OH MY GOSH wasn’t Wednesday beautiful….I was outside working as hard as I could from about 9am to 5 pm this evening. I would stop every once in awhile to have a quick protein drink and then go back to work. I dug, replanted several things and raked and burned and poisoned weeds etc etc. general gardening clean up stuff. I finally have got most all of it done , I guess just in time since it is suppose to start raining again.
Thursday I have a ortho docs appointment , have to stop at Skaggs in Branson and pick up the MRI cd to take with me. Trying to get hold of Sugar, my sister to see if she wants to have lunch with us after my appointment.
I was so tired this afternoon that when I sat down I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get back up lol . So I didn’t lucky for me the chair I sat down in was our zero gravity chairs that we have on the back porch. I sat there for about 5 minutes and went sound to sleep . Slept for about an hour, when I woke up Joe had already fixed himself supper and woke me up to come watch the news lol. Good husband. In stead of watching the news I ran a tub full of ho****er in our whirlpool and soaked in that for about 30 minutes. I usually don’t take the time to do that but I don’t think I would have been able to move by now it I hadn’t .
DEBBIE M::::: hope the surgery went well we all were praying for you this morning.
When you are able please let us know how everything went ok?
NUTTI::::HEY isnt it amazing how much more we see that needs to be cleaned or done after we have surgery and get so much more energy. I when I was younger and thiner was always so hyper all the time but after I got sick and gained so much weight it seemed like not only was I not able to do some things my eyesight didn’t see them after awhile. I guess that was so you would stay sane. .
Your big clothes , most of us find someone that hasn’t had surgery yet. Take some of them with you to each support meeting. When I clean out my closets , which I do now about every month, I always take the stuff to a support meeting. Sometimes I have 4 or 5 things and other times a whole wardrobe, according if you changed complete sizes again.
I don’t hang onto the fat clothes. Wow just looked at your newest picture. Amazing isnt it. Do you see the difference when you look at the pictures of yourself?
I can always see the difference when I look at before and after pictures but still have problems seeing it sometimes without the pictures.
Would love for you to come to the support meeting in
Maybe you will surprise me sometime. Lol
TRACI:::::sorry about the headache, is it gone now? Do you take anything for them. There is some new meds on the market that when taken daily keep a person from having them or at least nearly as many.
Maybe you work too hard, you think that could be it???
SHEILA::::how is your head today? If it is still (roaring) maybe you need to go to doctor about it. Sounds like allergies and or sinuses.
You have been a busy girl today too. Work and playing in the yard with your new tiller.
Sounds like you are going to have some pretty flowers this year.
You will have to take some pictures and send them to me ok or put them on your profile.
JANET:::: poor Jon hey get him some of the real soft ear wax plugs that he can put in his ears and they mold to the right size and that way he wont have to be outside in 70 degrees with a wool sock cap on . lol Poor baby
Oh my gosh that is a horrible blood pressure on your mom. But you are right stress can cause elevated blood pressure along with lots of other things.
Your dads fits of temper could it be health related for him?
Sure am glad that Mellisa finally answered you . I know you were very worried about her .
Sure is a good testament for the workings of the pills you take if you can be a house keeper. That is hard work.
Oh my gosh girl running into something like that , if it knocked you out most certainly can cause a concussion. Wouldn’t have hurt to have it checked out you know. That can cause problems down the line.
At the very least write it down on something about what you did and where it hit on your head and how long you were unconscience ok. Sometime in the future it might be necessary to explain some things to a doctor.
Wow that would be wonderful if you could get all the back child support he owes you. Maybe you all could get you a decent car and get some things paid up , that isnt being greedy to pray about finances. You know I use to pray for what ever amount I needed like I would say God you know that I need 120. oo by next week and somehow that amount , exactly would show up some how some way. Now I pay Lord take care of us financially , you know our needs and you know he always gives me more than just what I prayed for. Lol no joke. The bible says that if we as earthly parents want to do and give our kids good things, look how much more our heavenly Father wants to give us.
And it really is the truth. I don’t thnk we should be just praying all the time for money but God knows that so many people really need this now.
Granddaughter has Ovarian cyst in both tubes. She has had this problem since she was about 16. They told her she probably wouldn’t ever be able to get pregnant. And she has had 2 babies.
The kids of mushrooms we are picking are morel mushrooms. You can google it and see what they look like they are cone shaped and lots of sort of holes in the mushroom part.
Have you never eaten Morel Mushrooms ? OH yummy .
Plants and flowers so far are fine. Covering and spraying water on them in the mornings paid off. Thank you Jesus.
Im anxious to see you too. When you and Melissa come up here who will watch the kids?
Be super careful on your trip to
So sorry about the babys ear ache. That is such a bad pain.
Where is Powell gardens? Is it a playground or gardens?? \\
You aren’t just a little proud of that son of yours are you ? That is ok brag away all you want to.
Take care of yourself and those babies.
Well im about to fall asleep , If I missed you im really sorry and will catch you tomorrow I promise.
Take care everyone.
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....
Yesterday WAS gorgeous!! I'm hoping for a repeat today because I don't have my grandbaby today and my children are in school and I need to clean my car (inside and out).
Today is my oldest child's (my daughter Lyndsay's) birthday - she turns 27 years old today. Happy birthday sweet girl!

