Started off this morning sort of chilly and damp but the temp started creeping up as the morning wore on and we wound up with 71 degrees this afternoon. I about wore myself out today. Potting up tiny plants so they will get some size to them in the next two to three weeks. Got all the soaker hoses laid out in the flower beds. Been weeding with a hand tool and applying preen as I get the weeds up so they wont come back, not applying preen in areas that im going to plant some seeds in tho. Once I get everything done there wont be as much to do hopefully till I get back on feet from this stupid operation. I cant figure out which I should do first , the knee or the shoulder, the knee wont get any worse but the shoulder will so guess it will be first, I really was hoping that my next surgery would be to get some of the skin off my body. Will have to talk to Dr. McClain about timetable of surgeries. Maybe I ought to just say line up all my joints for replacement . but so far no one has said anything about the hips . good.
Before I lost weight I would have figured they would have to be replaced because they hurt so bad but since losing they don’t hurt anymore..
Joe went out this morning early and found more mushrooms then he and I went out this afternoon and found more. Sure wish we could come home with a big big bag of them.
My kids all want to taste of them and we cant seem to get enough at one time for that.
Oh before I forget Renee Baldwin is doing ok. Tired and sore but comeing along fine.
Im suppose to meet Debbie D. tomorrow , was going to meet her today but they didn’t get out of the conference when she thought they would . So time got away from her.
TRACI: lol sorry I accused you of the rain I didn’t know about the fire trucks , well of course that is it then.
How was your support meeting, did you have any people there? I sure hope so it can get disheartening when no one shows.
How was your Christian conference. I went to that web site , that looks very interesting.
I sure didn’t know that Kirk Cameron was into this. He always played such a stinker on the show. Lol
Oh wow wish I had a tulip tree lol of course I would have to hunt like crazy to find a place for it but I would. Our wooded area where I have the shade garden I am planting a lot of pretty trees in among them when they get big enough for shade we will cut some of the junk trees in there like the scraggly elms. And such.
The pecan trees would be nice but the black walnut trees I think of them as a nuisance. They are the last to get leaves and the first to lose them . and they leave the biggest mess in the world. But I guess they do taste good lol
We use to when I was a kid had a whole grove of paw=paw trees, they are more or less on the endangered list anymore I think also on that list is sassafras , that is what someone said anyway.
How much did that bundle of tree cost you? Would be a good deal if someone needed to retree an area wouldn’t it?
CHRISTINE::::::Are you from Scottland? I have always wanted to go there and to also.
It is suppose to be very pretty Sunday. The misty weather wouldn’t be much fun with kids anyway . but is great for taking pictures of flowers.
Speaking of which you should see my backyard at night. I have tons of the white jonquils and they glow in the dark with the moon shining on them , sort of errie looking actually but still beautiful too.
Hope your day is great
JANET::: oh wow I cant wait to see you seems like forever since you were at the meeting.
Wow about the job Mike got , at least he will have the best cars to race now since he will have store credit and nothing out of pocket to make them huh? Sounds like a good deal.
Working when it is beautiful in the Spring is for the birds. That is the time I hated more than anyother time. Summer when it is real hot out I don’t mine working , sort of a relief from the heat and winter relief from the cold but in the spring it is so hard to work inside.
I was planning on going back to work in a couple of months but since I have to have this shoulder done I guess I wont, I don’t think I could do much nursing with my right arm out of commission. I couldn’t even do charting or anything since it is the right arm. Might be able to do the Mars or Tars. Or at least check them lol
Wonderful news about Theresa, I hope they are able to keep her comfortable like this now.
It is suppose to get almost to 80 down here today. Wow. Isnt that something.
The hot tub sounds like it would be great on your sore aching muscles and joints.
We keep toying with the idea about getting a hot tub again. we have the Jacuzzis in the bathroom and it feels good but the hot tubs always feel so much better I think . You know with all of your joint problems you probably could get the pain clinic to write you a prescription for a hot tub lol No joke and sometimes medicare will pay for them , don’t really know what their criteria is for paying .
Need to check into that with Joes pain and my joints we might get that done ,
BRENDA:::: MY special foods I have all of it in one cabinet. The protein powder and splenda, the crystal lite , hard sugar free candies , and mixing cups and shaker cups etc all in the cabinet over my blender. And this is all right beside the refrigerator. I like having sections like that , like I have the coffee and filters and coffee mugs all in cabinet right over the coffee maker. Lol in some ways im quite organized others im about as hodge podge as they get.
