Consult with Dr. Price complete!
I talked to Margie this morning and she talked to a doctor, I forget who she said it was, and called me back right away. I just can not drink Boost. It is just soo slimy. Slim Fast I can do. But, Bothwell pre-op visit took me off my diabetes meds and they did not go down with the Boost or the Slim Fast. So, I have to start taking the pills again. I bought a protein bar to take the medicine with, maybe I won't be on the potty all day long again...that is wicked, makes you wonder if the medicine is doing you more harm than good. I'm loving dailyplate site.
9½ days till surgery!
How do I list myself on the MO board? I'm on Hornbostels surgery board, but not listed on here. oh well- no biggie.

Thelma told me I don't have to lose any weight but I'm trying. Thing is if I could lose weight on my own I wouldn't be there. I was on and off Weigh****chers for nearly 35 years and never lost any significant weight. It's not that I haven't tried. I did Slim 4 Life, LA Weight Loss, pills, etc., and just couldn't get the weight off. The amount of exercise Tricia wants me to do is what I'm having problems with. Seems excessive. The thing I'm finding out at SB is I've pretty much lost my cravings. I should lose a few pounds the last 2 weeks when we do the protein drink/water. Not looking forward to that. I saw my primary doctor this morning for the letter and she requires me to have a stress test. I should have gone in sooner but I thought she would just write the letter and I would be done. Wednesday I'm having blood work. I know my cholesterhol and tryglicerides are hight but that should be eliminated after surgery. There was great piece on 60 Minutes last night about gastric bypass surgery. Makes me want it evern more. Jo