Jan C.
on 4/18/08 2:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Don’t know if it is because I know that there is something wrong with my shoulder or if it is the weather, but it sure has been throbbing today. I think it is the arthritis part tho rather than the tear. He said that there was a lot of calcification in there and when he goes into repair the tendon that he is going to take that all out so there will be more room in there for it to work properly. I am just hating the idea of having to have another surgery. I know it will help with some of the pain that I have but sure would like it to have been to take some of the excess skin off of somewhere , anywhere instead lol . wonder if I could get him to remove all of the excess skin on that arm while he is doing all of the other stuff.  Guess that wouldn’t work since I would have one arm big and one arm little then lol

Joe got the new big floor to ceiling cabinet painted today and then I drybrushed it to antique it. All of my cabinets are done that way. I love having the added space it is giving me. No more counter space but at least I can get some of the things out of cabinets so they aren’t that crowded and some of the stuff off the cabinets . I don’t know how surfaces in my house get cluttered so fast when it is just the two of us here, does anyone else have that problem. It is like daily im putting stuff away or throwing away things that land on top of the dining table , the cabinet tops and on top of the small deepfreeze in the kitchen. First of all I don’t know where it all comes from , second how does it wind up there?? I think there are gremlins that do this at night when I go to bed. Lol




JANET:::: So the red van were the people inside the station or something? Im glad that you got the lic number that way you have something tangible to give to the cops. Well that is if they are interested, the law sounds stupid to me about someone , can come and beat you up and there is nothing you can do but get a piece of paper saying for him to stay away. Oh year a psycho like that is going to be afraid of paper. Whooohoo. Big deal huh?

That is awful that you got so bruised up when you knocked yourself out. You need to watch what you do sweetie

 and quit trying to hurt yourself. 

I have heard so many workmans comp stories about how they dragged their feet and tried to not pay someone, but I sure cant say that about Joe when he was in that wreck he was at work and I have never been more thrilled with anyone. They assigned a nurse to his case and she would call me about every 3 days to see how he was and what they were going to have to do next for him. She even had suggestions about certain treatments for him. I think God was looking out for us since I have never heard of a w.c. case like that before.

Hope you got some sleep last night so work didn’t go too bad today.



TRACI:::::No we didn’t feel it way down here or I don’t think anyone did but something woke me up right around that time but didn’t know what it was, don’t think it was shaking just maybe a dream ?

Wow you raised two families didn’t you? Is this your second marriage?

Hope your shoulder stays in place for a long long time lol

And so you are the one that caused the rain huh? Washing a car is always a signal for rain didn’t you know?



NANCY ;;;; Knowing the plants you like is a good start on knowing what and where you want it planted. Really there isnt a lot of right and wrong way to do it, it depends on what type of yard you want. What direction , or side of house you want done. North, south, east or west. Full sun there most of the day, some of the day, no sun ever hits that side of the house.

I would love for you to come down  and would teach you a lot if you did but I was sort of kidding, not really but was too.

We are way down in the boonies that is for sure. But would be a nice for you to come down.



MELISSA:::: so glad that your mother is having a better day. She will remain in our prayer.That is a lot of fluid bless her heart no wonder she isnt feeling good.


Hope the garage sale for the Daiseys goes well and you all have a wonderful day for it.

Hope the organization can help with the kids being threatened What will they do exactly? Did you kiss Mr. Impatient for all of us .



BEC:::::sounds like you have been very busy with MIL. When Paul comes down to roof her house will you be coming along?

That is great that you got the snap peas in the ground. They like the really cool weather. They also do well planted in the fall garden.


We had those mushrooms for supper tonight, yummmmmmy they were good. ,

Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful , maybe you can get out and look for some.


Good night tonight and hope everyone that needs to gets a good nights sleep






Traci K.
on 4/18/08 10:08 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone!
Brrrrr - where's my warm, sunny spring weather?! I think it's trying to take hold - just having a hard time I guess.

Jan: yes, this is a second marriage for me. As for me causing the rain - I beg to differ, the Fire Station here was washing ALL THREE fire trucks the other day, so I think it's their fault.

