just yet. No pathology reports yet either. They did run a camera up my nose and down my throat to look at everything because I still have a sore throat. They said, it all looked great but very angry....lol So, okay I have a sore throat, I can handle that....I think once they get the other tube out, it will get better. A kind of strange thing happened to me the other night while at Walmart. I was looking for scarfs that I could wear around my nec****il the scars heal a little better. (My daughter seems to think she needs to bring everyone over to see what a freak I look like now with my throat slashed, especially my grandchildren so I need something to cover them.) Anyway, the girl working that department had just gone through what I had. We got to talking and found that we had more in common than the surgery. It seemed to be that we were living mirror image lives....the more we talked the weirder it got....lol  God does have a plan and I feel he put us there together for a reason...to help each other through this. You just never know what he has plans for. Well, I need meds. and rest...again, thanks for the prayers and love being sent this way and Jan...thanks for the article!! Love & Prayers, Deb M 

Meg S.
on 4/20/08 10:16 pm
Yep!!!  18 yaers and counting!  He says they will have to kick him out.  Some days I'm ok with that and others, not so much!  I can't wait to go shopping in a regular store...what fun!!!!  My turn on the losers bench is coming fast!  Have a great day! Meg
on 4/20/08 11:47 pm - Clever, MO

Hello sis and everyone else! I"M back!!!!!!!!!! Well I just wanted to tell you Chee-Chee that Rick has called Ember "button" since she was born and she thinks Buttons are very cute!!! Actually she found a t-shirt that has an elephant on it and it says "cute as a button" . She wears it all the time. Well just wanted to say hello to everyone! I know I havent been on here in a long while and there are so many newbies that I wont know and they wont know me but a big "HOWDY" to you all.  To update those who do know me...I started at 298 and am now down to 169....I wear a size 12 and fading....lol! It feels so wonderful just a little over a year out to be so full of energy and the ability to do all the things that makes us human..like walk up-right! lol! I am still trying to make it to the gym (POOL) everyday  but Sunday and usually do but occassionally run into snags (like garage sales calling my name) and grandkids that need picked up and taken somewhere... But I love my new body and the freedom I have from all the pain. I keep thinking of plastic surgery but havent made an appointment for a consultation yet...not really sure I'm serious! lol I hope to hear from the ole gang and any new members that are luring out there.         Sugar

on 4/21/08 12:20 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

My visions of loafing around the house in my sweats and just being lazy-whatever! Dreams come true, they can happen to you-if you only believe-LOL LOL....Just wasnt meant to be-

We have too many acreas here that we keep mowed so that we can keep the snakes and critters further away from the house. I didnt realize that yesterday Mike had other plans for the yard work-I should have known, you could just look at it and see how much it needed to be mowed, weed wacked and so on!! He never did ask for help, but thats just how I am-LOL... Just call me Hannah Hoover the happy helper!! (NOT!!)

When I picked up Steph from work, had to stop at Walmart and pick up a few things and $85 later-LOL. I HATE it when I keep seeing things I know we need. I was just going to go do my big grocery shopping today, but now I dont have to. Maybe I will stay crazy busy today too (reverse psychology there)....I did everyones laundry yesterday-decided I better just get caught up on that too-AND then Mikes parents, his aunt and uncle and grandma from the house at the end of the driveway-they all came up to pick rocks and till the garden area again! I knew I couldnt possibly do that-but I let the boys go help for our part-and they both have sunburned necks and faces-I cant believe I didnt think to put sunscreen on them-I am a sunscreen fanatic!!! My kids havent been sunburned in years and years-I even carry some in my purse when it starts getting nice out!

Today its gloomy out there-Jon came in and told me that him and daddy checked the weather channel and its suppose to storm today-and that may be part of the reason yesterday that I hurt so badly. I figured my meds just werent working.....or maybe the newness had worn off-but it was a pretty painful day! Mikes shoulder he had surgery on was hurting pretty bad too-its bad if he will take one of his prescriptions for pain-and he did. I dont want rain or thunderstorms-I hate storms out here. They are always more intense out in the country, dont know why-but they are.

