Home and HAPPY!!!!

on 4/17/08 8:53 am - Lebanon, MO
Well,  I am home from surgery. the trip home was a LOT worse then i thought it would be.  just could NOT get comfy. On the up side, I am not feeling much pain or discomfort...other then from gas. I would LOVE to know how to get rid of it. I don't mind having the pooters, but, these burps that won't burp BITE!!!!! I am very tired of clear liquids. I am looking forward to getting on to my "slider" foods. I think I will kiss my egg before I scramble it lol. For those of you post-ops out there. Is there any advice you can give on things I absolutely should NOT do, should??? I'm not having a problem walking and I have a nice long gravel lane to walk on. Like I said, my biggest problem is the gas. Was thinking about TRYING to do Silver Dollar City this weekend, but, I have been scoffed at until I'm thinking I might not. Until later then. Helllooooo LOSERS BENCH!!!!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Jan C.
on 4/17/08 9:57 am - Cedar Creek, MO
walking will help the gas and also get some gas x strips , one stip wont do it use 2 or 3. but also walking will help about as much as anything.  As far as going to silver dollar city , go by how you feel probably no riding rides but walking would be good but just go on how you feel. you may be really tired for a few days after all you know you just had major surgery. sip sip sip tha****er  and get in your water protein mix...you will start feeling better quickly.



on 4/17/08 10:09 am - Lebanon, MO
I am sending my DH out toWalgreen's tonight...just so he knows how much I appreciate him lol. I didn't get th percoset they prescribed, mainly because I didn't like the way it made me feel. I haen't had any pain meds since 10pm last night, but Ihave got a VISCIOUS headache. They gave me a tylenol suppository for it this morning and I'd rather have that then the percoset. I also want him to get me those GASX strips and some SF popsicles. I have a question....is mac and cheese considered to be a "soft food" for stage 2??? The family wants some pretty bad...as my 4 year old said, "made the mommy way". I was thinking maybe make it for my graduation to soft food. As far as SDC rides go...uh UH...well maybe just the Lost River. I'llsave the big stuff for when I can ride without a "fat" belt lol.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Nancy S.
on 4/17/08 10:36 am - Knob Noster, MO
Here's a good "should not" for you.....you should not deviate from the "allowed" foods list in your binder for stage 2.  Your digestive system has been revamped and needs to have foods introduced slowly.  Pasta is very high in carbs...your chances of dumping are pretty high.  The foods listed are going to be gentle enough on your system that you will avoid becoming ill....besides, i don't think mac and cheese will look very good pureed........make them their mac and cheese and have some 4 cheese mashed potatoes...they come in a pouch so you can make as much or as little as you want and it's an "allowed" food.   What you "should" do is go by the book.  Don't try to second guess Dr H and think a little deviation will be ok....I had my first dumping episode today and let me tell you....they suck!  I haven't had any problems with ANYTHING...so i thought i was past the hard part and what would a little bite of cake batter hurt???  It hurts plenty!  I am reallly glad you are doing well...I was going to stop by and see you as well, but i didn't have your real name and i didn't want to just arbitrarily ask for the "other lady who had WLS"....they would have thought i was crazy!  I hope I don't sound like i'm scolding you.....just know how much misery you can cause yourself if you don't "go by the book".......take care.......

on 4/17/08 10:52 am - Lebanon, MO
I would never take offense for advice given when it was asked for! I haen't really been paying too much attention to the book the last few days...been more concerned about week 1 lol. I guess I should pull my head out and get to planning though. You should've stopped by though, I was so BORED!!!. The nursing staff was SO great though. I like your idea about the mashed potatoes. I was thinking about making them from scratch, less "filler" and I can control what goes in better. I don't plan of going off on my own though, I do nOT want to have probs... Thanks for the advice and best wishes for you to :)

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Jan C.
on 4/17/08 1:30 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
want to warn your all about the mashed potatoes too girls they are full of carbs too. right now you cant eat enough to hurt you and that is why they can be on the list  because you think wow potatoes but about 3 bites and you are saying yuck potatoes lol ....but later on when you can eat more , need to probably leave off the potatoes.  I use baked sweet potatoes low in carbs and better i think. Nancy is right stick to the list right now. please.



on 4/17/08 3:28 pm - Overland Park, KS
hEY YOU, GLAD TO SEE YOU UP AND AROUND, I was sooo happy to get to eat something that on my way home from the drs (one week check up)I stopped by kfc and got mashed pot. i had 4 small bites, that's it. i THOUGHT HEY THIS WENT DOWN WELL, NEXT DAY AROUND 7  I  decided 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, again it went down fine. I went to bed at 12:00, I was up most of the night, such cramping, my body did not like the milk I guess. Today all protein drink liquids, I am not hungry at all! I think I really needed to feed the head hunger. The sugar free popsicles (and fudge sicles) went down easier than anything. Also DO NOT  drink to much, I did before I went to bed, and it kept trying to creep back out, it wasn't painful (thank goodness) but I thought if I fell asleep I might drown lol. won't do that again either!! And yes the gas x strips help alot, though I had to have 3 at a time. You sdc trip sounds great except, I think you will find once you've settled into home a form of exhaustion might set in, it did for me and lasted about 5-6 day's, after all you've had major surgery! so don't over do it. I also quit taking the meds because they made me tired , but up until tonight I have taken them to make sleep more comfortable, if your a side sleeper you may need it. good luck, congratulations, keep on writing. susan


on 4/17/08 10:44 pm - Lebanon, MO

OOOOOOoooo, KFC mashed...I am SO sick of liquids after two weeks lol. I am thinking about starting slow, maybe just adding the noodles to my chicken and noodleless lol. I am taking my meds with applesauce and just one TEASPOON is a stretch. This morning i got up with everyone at 6:30 and went for a walk down my lane. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed walking in the morning. When I was in the Army, I used to love walking to formation in the spring and summer. I walked up and down my lane til my DH had to go to work. It was wonderful. Sadly, he couldn't stay with me today. Weird thing, the creditors don't really care about surgeries and stuff, they just want their money when it's due lol. Luckily, my Mom is right down the road. Hopefully if her eyes have stopped spinning and her eyebrows have stopped twitching, she'll come get me and let me spend some time with her.  She had 3 full days with the terrordactyls, so we'll have to see how far she's recovered lol. Not that my boys were naughty, they weren't, THANK HEAVENS, but they WERE active.  Hopefully I don't get too tired. my DH won't be home til after 5, Mom has painters coming, and I'm alonewith the precious ones. I slept so mucch in the hospital, 'm hoping I can mak it til nap time for the boys. Then I'll have at least an hour or so to nap.  I can't WAIT to start losing!!!!

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge. Ps 18:2 

Bec M.
on 4/17/08 6:02 pm
I'm so glad you are back home and doing well... I sure don't have any words of wisdom, but I AM listening to what you all are going thru so when my time comes (and hopefully it will) I might me well informed and not be taken aback at things that might "come up" ~ha... Sounds like you all are in, "the school of learning" ~ha Best wishes to you! bec
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