Jan C.
on 4/17/08 2:40 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Went to orthorpedic doctor this morning with the MRI results in my hand, Uhoh my right shoulder not only has arthritis in it but I now have a rotator cuff tear. OH GOOD GRIEF!!! I told him I cant have surgery right now, I have a greenhouse full of plants that have to be gotten into the ground in a couple of weeks.  Hey any of you that are wanting to learn how to plant and where to plant etc. come on down the first week end of May , if it isnt raining or cold and we will have a week end plant seminar . lol really im not kidding.

We have beds in the guest house and I will furnish weight loss friendly foods . Wouldn’t that be fun? If I had 4 or 5 good hands I could get this all planted  in a couple of days. Yippee.


The doctor said for me not to wait too long as the longer I wait the more it will tear.but I told him I will just have to be careful of it and will have to wait , Im not going to waste all of those plants. And have loads of seeds yet to plant but most of those will be planted directly in the ground. Have a whole box of daffodils to plant too.


I am so proud of the fact that I don’t have anything medically wrong with me except bone and joint issues but I guess that is bad enough. I was waiting to have my other knee done late this fall but looks like I wont be able to wait on the shoulder. Darn….

The doctor said that the only problem with waiting on a tear in the rotator cuff was that it would tear more and then it is harder to get the tendon refastened.. double darn


Wow the board is really hopping today. New post ops and other pre ops. And recent post ops with lots of wow moments. Gosh almost have to have a score card lol.             




CRAIG:::Was nice talking to you today too buddy. So what Craig and I have found out . Patients of Dr. Hornbostels that want to come for their yearly checkup can come to one of his Sunday afternoon support meetings the  first Sunday of the month.

Some people have been wondering when and if we were going to get together for a Sedalia picnic this year. And yes we will . Will be on June 1st . this year. We thought we would all get together in the park around noon and meet and have our lunch together. Then go to the support meeting from there. He did say that if we wanted to see him personally that we would have to make an appointment with him for office time. But this will count as our yearly appointment at the meeting. Lol

So any one that wants to come is invited. Even if you didn’t have Dr. H as your surgeon. You can still come out and visit with us. Ok?


LOL not me don’t like the idea of going swimming , I think I am going to get one of those neoprene diving suits to wear as a bathing suit. That way I can pretend im a diver and no one will wonder why im wearing that, when it really is to keep all the wrinkled skin under control.



TRACI:;;;;;So how many children do you have Traci? I know you have a daughter 27 and a son 25 are those two the onely grown ones?


I didn’t mean to be nosey about your meds hon. But migraines are so awful I use to have them all the time when I was a kid and after I had my first child they just went away. Isnt that weird. I remembering wanting to blow my head off it would get so bad.



SHEILA::: that is about all I did before I had surgery too. It took me two years to plant the things I had before because I would go and plant one thing and have to quit for the day.

I know what you mean about the tub. We have a big Jacuzzi tub really deep . I didn’t dare get in it before cause I couldn’t get out. I would roll around like a pig in a hog waller. Lol but I have no problems getting out now, except for my knees.


I use Preen for my flowers to keep weeds out. It is a little expensive but well worth it . What weeds do come up are just growing on top of the ground and very easy to pull up. Come to my seminar and will teach you lots of good stuff. Lol .

You cant use Preen where there are flower seeds planted until they come up.


I hope your head is feeling some better today.

Hey what size clothes are you into now? I am bringing some things to the support meeting that are too large for me. So maybe they will fit you. Ok ? Don’t know but they will be there.



BEC::::Yeah I have no problem at all eating Morel mushrooms. Lol better than any mushroom in the world right? Right.


A fountain is the one thing I would recommend that everyone put in their garden . Relaxing and makes the whole area seem quite and sort of sur-real.

Yes Bec your hosta should get bigger and bigger every year. Things that like to eat on Hostas are, deer, rabbits and snails. Each require a different thing to stop them.

You can plant the hollyhocks as soon as danger of frost is past but the plants then will come back every year. No wait on the elephant ears until it is warmer . I may have lost some of mine this year it was so cold so long. But I leave mine in the ground and cover them with about 6 inches of straw. Are you putting your elephant ears in the ground or in pots? You might put impatients in there since it should be pretty shady under them. Or some ivy that you like.


What a nice MIL you have sounds like she loves you a lot but how could she not.




JANET:::::: hope your trip to KC was good and productive for both you and Melissa.

I hope it didn’t rain on you all all the way up there. We never have had any rain here today yet anyway.


Talked to granddaughter today and she was telling me that there is a new surgery out that they can take out just the cyst and I told her yes but is there a guarantee that they wont come back? She said no which I knew. She is young for a hysterectomy but she already has 2 kids and that is about all anyone can afford now days anyway. She has an appointment with a gyn next month I think it is.