So Mel turned 39 yesterday-if I had been here-I would have left it at 38!! LOL...Heck, I knew that too-cause I know her b-day is 1969-what was I thinking? Heck if I know....We are going to be doing a massive b-day party BBQ out here in a couple of weeks. We have so many b-days in April and May its not even funny-so we are going to do them in one shot-and have 2 cakes-one choc and one vanilla-and kids on one cake-and adults for the other and then, of course-Adrian needs his very own first b-day cake-and we have the perfect place for him to devour that cake-and then we can hose him off-LOL!!! I cant wait to see him do that!

Got a call from my ex-I swear-I just want to reach out and touch him. He is on his way to MO right now-and he said that he is either closing on the house on Weds or Fri and that he already spoke to Child Support Enforcement and they told him that they will release the lein for him so he can sell the house and he will be putting the money in the day he gets paid for it-WHATEVER!!! They never told him ANY such thing. They arent going to release the lein in hopes that he can sell it and pay me-that is NOT the way this works-but Mike and I started talking-and this is the same guy who took me (imposter actually) to his attorney AND a notary-whatever female he had with him SAID she was me-and signed off on the lein once before-about 7 yrs ago-and the only reason I found out about this little incident is that Richard-Erics ex-was paying Eric off-the part of the funds that were Erics-for the sale of the bar they owned together-and he was paying it to the state for back support-and he got this paperwork stating the lein had been released and to give funds to Eric accordingly-well, Richard called me ranting and raving-as he thought I really went down and did that-well, I hadnt-and when Richard called the attorney Eric was using-he said-She sat right in front of me, and signed off in front of me-and when I went into the attorneys office-he stated that is not the person Eric brought in and stated was me-and he withdrew from Erics case effective that day-and he also called Child Support Enforcement to square it away with them-and he never looked or asked for an ID from the person stating they were me-he just believed his client.

I have already called c.s.e. this morning and am waiting for a return call. I want it on our files that I AM NOT signing off on the lein and that unless they personally see my license when I sign anything-its not me....My license doesnt look like me anyway-its the fat me-so it should raise some eyebrows anyway-right?

Got a call from my mom yesterday-they fired the other housekeeper-I wondered when that was going to happen, she was really on borrowed time....I knew when they hired another housekeeper that she was out of there and the new girl started Saturday morning. She wasnt spot washing walls, fridges, microwaves etc-and she never cleaned drawers, window sills, vents for the air/heat units, baseboard heaters-I always had to spend a majority of my time doing those things because she never did them-and we would have at least 2 customers complain each day that she cleaned their room but didnt leave them t.p or didnt bring in clean towels etc-it was just a flat out joke!!! Im glad she is gone-there is no excuse to be there for 4 months and still not clean the rooms correctly after being told over and over and over-and whats really bad-is they have a full page check sheet to mark WHEN you finish the task-and she always marked them! Anyway.....

Please say prayers for Mel and her family-the kids biological womb-well, she signed away ALL her parental rights on BOTH kids-and she even signed away any notification rights to when the hearings were for the adoption-she didnt want to know-and then hi-tailed it to TX to work at the traveling carnival.....anyway-she is now in OK with her mom-and Mark-the POS BIL-he has gotten ahold of Nancy and told her that he wants her to come back and he wants the 4 of them to be a REAL family-and he feels like God gave him a second chance and now he wants to do right by her and BOTH the kids-he flat out said before he wanted Adrian back but not Clara. He doesnt like Clara-and the feeling is mutual with her as well. She hates Mark. He has put that little girl through hell and now he is trying to get on Nancys good side-all in a ploy to get the kids back-and then he will kick nancy to the curb again. Between Nancy and Mark living together-court and police records show-they would have the police out at their house, no less than 3x per week-she tried to run him over with the van-he chased her with a butcher knife-they were always beating the crap out of one another-and the last time-Mark beat her, and when the cops were called-he shoved her-in front of them and then he threatened to kill her-also in front of them and they arrested him, by the state of MO and pressed charges and Nancy didnt have to-they were and are sick of these people-I really hope she is stupid enough to believe he wants to marry her and start fresh, he doesnt care-that baby has never been anything to him but a meal ticket for the freebies they could get from the state. He was even fighting Nancy when she told him she was pregnant-he had to go do paternity testing-and now all the sudden he is just the loving dad and hubby-POS. Anyway-lets pray the God will not allow Nancy to forget how her life and the kids lives were-when they were all together in that house-the one that is roach infested and there were even roaches in his bassinet!! Thanks for any and all prayers you can send this one on this subject.

