The otherday I posted "checking In" about how upset I was that they canceled me and I had to wait in the waiting room with no idea that I had been canceled? Well, I went to support group here in Joplin and it was good. They are just getting the business under way like officers and stuff, but I think it is going to be a good one. I think that I am really going to enjoy myself and they are moving it just about 6 blocks from my house so I will be walking there :) . After support group I had gone home and prayed, (I was feeling negitive and upset about the sleep study ) Then, after speaking with my mom she wanted to keep the kids another night!! I was so thrilled and couldnt figure out what I was going to do with my night? Then, the other line beeped and I saw it was the sleep center, so I asked my mom if it would be okay for me to call her right back? So, I answered it and the lady was soooo nice and apologetic and we talked and she just had a canelation!! I knew it just wasn't meant for whatever reason for me to go the prior night. I was so ecstatic!!! So, I was there @ 9 pm ( actually 8:40 :) ) It went okay, but I wasnt able to sleep very well because of the feeling of someone watching me sleep. As I was getting all set up with the wires the tech and I were talking and she had Gastric Bypass 5 years ago too! So, she gave me her advice and we chatted. It was great! I had a good experience and was happy it is now out the way. I have an appt on Weds. to find out the results of the Psych Eval and I am so excited! As far as things I still need to do to prepare for the surgery is just meet with the surgeon, go to his appts and tests there in Sedalia and finish my 6 month PCP visits. I am very excited and happy about how things are really turning out and working out for me. I hope everyone has had a blessed weekend and have a great week!! ~Lo