Renee Baldwins daughter called me after her surgery and said she came thru ok. But that is all I have heard so far. She should be home now. I guess I could call her but haven’t.

Havent heard about Deb M. tho.



RACHAEL:::: we are all so very glad that you are doing better and it was migraines, not that we are glad for migraines but better than the other. Right?

Quit working so hard.



NANCY ::::: the gardens sound lovely , doubt if everything would be blooming unless it is just an early spring flowers. But I doubt that . It sounds lovely. I love going to public gardens. I have seem some that just take your breath away. We went to one on St. Thomas  in the Caribbean .  Oh my gosh you should have seen it, no way to describe it at all. There use to be a beautiful one in New Orleans before the hurricane but I have heard they are rebuilding it. Would love to go and work on something like that just one summer. Lol



CHRISTINE::::: so glad your speech went well, so your wls came thru for you in another great way, that is awesome.


Hope you and Nancy and kiddos have a wonderful day out side in the sun .






on 4/17/08 4:23 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and OH Peeps~

Well, as history is repeating itself-a couple of hours ago I was so tired I couldnt keep my eyes open-was dozing sitting on the couch writing my to-do list etc. As soon as I took my night meds-D`owng, Im wide awake. I was so hoping that tonite would be my 6 hr sleep night so I could catch up some and be renewed.

Got to Mels, got the cars switched around and loaded for the trip and kids etc-the dvd player and all that. We are going to the gas station to fill up and get ice for the cooler and lo-and behold-but what is there but the red van from Monday. Mel and I got the license number and I am bringing it to my parents security guy at the motel, because he can run it and see who it belongs to!

On the way up there we got some good news regarding an organization that will help Mel and Terry with the kids safety and protection-they had reviewed the case and felt that Mel and Terry would really benefit from their organization.

I was thrilled-we were still on cloud nine and Mels phone rings-Mels driving and we are on the 10 lane freeway in KC-and so I answer Mels phone-its her dad on the other end-and at first I couldnt understand him-but then, when I did-I didnt want to hear what he was saying-Mels mom had gone into the cancer dr today and was going to get her last chemo-and they said she was either having a heart attack right then-OR she had had one. They admitted her to the hospital-and she is now in the ICU- and thats all the info I have right now. Dang it-I am so angry. They put some kind of tube in her to help drain her lungs that are filling up with fluid. I really dont know anymore-I wish I did. I wished it were all good news. Please, if you are reading this, and you pray, please pray for Theresa. We know what the doctors say-I just dont want her to be suffering, to be scared. I dont want her to have to go through any of this. Its a part of life-I know that, but she is such a kind and gentle, loving soul-and I cant comprehend that she is suffering and the Mark Russells of this world-well-they fall in crap and come out smelling like a rose! So, needless to say-we had this cloud hanging over us-

We took the kids to the Backyard Burger for lunch-they have the best baked potatos with chili and some of the best potato soup I have ever had-besides my own! De-Lish!!!

Well, I found some more after affects of my little incident on Tues-my left hand, wrist and thumb are all bruised and hurt like you know what-and then my upper and middle back, my hip, arm and leg on the left side hurt like I got hit by a mack truck and the bruises are so pretty! I know that I landed on the vaccum and cleaning supply tray.....

The doc we saw today said that she thinks Mel has soft tissue damage due to Mark beating her up and pushing her into the open car door-and that it could take a couple more weeks for that pain to go away. Her headaches, neck and etc-are all related-she tweeked one med around and upped the dosage and then put her on 2 different meds. We both go back the end of May for follow up visits. Mel drove until we got out of the heavy traffic and then I drove. She sat in the passenger seat just crying because her head, neck and back hurt so badly from the doc pressing on her. At one point when she touched her lower back-I thought she was going to go down-I know she thought it too-so I got up and stood in front of her-how would that have been-the crippled helping the crippled? LOL....then we would have had others helping BOTH of us up.... Anyhow-when we got to Carthage, I went straight to Walgreens to drop her meds off-and then unpack our stuff and get it in stephs car and get home!!

Hey-we are going to be in Branson on May 3rd-with the Daisy group my neice belongs to-they are going to Celebration City... Maybe we can come down that way? Will have to wait and see-I know there are a lot of appts coming up in the next couple of weeks-and then finals for school etc...Will keep you posted Jan.

**Jan-Im so sorry to hear about your shoulder-thats what happened to Mike-he got hurt at work-he was broadsided by a man who didnt even stop at the stop sign-and he t-boned Mike and it crushed the side of his truck in-almost to the other side-and his left shoulder that rammed into the door-well, lets just say that because it was workmans comp-they dragged their feet for a year-and by the time Mike got to the ortho-his was in half due to the tearing. They did get his surgery scheduled for the next week-his ortho told him that if the w/c wouldnt have waited so long-he wouldnt have had to go through nearly as much or get anchors put in there. They took muscle and weaved it all around, like you were watching someone with rope in there sewing! We got to keep the video-anyhow-they said that he may have to undergo another surgery later in life if the anchors ever come loose!! He wore a sling for 2 weeks I believe and then did therapy forever-seemed like it anyway, but I think it was 4-6 weeks. I will definitely keep you in my prayers-I know you dont want to lose all those plants/flowers in the greenhouse, thats for sure.