**Jan-thanks for the lilac info. I will be getting on there to order a couple. Have the perfect place for them! Oh, and for the tomato plants (raising my hand, hopping up n down in my seat: Me, Me, Me, I do-I do...I want some...LOL) okay, you get the picture, right?

Regarding the reunion....Its too early right now to make reservations-but when its later in the summer we can get the ball rolling-if I dont do the planning-I will get info to the person who does-ok? That was part of the agreement with them, is that we would wait for peak season to start calling etc-since they are soooo busy on the on-season time, which is coming up in 2 weeks or so.

Sounds like you had fun with Deb D....Im so glad you got to see her-I still havent been to Branson Landing-but would LOVE to go down and check that out, thats for sure. Maybe next time we go down, we can.

**Deb M-You are in our prayers honey-for a speedy recovery. I am glad your going today to get that last drain out and maybe your throat wont be so bad. Thats a long surgery-holy cow!! Please get plenty of rest - and know that we all love you and we are praying for a speedy and uneventful surgery!! You are loved!!

**Bev B-we have certainly missed you-it sounds like you have been CRAZY busy too!! I am so excited for you-I guess I missed the part where you didnt have Fearing anymore-but then I have been gone for a couple of months puter wise! At the time of my surgery, I also picked who had the first opening and no big wait-and at the time, it was Fearing! I think a lot of that changed when people saw her and then referred others to her-and didnt hurt that when Dr. Scott left-they were all left picking up his patients, you know? I pray for you every day. I am so happy for you-and I am so proud of you. I cannot wait until your on the bench-and your feeling better. All my love!!

Well, I better close for now-my furbaby is here-and reacking havoc-so I need to go check that out and then go out and get my whites put in the dryer so I can be finished with laundry that I started yesterday~ As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers-Janet

Tammy H.
on 4/21/08 1:49 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall.... Have a few this morn so I thought Id drop in and say howdy to everyone.... I am so dreading all the days of storms they have forcasted for us this week!!! I just know we are going to get all this crap now and then in a few months we will be begging for rain! Speaking of outside...Got to tell ya about my WOW moment yesterday!!!  I finally got time to get out and work in my yard yesterday. And I done as much as Joe did!!!!!! Normally a few swipes with the rake and Im worn out. And forget all the bending to weed and etc. My back and all would never let me do that stuff... Well yesterday I cleaned 4 flower beds, planted new bulbs in 2 of them, moved my hostas to other places, raked several hours, burnt leaves and repotted 3 of my house plants. I bent and pulled my weeds MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And on top of that I made my bed, done 4 loads of laundry and cooked us some lunch! I was on cloud 9!!!!!! Still got more to do but we got alot done and Joe even notice how much I done and remarked on it! He knows how hard it was for me before. Im so tickled over it I might just go buy me some more flowers lmbo! My jaws are hurting this morn but I think it's because I was smiling sooooo much yesterday hehehehehhehehe... Jan...Thought about you a lot yesterday while I was out in my yard lol lol....I dought I ever get into having as many flowers and plants as you have but boy was it good to be out there doing my yard and not feeling like I was going to die lol lol.... Janet....Sorry Ive not text with you much this week...I have had one busy week this week...I filled in for a girl that had to be off for a funeral, run my mom and my neice for some doctor apts, went to court with Ada for her divorce and done earands for the lady I take care of on top of house work....I am glad last week is over with lol lol..... I am so sad I had to put off coming your way for my planned weekend away. I still have hopes of coming and hopefully soon. Thought I might wait till it warms up and it's pool time lol lol... Still could not talk myself into getting me a bathing suit for the summer. My thighs are just to jiggly lmbo! But I got me a new tank top and shorts. They are yellow lol lol..I guess I will end up looking like a tanned banana!!!  Mel...Hope your feeling better than when we were texting yesterday!! Not had the same things to deal with but know where you were coming from... Hang in there sweetie it's bound to get better soon!  A big Howdy to everyone! My prayers are always with everyone on the board... Like to say WELCOME to all the newbies & a big WOOOO HOOOOO for all the one****ting the loosers bench lately!  I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Monday.. God Bless each of you!!! Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Debbie D.
on 4/21/08 3:48 am - KS

Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!