Jan: I take Imitrex when I get a migraine and I do take a daily medication (Zonisimide, the generic for Zonegran) to help cut down on them. I've had migraines for nearly 30 years. I've been to several neurologists, had cat scans, MRI's and all sorts of other tests. I know quite a bit about migraines too; and have tried several (if not a dozen or more) different medications to try to prevent them, this last one is the only one I've ever seen any noticeable relief from - but it still doesn't just stop them 100%. I went from having 3-4 migraines per week, to maybe 2-4 per month. Big difference. For me, weather changes now seem to be the biggest trigger - but yes, stress, changes in my sleep pattern, etc... can all trigger one. I get up early every day of the week, even weekends, because if I vary my sleep pattern, it will trigger a migraine.
Well, I've got a very busy day ahead, busier than usual - so I better get to it. Have a great day everyone!
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
YES it was gorgeous!!!! oh i am so thankful i had this surgery....i can do so much more now....i used to SIT and thats about it and now i cant sit at all i wanna be moving and doing some thing....lol i too took a HOT bath last night and i am a lil sore this morning but its all goood...when i got into my tub its bigger than a normal one and i was like OH MY GOSH this is a BIG azz tub LOL i felt like a mouse in it compared to be4 surgery LOL and the wow moments keep coming i LOVE it!!!! . Jan what do u use for weeds...specifically? cos i have never used anything but would like to know what u use that dont hurt flowers? if u have any more new seeds u wanna get rid of bring to COF as i do plan to be there 1 way or the other... good luck today on ur Dr appt. my head is still roaring on and off,,have a dr appt monday so will check it out then if not better
Nutti...i give my clothes away to a lady i work with who has kids and no money so they dont go to waste lol now if i could just find some body to give me some lol .ur pis are great wow keep it up!!! have a great day my friends love and hugs
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
This will be a short post-as I have to finish getting ready and get to Mels house to go to KC....We will park Stephanies car in the garage when we take hers out. I didnt want to come back to slashed tires or broken windshield~
I didnt fall asleep until right at 5 am this morning, and I didnt get up until the kids were kissing me goodbye to leave for the bus. 7:30......So I feel like I am running behind. Showered and got stuff together last night-so I ought to be good to go.
I spoke to one of the nurses yesterday from my pain management doc (the one we are going to see today) and she told me that I needed to give the meds a little more time to fully get into my system. Told her of the edgy feeling, like I am gonna jump out of my skin and then having insomnia for 3-4 nights where I only get an hour or two of sleep and then I sleep for 6-8 hrs-and then right back to insomnia again. Its wearing me out!! Well-not like before WLS, but you know what I mean.
Please pray that we have safe travels and that the kids behave-LOL...Jon and Claire-they remind me of Laurel and Hardy or two of the three stooges. They have a love-hate relationship. Love each other to peices, but hate to share their "special" toys and wouldnt you know that they are all special? LOL...
Its raining here this morning. It started here about 4 or so. Right now its more like a misting, but its all wet just the same. The one thing we didnt need right now. Our yard JUST started to dry up. Hopefully it wont be anything like it was before.
**Jan-I dont put a hat hat on him-I roll up a bandana-and just make sure it covers both ears. I have tried the ear plugs-he doesnt like them, I have tried the ear muffs and then the ones that you can wear when you target shoot or the races and he doesnt like them either-because they affect his hearing.
I really dont know how long I was out for. I dont wear a watch when I help them clean rooms, and I dont check too often-dont want to know because then I get antsy that I am taking too long-however, when I clean the rooms, I clean them-not like the lazy *ss other house keepers they have!!
Im sorry about your grand-daughter. I know that hurts. I have had cysts all my life-and when they pop they always hurt me like nothing I ever experienced before!! I hope someone can help her.
Thank you for the prayers. I dont pray very often for money for myself-theres always so many more important things to pray for....our health and all that. Dont get me wrong-I have prayed for our financial situation, but I dont do it often. This would just be so wonderful to finally get paid off-and be able to get a good vehicle-and caught up and get the kids a couple of things they want or need that we just dont have the funds for right now!! So-thank you. I appreciate it and I do know that God hears our prayers and he knows our hearts and our desires.
**Sheila-you arent kidding about us going to jail IF we even did half the stuff those 2 evil thugs do, huh? I do pray that they BOTH go back to jail where they belong-because it is no fun living in fear all the time-for your safety and even for your material things you know they will mess with-cars, houses-anything!!
I laughed when I read your post about your bath tub. I was so big before surgery that I hadnt taken a bath in over 2 yrs-I took showers because I was too fat and I was afraid I would get stuck in the bathtub and the paramedics would have to come get me out!! My knees were bad too-so it wasnt a good combination!! Plus, the water always wanted to stay in front, because it couldnt get past my fat rolls!! Now-I can take a bath-and feel like you do-but my house has 2 bathrooms and both only have showers. When we buy the house in the next year or two-we are going to convert one of the bathrooms to a larger bathroom and add a tub to it.
Bec-your robe sounds soooo soft and comfy!! I Love robes like that. I got one this year for my b-day and it has eeyores all over it. Love it, Love it, Love it!!!
**Has anyone heard anything on Renee and her surgery or about Deb M and her surgery? Please keep praying for them now that they have speedy recoveries. Thanks. Well, I am going to get off here now. Have to get ready to go. I wanted to bring my mom with us today, but she has to work in the office when my dad goes to the doctor and to the hospital for some test he needs done. Hope you all have a good day. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers!! Janet