OMG! I feel like my brain is being sucked out through my ears! It hurts soooo bad! I have had cat scans, MRI medicine after medicine and I feel like my head is going to explode! I cant sleep! Is anyone else having problems like this and I have been fighting it for years! I was wondering if there is a CHANCE that is will go away after surgery?
Yes, I've suffered from migraines for nearly 30 years now. Unfortunately, WLS did not make them go away for me, as mine were not weight related - I had migraines when I was thin before. So it depends on why you have your migraines as to whether or not losing weight will provide you with any relief.
Last year I finally went to yet another new neurologist who put me on a new daily preventative medication and that seems to be helping greatly in reducing the number of migraines I get. I was getting 3-4 per week, now I get maybe 2-3 per month. Huge difference!! Treating migraines is tough, because what works for one person, totally won't for another; and what triggers mine, won't for you.
Have you tried some of the newer daily medications out there? I will tell you this, it took almost 3 months of me taking this medication daily for me to really start seeing some noticeable improvement. It's now been about a year or more since I've been on it and I'm doing quite well and have very pleased with how well it's working. I don't think there's anything that will 100% remove migraines for me, but a medication that will reduce them down to a much more manageable level like they are now, and I can live with that and still have a more normal life.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hi, I started getting migraines at 12, I think it was puberty, they went away for awhile,then at 17 when I had my first child, I went on birth control pills,and they started up again. I stopped taking them (5 more kid's later lol) and my incidences went to about 1x a year, where it's stayed. imitrex works well for me . incidently, my mom never had migraines until she went on hormone replacement therapy, then she was 3-4x a week. My 17 yr. old son started getting them at puberty as did my daughter. Now that they are through it (puberty) they very rarely get them. For our family it seems hormonal. Have you tried imitrex? I know it's expensive(i think there are cheaper versions), but if you can take one when you first start getting the symptoms it can stop it in it's tracks, and migraines are so miserable anything is worth getting the pain to go away! Imitrex also comes in an inhalable form as well as injections (to give yourself) since we can't swallow pills. Good luck honey , I know just how you feel. BTW if your migraines are hormonal I think there is a chance if you lost a great deal of weight that they could be lessened in frequency, as obese people have higher hormone levels .