Weight requirement for Insurance Approval

openRNY 4/04
Gaining another 5lbs isnt going to cause you to have a heart attack. I can understand that you are impatient --- we are all while going thru the process. Instead of thinking about and stressing over whats going wrong and these little complications try to focus on the following. First --- You have insurance that will pay for your surgery. Millions of Americans dont have insurance at all --- I didnt for many years. If I got sick I had to go the free clinic at the health department. Second --- Thousands of obese patients have insurance but their coverage doesnt cover surgery period. Either they have to quit their jobs to get different coverage, or they pay totally out of pocket for the surgery here in America or they go down to Mexico, because it's cheaper, and still pay out of pocket. Or sadly --- they never get to have the surgery. Now --- if you open your heart and mind and realize how TRULY LUCKY you actually are then you can also realize gaining 5 lbs to apease your insurance company isnt as big as a crisis as you may think it is. To get thru this surgery and all its takes before and after you have got to have the right attitude. Gaining 5 lbs isnt complicated --- your insurance company has just told you YES you can have this amazing surgery that will totally change your life and health forever. You should be rejoicing right now. Start enjoying this NOW or you will miss out on a lot of great moments. You are having SURGERY --- it'll change your life forever --- you are one of the lucky ones my dear. Best of Luck to you/.