This morning is the WLS support group here in Sullivan. I haven't heard if anyone is planning to attend - hopefully someone will show up! Then immediately after I have to scoot out as I'm going to the Transformed conference in Arnold hosted by Kirk Cameron (who was on the show Growing Pains) and Ray Comfort and their Way of the Master ministry. I love that ministry!! It's from 1:30 - 5:30 pm today in Arnold, Missouri.

Here's the link, if you'd like to go, it's FREE to attend!!

Well, I gotta scoot and get myself going and ready for my busy day.

Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Nancy S.
on 4/18/08 11:54 pm - Knob Noster, MO
Jan I have the same gremlins....we have "flat space syndrom" as well.  I can identify my gremlins though....15, 15, 13, 11, 4, 35 are their ages.  They deny it but I know it's them.  I told my husband i was going to remodel the entire kitchen and make every surface rounded like a camel back trunk just so stuff wouldn't land there.  I have even gone so far as to leave notes designating areas as "non flat spots"  LOL.  It doesn't work but it makes me feel better. I sure hope your shoulder gets to feeling better.  We have wet chilly weather at my house.  DH is out planting some of the 100 trees we got from the conservation dept.  The tulip trees are in...at least as many as i want.  I think he is working on the pawpaw trees right now and then he will be doing the "nut bundle" we got which has walnuts and 2 different types of pecans.  I know we got elderberry too but haven't figured out where to put those just yet.  I am hoping some folks around here will want some of them...it is a great deal to buy from the cons dept but GEEZ...we certainly don't need 100 more trees...of our 7 acres, 4 of them are wooded!  I hope you all have a great day...I'm just going to stay inside with a book and the littlest one of mine while the others catch colds outside.  Everyone take care.....

Christine F.
on 4/19/08 2:26 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
In true Highland sprit, we're going to go to the Scottish Highland Games in Warrensburg today.  It's cool and dreary, it'll be like we're really in Scotland, and not Missouri! LOL I'm hoping this weather clears up and moves right on out for our trip to Powell Gardens tomorrow.  I'm sure the guys will painball in any weather, but I'm not really interested in walking through flowers in rain!  Esp when we'll have two preschoolers with us!  Everyone have a good Sat! 


on 4/19/08 7:02 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Good Afternoon-What an absolutely gorgeous day it is today and I have cabin fever so bad!! I want to be outside playing. My guys- (my 2 sons and hubby) were outside playing with our RC cars-and now they are at the track that sits behind the Hobby store.

When I got home from Kansas City, Mike was gone and Steph didnt know where he went. She had fallen asleep. I called him and he said he was there at Hobby World-and when he got home he said they offered him a job-helping repair RC cars, in exchange for parts/store credit. He is going to do it. Im not sure what that means as far as him being gone, but they only have one guy right now-and he wanted Mike to be the other due to how swamped they have become-and when it gets warmer-there are a lot of people who play with the RCs and race at the track there. Right now I am at the office-it has been a slow day-and I have NEVER had a day this slow before-but I have been able to catch up on everything and it sure feels nice. I would love to be able to close the doors and take the rest of the day and go play with my kids and hubby. I am waiting anxiously for Mel to call me and let me know how the meeting went!! Im so excited about them taking the case that I cant hardly contain my excitement. It sure is going to be nice to not have to worry 24/7 if they dont answer the phone or a text ASAP...you tend to let your mind wander-and with good reason-but its an awful way to live, thats for sure. Its good news about Mels mom, isnt it? I started crying when I found out how much better she is doing. PRAISE GOD!! Im also anxious to find out when Mel is going down there next. Tomorrow is her bday and due to this crazy crazy week we had-I havent gotten anything done and am not prepared to host a BBQ or anything just yet. Monday I was at Mels all day while they did court and errands. Tues and Weds I helped my parents at the motel, Thurs all day to KC and back, Friday and today-at the motel. Tomorrow, I think I may just hang out in my sweats or shorts IF it gets warm enough and depending on my pain level-I may take the boys on a walk or go to the park. I dont know yet-but I sure dont want to waste a perfect day, thats for sure. **Jan, I am pretty sure that its the weather-really. I know I got knocked around pretty well when I fell, BUT..I have that aching pain that feels so deep and intense~ Nothing helps with this kind of pain, and of course-the fall just helped the pain level. Today is the most pain I have been in since I started on my meds. I am bruised ALL over and feeling every inch of my body aching!! I am seriously thinking about asking my parents if I can take a nice warm bath at their apartment-or calling Mel and asking if I can sit in their hot-tub out in the garage. I think that may help-or at least it sounds really relaxing! I do NOT believe we wear the same sz underwear! I wear granny panties tho-none of the thigh high or anything like that, mostly because I hate it when the bottom of my apron hangs out the bottom of my underwear-where the holes for the legs are-makes me self conscience-to say the least, plus its uncomfortable. I have had 3 c-sections and so I am cut from my belly button to the pubic line-and my apron folds together like a taco-OR the underwear sometimes just ride up on that incision scar-and it gets really irritated and such. I dont know how I can be a 14-16 and only wear sz 6 undies-but I am. I am basically a 14 now, but I can and still do wear some of the 16s I have. I dont have many things that fit perfectly. Maybe 2 outfits....I dont want to buy more until Im done losing and I dont think I am done yet?? My ex-FIL is here visiting. They were just here a couple of weeks ago, but this time he came down by himself and he is spending time with all of his kids and grandkids. He will be leaving on Monday. He wanted special time with my girls-and so they will be going to dinner tomorrow evening. Well, I am going to close and check out some other posts. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for everyone here. Its wonderful!! I hope you all enjoy this perfect weather. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

