A-N-G-E-L-S WLS Support Grp. Springfield!!!
Hey folks, it's TIME AGAIN!!!!
I hope everyone can make it this Friday night.......I've sure missed not making our mtgs the last 2 times, nor making it to COF. I MISS YOU ALL!!!!!
Please join us this Friday night 6:30-8:30pm at the Lbrary Station on Kansas Exwy. in the Story Room off the childrens area. Bring a friend or just yourself.......If your willing to share, I'd like to get phone numbers and emails at this meeting. I had many already but had some phone trouble and LOST ALL OF THEM! SOoooo, unless you've called me int he last couple of days, I do NOT have your number.
See you FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

openRNY 4/04