on 4/20/08 1:02 pm - Lebanon, MO
I had my surgery Tuesday. Since Friday evening I have been consuming about 6 oz of beef or chicken broth in a half hour morning and evening  as well as multiple sf popsicles throughout the day and water as well before feeling "full". By full I mean that little feeling you get that says one more sip will make you uncomfortable. I have not been having ANY problems with drinking and even my teaspoon or so of applesauce I'm allowed to take with my meds bugs me nada. From what my doctor has said during briefings and such, my stomach entry is only sposed to be about the size of a straw. Is it possible that I have stretched my pouch and undone everything in just the few days I'vebeen on liquids? I'm a real water hog and even whilein the hospital the dy after surgery was having no probs except for the burps. I SO don't want to have screwed this up. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 4/20/08 9:05 pm - pomona, MO
Use your white notebook, it will tell you how much to eat and when to eat, do this until you go back to your doctor, just sip your liquids...you will be fine....vesta


on 4/21/08 12:33 am - Overland Park, KS
Hey there, No I don't think you've stretched out your pouch,(it will drain out as it is only liquid) however, that being said, you should ONLY be drinking 2 OZ in a half an hour!!! not 6, that is 3 x as much!! I am not sure the reason, but them is the rules, I am supposed to be drinking 2 oz every half hour ,I think sometimes I go over a little bit, but not that much. I had a problem all weekend with urping liquid stuff up every time i layed down, i think i was getting to much liquid, yesterday I limited myself to 1 oz every 15min to a half an hour , and finally got some sleep. In the white binder it say's in BIG LETTERS  DO NOT OVER DO THE LIQUIDS AT THIS STAGE. i WONDER IF IT'S BECAUSE YOU COULD STRAIN THE STAPLE LINE? YOU ARE STILL HEALING. bTW, you might want to ease up on the broth, it is so salty it will make you more thirsty and retain water. Also you may need to do what I have resorted back to, drink out of the little 1 oz cups they give you at the hosp.good luck, quit drinking so much ya lush lol.


on 4/21/08 12:49 am - Lebanon, MO
But as my 2 year old says...I'm fosty!!!! Lol, yes, I'm trying to cut back BIG time. I started making my own broth on Friday...maybe thats the problem lol. I got tired of all th sodium and additives I was getting when I had Campbells or Swanson's, so, I just started making my own since I had some beef bones and stuff. Pretty good stuff if I do say so myself and I guess I do lol. Anyways, I'm going to be cutting WAY back. I kind of wonder i I was having so much because I went so long without any liquid at allSaturday. We fished all day and I forgot to take my water with . Ifelt like a raisin by the time I got home that night and that was when I noticed how much liquid I was consuming.  How are you feeling today? Have you called Dr. H. yet??? You got some folks here worried boutcha girl. Let us know what is up and you you're doing ok???

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

on 4/21/08 12:56 am - Overland Park, KS
OH good good, glad your not inhaling the salty broth, but BE CAREFUL, you don't want to lay down and urp it up...no siree bob, that was so NOT fun!!. No I didn't call the doc, i think I worked it out, last night i slept like a baby, and i am strictly limiting my amt.s. Only prob is I can now eat 2 tablespoons at a time, you know soft gross stuff, dairy is now out (my body no longer likes it), pudding, cottage cheese, yogurt, all the stuff I stocked up on, now the egg made me sick, I guess i will be liquified forever, but i am feeling much much better, but learn from my mistake, BE VERY CAREFUL LOL


on 4/21/08 12:40 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Happy in Oz, I would certainly call and speak to one of the nurses since you are worried and maybe they can ease your mind-I just wanted to bop in and tell you that each one of us is different. I have been an angel to some that were just like you and didnt have any problems with getting their liquids in and such-and then I had some that were like me-and couldnt seem to get it all in no matter what! We all have been successful though and not one of my girls that were like you have stretched their pouch or undone what they just had gone through to have done....Its a weird and trying time right now-because you have to get to know something that you have known all your life and how it works-and of course, when you are the one who is different than the "norm" you will worry-its normal-but I am also not a doctor, so I would say just call them and speak to a nurse and ask her- Please keep us posted. I will keep you in thought and prayer.  Janet
Nancy S.
on 4/21/08 8:33 am - Knob Noster, MO
To quote the doc  "fluid runs straight through....you can't overdrink this diet"   HOWEVER....in the beginning stages you need to follow the guidelines because you are healing and you are trying to train yourself into some new habits like sipping instead of gulping....lay off the salt and milky things that make you thirstier....you gotta reprogram the brain my dear and practice makes perfect....remember that white binder I reminded you of when you were talking about having some mac and cheese???? 

on 4/21/08 11:17 am - Lebanon, MO
I DOOOOO sip my broth...I just don't stop sipping 6  oz  The gulping happens when I drink without thinking lol. Case in point...and I PAID for it...it was hot and I was thirsty tday after playing with my terrordactyls, so I just picked up my bottle of water and tossed back the last 2 inches in the bottle. TOTALLY forgot I had just had WLS. I have not had that bad of burpy gas EVER and talk about PAINFUL!!!! I am trying though, really I am. I'm just worried that I have been drinking too much. I'm sure Dr. H is going to string me up by my toes and lambast me Thursday for it, but, maybe that's what I need. Thank you for all advice and help

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

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