Brenda Nutt
on 4/19/08 12:12 pm - Harrison, AR

Hi Janet- I've been reading you, but I don't think we've talked before- but reading your post, I just had to pop in about panties. I found some at Lane Bryant. They are expensive as all get out...but great for the belly apron issue. They are so stretchy in the front. I get the biggest size they have for the same reasons you expressed about the legs and all. I get these in the store, not from a catalog. The are CACIQUE brand. I like cause they are thick and stretchy, and the legs are round, not that angle up the thigh leg. You will know them if you turn them around and look at the back...it looks like it has a sort of ribbed line down the crack...ha! No joke, these are thick enough stretchy fabric to be 'sort of' supporting. The elastic does not make panty lines on me either. So while shrinking, these will shrink with you! They are expensive, but go on sale something like buy two and get third one free. Something like that- I buy them in Springfield but all the stores carry them. They also come in the bikini etc. but I like the full size. Plus, they don’t look so big when you are folding clothes…. I have some all cotton panties that look big as sheets when I fold them! hahahahahaha

Brenda Nutt
on 4/19/08 12:16 pm - Harrison, AR

No one needs to have a garage sale as bad as I do, but I just hate having them.  We live on a dead end street and it blocks the entire neighborhood so many people come to sales in this neighborhood.  I am swimming is so much "stuff"....so I can relate to your kitchen story. 

How did everyone arrange their food in with the families food?  I don't have a big kitchen, and those Whey containers are massive!  I think I may just pour some in one of my canisters...I nevre use the sugar canister anyway, don't know why I even keep sugar in the house....  Any tips would be appreciated.



Nancy S.
on 4/19/08 1:03 pm - Knob Noster, MO
Hey Brenda ...I feel your pain with the space issue...it just so happened that my husband put up 6 new cabinets along one wall that we have been planning to do for a few years and just never got around to.  He took a week off with me during my post op period in case i needed help and ended up doing the cabinet job....needless to say they are already full....I think you have a great idea with using the sugar canister...may as well make it useful.   Man you guys....I have never laughed so hard in my life as I did tonight....my sides were hurting and I had tears STREAMING down my face!  We went to the donkey basketball game they had tonight at the high school...fundraiser for new equipment.  This guy has donkeys and does this for a living....has them trained etc.  Picks the ones to use in the games and chooses them based on their behaviors...bucking, running, lying down, head bowing (riders slide off the front!)...they played 4 teams made up of seniors, juniors, faculty, and community.  It was hysterical.  You had to have your donkey with you at all times...either riding or dragging....at intermission the kids got to ride....it really was a good evening of fun for the whole family....the gym was pretty full too.  Had a spaghetti dinner beforehand...I sipped on my nectar.  Going to bed now....hoping tomorrow is as beautiful as the forecasters say it is supposed to be....going to powell gardens with the midgets.

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