Anyway I put everything like that so I wouldn’t have to drag it out from everywhere , makes it a lot easier too.
You might could put some in a gallon zip lock baggie every few days or so. That would take up less room, but me I don’t have anyother place to put it anyway so… you are moving right along. 8 more days wow. If you need me for anything you have my phone number. So call me ok? Im getting anxious for you too. I feel like it is me again going thru this. Hang in there you are doing great. How is your blood sugars today since you switched to the ON protein powder? Oh and you can mix them with flavored waters if you want. Like the crystal lite drinks you like.
So you would be able to use that right after surgery if you run out of the other or wind up not likeing them …the nectar protein is ok but I still prefer the ON even mixed with water.
You know something I am wondering ? How many people that lurk and that post are Nurses? Seems like there is a lot of us. Does nursing make you fat? Or do fat people go into nursing ? Which do you all think? How about yourself? Fat before or after?
Me sort of both, I was fat and started nursing school, my dad told me he would give me five dollars per pound that I took off by the time I finished school , won a lot of money from him and then about 6 years later got sick and started pilling it back on.
Squee - warmer temps are back on for the next few days and my weatherbug shows partly SUNNY! I'll take it!!
Jan: girl, you tease me about working hard, but I'm not so sure you don't work harder than me - being out in your garden ALL DAY!! Goodness!!! I'm busy - but not always physically busy like that. So I think you win the busy award!

The Transformed conference with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort was awesome!!! I posted a picture and some info on my blog, if anyone wants to check it out: http://traciscottage.com I got a book signed.

I went to the conference yesterday with our praise and worship leader from church, who also happens to be my Pastor's niece. She just moved here about a year ago from Arkansas - so somewhat new to the area. She has a 1 week free pass to Curves this week and could take a friend. I've actually never been to Curves (to work out - I went in to visit once) so tomorrow morning, her and I are going to Curves!! We get to go all this week and get to apparently join for half price. Not sure what half price is exactly - guess we'll find out tomorrow. But we have a Curves right here in town, less than 2 miles from my house, so I think this would be a good thing for me to join.

Okay - that's all my news and I need to scoot and get myself and the children ready for church. Have a great day everyone!
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
What another gorgeous day it is out there! Im so excited to be home-and not HAVE to be anywhere, if I dont want to. We may target practice or may not-LOL....Just the thought of only having to provide transportation for the teen to and from work-I still feel so relaxed compared to the rest of this past week!
~~Happy 38th Birthday Mel (meme214 or Melissa Russell)~~ I refer to her as Frack. I havent talked to her yet today. They were going to church this morning and then I believe she is heading off to her moms for a couple of days. In the next couple of weeks-we are going to have a combination b-day/mothers day bbq out here-and we will play on the go-karts (we have one and Mel and Terry just bought one 2 weeks ago at a garage sale) and we will do Darrel, Mel, Megan and my moms b-days combined-and then Mothers Day the same time. Wont be Mothers Day day, because I know that Mel will want to be with her mom on Mothers Day and thats to be expected.
We are planning on having a garage sale in the Lobby of the motel-just in case it rains-and so in the next couple of days, we are going to go get the stuff out of Mel and Terrys garage and get it to the new location for the sale and then I have a couple of things that I need to bring home-actually quite a few things!! Oh Barnicals-looks like it may be another week-LOL LOL.....
I got an email from my angelette-Bev B....She hasnt had a cigarette in 7 weeks!! 7 weeks-How AWESOME is that? Im so happy for her and proud of her! She went up to Columbia and they have to resubmit her paperwork for the surgery due to the time frame-the approval had expired-but they felt like that wouldnt be an issue for her. Then....they will set her up for that last class-and she will get her date. I am so excited!! She has Dr. Fearing...I would love to be up in Columbia the day that Bev has surgery and see Dr. Fearing when they come out to tell us how surgery went. I dont think she would recognize me-till I turned around and showed her the tattoo with her name on it!! LOL...I know she would remember that!