Jan, thank you so much for meeting me at Branson Landing yesterday!  I also want to thank you for patiently watching me try on all those clothes and giving me your HONEST opinion!  I really needed that.  I still feel like I spent way too much $$.  My husband was a little “shell shocked” when I first told him how much.  I tried on all the clothes for him and my 13 year old.  They liked them all except the leather swing coat….neither one of them liked the color.  I am seriously considering taking all of it back except for the 2 pair of jeans and the one brightly colored blouse I bought.  I have NEVER spent that much $$ on just a few items.  I just can’t seem to justify it.  I love the multi colored swing coat I got; however, believe I just wouldn’t wear it that much.  I’m going to be making a trip to the Plaza sometime this week to return most of the items.  I am going to look at their clearance rack as well.  I really wish I had bought that white, yellow and black blouse you liked so much!  I’m going to try and see if they have one of those blouses at the Chico ’s on the Plaza.  I will tell you that my dh told me last night to go ahead and keep all the clothes.  He never really has been upset about what I buy for myself; however, I think I went a little overboard this weekend.  I also bought two pairs of Clark sandals which I love and will get a lot of wear out of them.  I’ve also went down 1 shoe size!


Jan, I was so thankful the other ladies drove all the way home last night!  I was sooooo tired from trying on all those clothes!  I really did need to know what size I wore.  Would have never thought of a Size One or in the real world a size 10!!  Lol! 


We had a great time at the Women of Joy Conference.  Our church had 10 ladies and everyone really got along.  My stepdaughter, Erin, went with another church that had

69 ladies.  She enjoyed it but wished she had gone with us.  She did sit with us every

Night.  She even decided to go shopping with us yesterday and ride back home with us.  I’m so glad she did!   I love her so much and am so excited to see the Lord working in her life!  As most of you know, she is a single mom to a soon to be 3 year old boy.  She’s been laid off 3 times this past year.  The last time was just week before last.  She did start a new job last week and we both know the Lord provided this one for her.  It’s in the same office as my Sunday School Teacher (who is a realtor).  Diane (the lady she’s working with) is a strong Christian woman and will be of great benefit to Erin .  Erin has been in her class as well and they have a good relationship.  There are no coincidences in the life of believers.  Like I said, I’m so excited to see the Lord working in Erin ’s life!


There were over 3000 women at the Grand Palace every night.  The music was great and the speakers were wonderful!  Kay Arthur is a wonderful Bibl Scholar and teacher!  Karen Kingsbury was great too!  I’ve never read one of her books but plan to start now!  I wasn’t going to pre-register for next year, however, I really felt the Lord telling me I needed to, so I did.  Just seem so far in advance to think about.  They told us Sunday morning they were at 75% capacity for next year and that Monday morning they would be opening up the registration to everybody.  They mentioned that there were about 2000 people who weren’t able to come to this one because it sold out so quickly.  Just picture it 3000 women praying, singing and worshiping the Lord.  It was a great sight to see and to be a part of! 


Needless to say,  I am sooooooo tired this morning.  I plan on doing nothing but unpacking, washing my clothes and enjoying spending the day with my “girls” (2 toy poodles).  I also need to work on my Book of Daniel Bible Study.  I have really enjoyed the past 6 weeks, have 6 more weeks.  The Lord is showing all sorts of neat stuff about his Word. 


Janet – would love to see you too!  You are such a sweet heart!  I hope they somehow get your pain under control.  My mother deals with that and I know how hard it can be.


Debbie M. – will pray for your health.  I’m glad you’re back home and doing as well as you are.  Please keep us posted!


Everyone else – I hope you have a GREAT week ahead!  Remember “This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”

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