I'm the next in line for my RNY!
Oh my goodness... I just went to Dr. Hornbostel's site and I'm next on his list for my RNY!!! YIKES!
I know he has been out of town because I talked with Margie today. If anyone is before me, they have not posted their date.
Wow- how sobering!
Right now I just wish my mouth would feel 'right' I ate bars for my last two shakes. Just don't think I've had good luck with shakes today- Tomorrow is another day-
We don't eat for 4 weeks actually. 2 pre-op and 2 post-op at least- wow-
Dr. H may have other surgeries but if the person hasnt registered at his web site it doesnt show on there. Wont be long for you now. I dont know why the protein mix did that to you. Could be the meds who knows. why did they put you on that med since having the scope? Good way to think of things reqarding this wls. Tomorrow is another day. cant change today but can try again tomorrow. Take care girl
Hey Jan- Yes, I thought of the other people that just are not on-line too...but it was still quite sobering to see I'm next!
When I had my belly scope, doc. found the right combination of things that would leak to ulcers. I forget now just how he worded it. But, his standard approach is to put you on a antibiotic and the Prilocet. I'd figure it would coat your stomach? It is for acid reflux, which I've never had... But you know our doc., he takes no chances- better safe than sorry is pretty much his take on things. I was shocked that my blood work-up showed anything going on in my stomach.
I love Crystal Light White Grape sf drink...and the apple flavor too. I bought several more tonight. The punch and cherry and all that type are much too sweet for me. I'll give those to the grand kids like cool-aid.

Nancy- What a great help you are! Thanks!
I threw up last night, and this morning the mouth issue is gone...thank you Lord! I tell ya, yesterday was tough-
I'd bet my diabetes medicine is hard on the lining of my stomach- I know it sure keeps me on the potty lots of days. But Metformin is famous for that with just about everyone.
I've had my galbladder removed. I wonder if that changes my dijestive stuff too? I never thought about it before.
Gotta run, it's so nice outside today!