As soon as we walked out of the dr ofc-the sky opened up and it was raining mercifully~! I kept thinking if it was like that at home-I wont be getting home-they were estimating more than an inch in less than an hour. It was like that all the way home. We just had a severe thunderstorm warning expire-and no lightning right now-I am glad so I could get in here and finish my post. I have to get up early (if I sleep) and work days in the office tomorrow. Its suppose to be nice all weekend-well, Sat and Sun-and I hope so-so I can spend time with the guys outside and such-not cooped up in the house!

I am going to close and get the weekly weigh in done-Bec asked if I would do it again-so will see if its a hit or not-and if not, then we wont continue....we have a lot of newbies now-maybe it will get more responses?

I hope everyone has a good Friday, that the weather is cooperating for what you want to do-and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Traci K.
on 4/17/08 9:48 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
What a gorgeous day it was yesterday - I got my van all cleaned, inside and out.

Did you all feel the earthquake this morning?!! I sure did!!!

Jan: I've had seven children, but only have 6 children still living: Lyndsay (27), Tom (25), Heather (22 - mom of my grandbaby), Sam (9), Emily (7) and Hannah (6). The oldest three are all married and no longer living at home. And yes, I've birthed all of them - so I get full credit!

Sorry about your shoulder Jan. I've had rotator cuff issues myself when my shoulder kept popping out of socket. I've had those injections into the joint and it HURTS! If my shoulder pops out one more time, they're telling me I have to have surgery - thankfully, it's not happened in a long while, so I think I'll be able to avoid that.

Well, gotta run - I'm running late.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Nancy S.
on 4/17/08 10:19 pm - Knob Noster, MO
Jan I would LOVE to come to your "seminar"..LOL...I have so much planting to do this year.  We built our house 5 years ago and were waiting to get the front porch on to do any landscaping and we got it on last year so I am ready.  Unfortunately, I am a completely clueless as to what to plant where and with what.  I know what I like...but getting it all together so it looks good is not my strongest suit.  I think I may be on call that weekend though...if I am can we arrange some other time for me to get a lesson??  I will check my schedule to day and let you know.

on 4/18/08 10:44 am - Joplin, MO
Howdy **** Peep's        This is going to be short. My lil one is throwning a fit. Anyways I spoke to my Mother today and she sounded wonderful!!!! Thanks for all the prayers. What evendently had happen is she keeps building up fluid behind her lung. It's not actually in the lung but behind it and the wall of the muscle. They put a drain in her yesterday and drained off almost 1 gallon of fluid. And once they did that her heart rate started returning back to normal!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!! They still have her in ICU and will until maybe either Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Then they will move her to her own room on another floor. Dr cancer doc put her in on COMPLETE BED REST for 4 or 5 days. Which is really what she needed too.    Saturday I'm working a garage sale that my daughter's troop is having to raise money to go to Branson in May to Celebration City. But I have to be home by 12:30 cause I'm meeting up with the group of people that help when children are abused weather it is physical or mental. And with everything thats been going on here with the POS b-i-l. It will be nice to know that we have help.    Well I pray everyone has a great weekend. Gotta go lil Mr. Impaitent is letting me know that he isnt very happy right now. lol Love ya'll Mel
Bec M.
on 4/18/08 11:40 am
Nearly good night Missouri, ~ha It has been a busy two days taking my mil to check roofing prices.  Paul is going to roof her house and they were deciding what materials to use. Jan we saw a couple out on the road side with Wal~Mart bags picking mushrooms!  I once again was so envious!  Think I will get out tomorrow and snoop around a bit...  Would be satisfied with just a few.... I am going to plant the elephant ears in the ground this year... they were just too big on the patio last year, took up all my room... Stopped this evening and got some more garden seed, I got my sugar snap peas planted yesterday and wanted to plant more things but will wait a couple of weeks yet... got some pole beans, yellow and zucchini squash, two kinds of corn, cukes, beets..etc. Janet I seem to be able to relate to the sleep problem lately... it's the pits... up half the night and then so tired by afternoon... this is messing with my schedule! ~ha Mel, I sure hope the advocate group that is going to work with you is able to give the help you need.  I'm sorry about your mom, but so glad she is feeling better...that's ALOT of liquid to remove!  I am praying for your situations, and wishing the very best for your whole family. Happy, Susy, Mo Linda and husband, Chip you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you all GOOD sleep tonight! ~tee hee Bec
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