I have gotten some really good news-but then I also got some bad news yesterday. Lets do the good news first. The organization that Mel and Terry met with yesterday is called Bikers Against Child Abuse-and they are TAKING THEIR CASE!! Im not sure when they start actively being there physically-but they are going to be protecting those kids from every angle-out side-when they go somewhere, and when we go to court the 5th of May-they go to court with us-Mr. Mark-who has always walked in with anywhere from 5-10 people at court-and Mel and Terry havent had anyone with them (the one time I went with Mel-Mark was still in jail-) so anyway-he thinks they dont have anyone on their side-he is going to crap his pants when those big burly guys walk in their with their leather and long hair-and let me tell you something-in our area-these men are admired for what they do for our children and the community. The judges, police, sheriff etc-they all respect them and admire what they stand for. I feel relieved and excited that FINALLY, someone is helping since the courts and judicial (sp?) system isnt doing what they are suppose to do to protect this family and these children. The Carthage Police Dept is suppose to be patrolling their neighborhood and come by their place every 2 hours-but I was there almost all day on Monday and ALWAYS saw out the front window unless I was in the bathroom-and I never once saw them come by-what a crock! Its just a joke-and they had better hope and pray that nothing happens to this family due to their lack of protection that they were promised!
Bad news-Not only do I have to deal with my ex coming here, and his b.s., but I got a text from Mel last night that Nancy (the biological womb) of the 2 children Mel and Terry have-is in OK, and headed this way as well. She has signed off her parental rights for both kids-and she didnt even want to be notified when the court date was for the adoption-so she signed off on that as well. Now we are wondering if Mark has gotten to her and asked her to help him-or to tell her to say that she changed her mind so that she could help take the babies away! I am hoping and praying that is not the case. There is a 6 month wait from the time they signed their parental rights over and the court date-so we are getting fairly close to that time frame, even though they have had the kids since Sept. Please say some prayers about this-those kids do not need or deserve the crap they have to go through with their biological parents-they were never put first or even second-they were just pawns in their life to use to get welfare and all those goodies.
Well, I am going to wrap this up and go and start my laundry......I am waiting for Steph to call and tell me if she is getting off work at 2 pm or 5 pm-and I am going to go start Mikes work clothes (all dress clothes-so they are a pain in the rump...have to iron them when they need it, and get to the dryer asap so they dont wrinkle etc) so-his laundry is more time consuming than mine... Pretty much I just wear jeans and a baggy t-shirt.
Steph just got back from a trip to KC. They went to the art museum and had 2 days of doing teen stuff and all that. She had a blast at the art museum-she is really good at art-I mean awesome!! My grandma was too-it just skipped a couple of generations!! LOL...I cant draw a stick person!! Steph can take a picture and draw free-hand and it looks exact!! I envy that-wish I could! She won an award for one of her poems too-and it was a national deal-we go to the awards ceremony the first week in May-dont remember which day, but I am excited. Its out at the college and it will be printed in the newspaper. She may qualify for a scholarship for her art etc....that would be awesome!
Mike took me out to dinner last night to the outback-and all we did was argue the whole time. I am too edgy and he is making me mad-LOL...I hate arguing-him and I just dont, really. Its very rare. Im just aggitated over everything lately. Jonathan is also really hyper lately-and he just cant settle down. I am hoping its just cabin fever. I signed him up for Head Start AGAIN...I had called to check and see where we were on the waiting list and they said that they called and our phone was disconnected-darn it-so it happened in that time frame of the identity theft-just a couple of weeks ago-and so they took us off the list. He is now back on the list-will see how long that takes again!
**Jan-as soon as I can-I am going to take a couple of pics of my yard and pool area-and I will either email them to you OR bring them to group-and I would like to pick your brain on what to plant and where....As long as its not really expensive, Im all for it. I would like the website for those year round Lilac bushes you told me about last year-if you remember. I think they were either 10 or 20 dollars each-and for the life of me, I cant find where I put that address-I want some lilac bushes out here. They were to bloom all year long and they had other colors than just purple and white.-do you remember which website that is?
Im so jelous that you get to see Debbie D...give her a hug from me. She looks so good. I hope you guys have fun. Did you get a chance to see Sugar the other day when you went to the ortho? Will she be at the meeting this month? Oh-and thanks for the update on Renee. Ive been thinking about her alot lately.
**Brenda N-Are you talking about Spanx underwear? I love Lane Bryants line Cacquice or whatever its called. I will ck into them again. Ive been buying the .88 cent undies at walmart. LOL...I hate to spend 8-10 on a bundle of them, get them home and they dont feel right or they ride up the incision-Ive had a ton of them already! I laughed at your post. Thanks for making me smile-I needed that!
Well, I am gonna get for a bit. Please keep Mel and her family in your prayers. I appreciate it. Today is Kennys b-day as well-so my parents are going up to the hospital to help him celebrate. As always-your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet