Jan C.
on 4/13/08 3:31 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow what a lot of people posting on the board, isnt it great? Keep up the posts people this is about the neatest forum around that I have seen. I check a lot of them out and none I think have the wonderful group of people we have lol of course im not bragging or anything . lol

Well last night God was good to me and my plants, it is still forcast for tonight too but there is a nice stiff breeze out there and cloudy so it should be ok tonight too . I didn’t even take the covers off of plants all day long. It never got very warm today so I just left them on them . only got to 40 all day.


Im glad that all the other lakes are going down but guess what ours isnt it is getting deeper. Went up a foot today. But that is better than 10 feet. I still have my emergency box sitting by the back door and intend to keep it there till they say that Bull Shoals is finally going down. Hopefully the rain that they are predicting for this next week end is just showers and not a wide spread gully washer like the others we have had.


Well tomorrow Moe-Linda and her hubby are going in for wls.  So keep them in your prayers and  Renee Baldwin , don’t know if all of you knoow her or not but some do. She is going in for female surgery.   Also C.Decker has surgery on Tuesday, and Karen L is having Band surgery on Wednesday.


Debbie  are you still going to Branson this week end ? let me know would love to meet up with you for how ever long you have. Ok? If you don’t have my phone number contact me and I will give it to you ok ?


We didn’t do a lot today was too cold to get outside. Maybe tomorrow it will be at least warm enough to take a walk .



TRACI:::: you think the pain you are having could be related to the fall you had the other day? If you keep hurting you need to go see your doctor, never know what goes on in our altered insides lol

Hope you had a great day yesterday …



SHEILA::::what did you plant seeds outside in the dirt already??? You really were anxious weren’t you :sorry hopefully the seeds will still come up. If they hadn’t gotten warm enough to germinate yet they should…cause you can store seeds in the ref. until you are ready to plant them so if the ground hadn’t gotten tooooooo warm they may be ok . IF not email me what seeds and I will bring you some more to the meeting on the 28th. You be sure and come ok???

So sorry about the deal with your hubby. If you want someone to talk to about it you can always email me at [email protected]  I think you know that but just in case

Don’t feel badly it may be for the best.



JANET:::: I hope you saw the post from Pixielf about Rachael. Once again God answered our prayers about a sisters health. Im glad that she went and saw what was going on with her tho. That had to be a scary time.


I really don’t think my feelings aren’t important but I am just not a down person ,most of the time. And I hate it when I do get that way. I try to see the good in everything and know that what ever it is I try to see the hand of God at work, and like the verses in the bible that talks about how much we as mortal parents try to do good things for our children and how much more God does good things for his children. I know that what ever God gives me is for my good and for my growth.


Another good praise to God about Kenny returning to health.

Too bad about the drug sweep and losing a housekeeper . those people know they shouldn’t have drugs on them and someone that is working and has the stuff on them wow.

Hey what size are you wearing now? I just wondered don’t be covering yourself up too much .

Lol I got tickled that your underwear was a single digit and you wished your clothes were that size. Me too…I can almost wear a single digit if it weren’t for my tummy skin.



BEC::::: hello beautiful lady. I haven’t been outside today either , not even to the greenhouse , I was just too cold. I had Joe to check and see if the plants I covered with pots and blankets were all ok today when he was out. 

LOL don’t snap that rubber band too much it might hurt. But it really does work for a behavior changing thing doesn’t it?

The walking around the house , don’t pu**** if it hurts your back. But I am so proud of you for doing all that you can. I pray that when you get your surgery and lose some weight that the first thing you notice is less back pain.

Oh by the way your questions aren’t pesky , love the fact that im able to help you some. Love and care for you .




Joe was putting seeds out for the birds this morning and you would have thought they were starving . one feeder they completely emptied before he got all the others filled. Don’t know if it has to do with the cold weather or is mating season and all. Oh we have baby blue birds in two of the blue bird houses and yesterday we saw a hummingbird,. No joke so I made up some humming bird food and hung the feeders up . bless his little heart hope he doesn’t freeze. But usually the first ones to come in are the scouts. And I want him to go back and say hey they have food over here. Lol



Another week starting hope the weather changes for the better , I think everyone everywhere is needing it to be spring. Or at least not wet and lots warmer.

Love everyone






on 4/13/08 4:19 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning MO Peep's        Thought I would pop on here to give a quick update. Before I TRY (noticed I said try) to head to bed. Yesterday was a crazy wild day. One of my girlfriend & her hubby came over around noon. To help us move some furniture around in the house. Since I cant lift due to my hernia and back. They came over to help my hubby out with all the heavy lifting. GOD BLESS THEIR HEARTS!!! We switch stuff around so that the kids have a room all to themselves. Plus we rearranged the furniture in the living room. And man I think it looks wonderful.     Today Terry & I go to court for our order of protection/stalking/exparte order. We get the same judge that I got to see last week. So lord willing he will remember how bad I looked (if not I have photo's that I will be taken). The only reason he said he couldnt put it into effect. Was because my POS B-I-L hadnt been served for at least 72 hours. Other wise I believe that the judge would of ruled in favor of me. But anyways T & I go to court over that in the morning. Janet is going to watch the kids for me at the house. So we dont have to take them out in the weather. Thank you Janet for EVERYTHING you and the family has done for T & I and the kiddo's. Then I'm coming home to make phone calls. We got our home security system installed Saturday. And the guy will be back today to post signs warning whoever would try to break in that that house is armed. lol and dropping off several stickers for the windows. I have to finish the kids bedroom & go thro my closet and get that all cleaned up. And get my kitchen all in order. Then off to Wal Mart I'm headed. I'm returning my baby montior that we just bought. Cause come to find out. B4 my bil got arrested. He would sit in the alley with a police scanner and it would pick up the baby monitor and everything that was being said in the house. How creepy is that?? He's a total freak!!!! But anyways I returning that. I'm getting a few more alarms for the windows. To where if anyone opens it the alarm will go off. And I have to get a few more cubboard locks for the kitchen and bathroon. Not that we let the baby crawl all over withou****ching him. But I know that will be something that they will want us to have for the childrens saftey.     Wed at 3ish will be our home study. Please keep us in your prayers. That everything passes with flying colors. I dont know if they just do 1 home study or if they come back several times. Either way I'm kind of anxious to get that over with and that gets us that much closer to the actual adoptions date in court.     The kids are grown by leaps and bounds. Adrians now has 5 teeth. And when he smiles he just melts our heart. Clara get to start school this year. On Friday I have an appointment with Parents as Teachers. They will do her vision & hearing test. And get her registered for school this coming fall. She is so excited and I'm so excited for her. She is still very active in her Daisy troop. Her troop leader is getting moved up to Brownies in the Fall. She thought that Clara might be able to follow. But the head people want her to contuine to stay in Daisy's that way she will be with her age & school group. So I got a phone call from Clara's present troop leader the other day. And she was wanting to know if I would consitered being the new Daisy troop leader. YEA!!!! I told her I would think about it but that she can consiter the place filled. I talked to Clara what she thought about her momma being the leader of her Daisy group. Clara was all to excited with that idea. So needless to say I will be becoming a Daisy Leader. I think that will be a great way for Clara and I to have some one on one time. And all the exciteing things tha we get to learn and do togather. It would be really nice if I could keep right along with her as she moves up to another level that I could move up with her. But I'm leaveing that in the Lords hands.     I spoke with my Mother today. She is doing pretty good. She has been having more bad days then good days. Due to the Chemo that they are giving her this time. It is alot stringer and more aggressive then the kind that she received last time. But good news is that she went last week and had a CT-Scan done and it showed that the chemo is working it is shrinking the masses down some. Now the doc said that it is possible that the chemo will shrink them down. (that was his goal) but that it wouldnt in no way make it go away. It is just giving her more time. But I know that we have a mighty god that heals the sick. And I'm claiming that healing is Jesus's name!!!    Well I need to get off of here. Terry just got out of the shower. And it's my turn. I pray that everyone is doing good.  And that your all in good health & spirits!!! Thanks so much for the prayers and I appricate the contuined prayers for the stuff that is going on here. Looking foward to the support meeting. Praying that come heck or highwater (and you all know how much water weve had lately) that Janet (sorry sis for speaking on your behalf lol) & I will be able to come. And get to visit somewhere afterwards. I pray for each and everyone of you to have a blessed week. God Bless Mel
on 4/13/08 7:48 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~

Couldnt sleep (again) so I decided to get on here and get my post done, since in the morning, I will be headed to Carthage to watch my neice and nephew while Mel and Terry go to court. We think that there may be a possibility that some of the BIL no good croonies will pay a visit to the house since he knows that both Mel and Terry have to be in court-and the sitter that was going to watch them couldnt-so the only other alternative was to bring them to the courthouse with us. I wanted to be in court as the witness-but I was there last week and I know the judge was sorry when he saw Mels face and neck-not to mention that she was having a limp walking because of Mark messing up her back some more (he shoved her into the end of the open car door-and there was a mark running down the length of her back and then some odds and ends marks and bruising. Anyway, so I am going to be at the house with the kiddos. We will be safe, Im not worried about it at all-I am more worried that Marks croonies will be around the courthouse and will try and vandelize their vehicle again or worse-you never know with POS people like that, do we? Please say prayers for court tomorrow, that they get that order of protection signed for the year-I know that to Mark its nothing-but it will put him in jail any and every time he starts his crap-so he will spend a lot more time where he belongs! Anyway, after Carthage, I have an appt in Joplin, so I didnt know what time I would be able to get on here and post-so since I cant sleep tonite-I figured I would do it now. Have been keeping the fireplace going tonite too-its SO COLD here! ARGH!! Poor Jon is getting allergies or hayfever-or a cold. I tend to believe its allergies because he will go to sneeze and doesnt-and his eyes tear up and his nose will run. Poor little guy! My mom was going to take him to the library when I went to my appt in Joplin, so if he doesnt stay with his best friend (claire) then he will do that with my mom. He is so attached to his grandma now-its not even funny.

So, I feel like an idiot posting that about Rachael-praise God that she is okay-dont get me wrong, but...I was so scared when Mel couldnt get ahold of her on Saturday! I was praying my heart out for her. I told Mel to tell her that I am kicking her butt for making us worry like that!! Ecspically when we know how bad she has suffered with migraines and such lately. Im just glad that she is okay. Ive not met her yet-but I love her-she is such a wonderful person....and one day we will be able to get together I know. Thanks for the prayers everyone!!

I went to Joplin to pick Steph up at work-and she was an hour late-when she got to the truck-she looked like she had been crying-and was visibly shaken. I thought it was because she was late-and she said no, mama, one of my co-workers shot his wife in the head last night and then killed himself. I dont know if you all saw it on the news or not, in Joplin, Jim Hopkins killed his estranged wife-and then killed himself. Leaving 2 small children without parents. He was a cousin of one of the managers where Steph works. Please say prayers for the families-and ecspically for those beautiful children.

After I got Stephanie-we went to my moms-and the kids stayed at her apartment and her and I went to see Kenny. When we got up there-there was a note on his door that we now had to wear a mask going in (?) Not sure what that was all about-but went to the nurses station and she said that he had some kind of bacteria in his phlegm? AND.....they JUST informed us yesterday that he has congestive heart failure and that before he was on life support etc, that he had had a major heart attack. He looked very thin and frail. He has lost 40# since the 4th. He did talk to us for an hour-he is really bothered by the fact that he looses concentration easily and forgets what he is saying and was very upset that his brother and his grand daughter-his only 2 living relatives, had not been up to see him-and they didnt want to come. They told my mom that they couldnt take care of Kenny after he leaves the hospital. They tried to use the excuse that they didnt have any where to stay if they came here (they are from IL) and my parents said they would take care of that-then they said they didnt have the money and Kenny said to take it out of his bank acct and give it to them-and then they said they didnt feel like they could come because they couldnt care for Kenny when he is released-what is up with that?

I didnt get to have the kids out for dinner like I had planned-due to my running late-due to Steph working over-LOL....Aaron had to go into work 2 hours early to take some tests for the management classes through his job that he has been taking. They are talking about promoting him to team leader-so he has to pass these tests and score accordingly. I am praying that it comes through for him-and in the meantime, they have put him back on overnites-and Megan hates it when he is gone at night and she is there all alone.

**Jan-I am down to 188# now. I am wearing sz 6 undies and a sz 14-16 in clothes. Still a little larger across the chest, but I am wearing all of Mikes clothes now-I can even wear some of his pants that are too tight for him...but somehow when I look at him-I dont see myself as the same size-really. Who knows when the apron and sagging skin is gone what size I will be in then? I dont have a clue-but would love to find out, thats for sure. The sagging skin/apron just gets in the way and it irritates me. Ecspically since I have the huge scar from my belly button down due to 3 c-sections. Looks like an upside down heart or a butt in front too-YIKES.....

Praying your plants/flowers make it!!! I hope this is it for the cold. I am just plain tired of warm, cold, warm, cold! Make up your freaking mind and let us adjust already!! I refuse to buy any more propane right now. No way, no how!

**Bec-I figured people werent interested in the weekly weigh in anymore and then I lost computer for a couple of months-and didnt think anyone missed it since no one posted it anymore-maybe this week we will start back up since we have a lot of newbies and people here-and we will see what kind of response we get.

You had asked about my friend Wally-I sent you all the pics of when he was here last-well, he had started the process-and his mom passed away. Wally is an only child and so he has been spending a lot of time with his dad-trying to get his dad through this tough time. His parents were married some 50 years and so its been quite an adjustment. I pray he gets back on track though, because I am very worried that if he doesnt, we will be attending his funeral. Thank you for remembering him in your prayers. You are so sweet.

One day this week, no matter what-I am going to email you. If you ever want to just pop in and say hi to me-please do so-love hearing from you. It brightens my day every time I do! Love ya Bec. Take it easy. Im so sorry you are in pain and I know your back is hurting and that stinks. I will be praying for you!!

**Mel-dont thank me for being there or helping. Thats what friends do-right? I know you hate it when I turn the tables on you-but I do care about your kiddos like you care about mine-so if I can help, Im there. I am praying like crazy that court goes well and then the house inspection goes well-and we can get the adoption stuff over and done with!!!

Well, peeps-I am going to close and get back in the livingroom by the fireplace and warm up. Im chilled to the bone and my back is hurting once again. I hope its just this weather and not an indication of whats going to be happening again. I dont feel like I had enough time away from the wicked pain!! I am praying for all requests and as always-your in my thoughts as well. Janet

on 4/13/08 9:06 pm - Joplin, MO
Jan, hun do you ever sleep? lol. Okay, this morning I have to take Jordan to his therapist appt here in Joplin. He was diagnosed with PTSD and he see's the same therapist I do every other week. He is great! Anyways, then he is off to school. The other 2 kids are off to the bus stop in about an hr and then I will be getting ready for the day. I have horrible knee's and they have been aching all night. Ugh, I wish the pain from my migraine and knees would go away!! :( When I was a kid I tore both knees up cartiledge, tendons, legiments playing soccer and volleyball. When I walk and try to exercise it is so painful! Not to mention, I am a little over 300 and my body is use to 140. lol. My body never really adjusted, I guess. I am going to call Dr. H's office @ 8 am sharp and double check on the Psych Eval, just to put my mind @ rest. I called Medicare yesterday and they said it is up to the Dr. Eventhough, I dont feel she was understanding my questions and repeated it in 2 other times. I am a little confused because this Psych from my Therapists office didnt have all the correct paper work ready for my appt, which was sheduled more then a month in advance and told me she had never done a Psych Eval for WLS. She then told me she couldnt ever get hold of the correct form so she was going to use a different one in place of... So, this has me wondering if she knows what she is doing? She didnt know where to locate the correct form? I told her to call the library and check there or call to other Psych's offices.... I dont know? I just want to be tested for the right thing..... I dont want to be told by my surgeons office that I wasnt tested correctly and then she get paid by medicare and then I have to fork out the $. I really dont have it since I am on disability. So, hopefully once I go and take Jordan to the appt., I will have my report in hand ( assuming she is done with it .... it has been over 2 weeks!!) She told me she should have everything in by the first of LAST week and since I cant get in to my 1st appt until she faxes it, I am a LITTLE anxtious, lol.... Okay, ALOT!!!! Then, I am coming back home and HOPEFULLY going to sleep. I need a nap, if not I will be on here :) Have a Great, Safe and Blessed Week! ! ! ! ~Lo



Traci K.
on 4/13/08 10:00 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
I need a t-shirt that said "I survived Children's Church". I had THIRTY FOUR children yesterday - BY MYSELF. Wow! I was worn out by the time I got home, but we all had fun and that was the most important part.

Jan: the pain is gone now, so I'm not sure what it was. Obviously nothing serious or from the fall. Very odd.

I've got my grandbaby today, and this week, but this is probably going to be the last week. They interviewed the sitter yesterday and that seemed to go well, and they're taking Lilly over there this Thursday for a 'trial' day to see how it goes. If it goes well, then she starts there next Monday. I love her, but I'm so busy, and with her starting to creep and crawl, I'm not going to be able to keep up with her and get everything done I need to in a day. I'd rather be grandma, not the primary babysitter.

Well, off I go to get started on my day. Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Bec M.
on 4/13/08 10:15 pm
Gooood Morning Missouri, I always feel like the local weather caster when I say that! ~ha   It is a whopping 29 degrees out there this morning. Paul covered my last three plants yesterday evening and I'm quite sure it was needed with the temp dipping so low. I have thought several times this past few weeks after reading over all the posts ... how very wonderful it is that so many lasting friendship have been forged thru this website.  Like everything it seems there is the good and the not so good, but I can see so many have been blessed with, new friends and such life changing experiences... where else can you go and hear such good good news so much of the time?  yes, we all have problems, stresses, aches, pains, and so forth as that, but in world where there is so much devastating news, it refreshes me to come here and hear of such happiness and accomplishment.  People that have been given a new lease on life and can truly appreciate the very simple things God has given us! Jan, I need to get out there and put bird feed in my feeders,  it is so fun to watch all the antics of the squirrels and birds.  My nephew made me a new squirrel feeder with two chairs and a table, you put the corn on the table and they are suppose to set on the chair and eat... I can sooooo relate to this.... my squirrels are too FAT! and they don't seem to mind it one bit  they have to put one foot on the chair and one the table to eat! too funny! their butts are too big and their tails get in the way! ~tee hee my mind is just going to have to give this thought up! ~tee hee   Janet,  I'm sorry to hear about Wally's mother, know that must be very hard.  Will be praying that he will feel like he can resume his efforts toward surgery very soon.   Say that's great your husband won so many races!  I'm sure he was pleased!  Congratulations to him! So sorry to hear about the man that killed his wife and then himself! My goodness what has happened to the value of life? our own and others?  and those poor poor children!  It's just heartbreaking! Brenda N. I'm praying for traveling mercy for you today and that you are able to get all pre-op classes taken care of and enjoy the support group meeting tonight. Several having surgeries, so many hurting from lost loved ones, physical pain, and so forth.  Know that God is full able to meet each need at the point of it, trusting Him for just that! Have a great day all, and enjoy the sunshine! Bec  
Debbie D.
on 4/13/08 11:01 pm - KS

Good Morning, Jan & MO Peep!



Well, both my boys just walked out the door for school this morning.  Dad forgot to take the trash to the curb so the boys had to do it.  Thank goodness we have trash on Monday’s since we tend to generate a lot of it over the weekend.



I’m not supposed to sub today.  I have a list of things I have to do.  Figure checkbook, pay bills, etc.  Things I hate to do but have to be done.  Luke has his first doctor appointment this afternoon with my PCP.  My PCP is wonderful!  He is not taking new patients but has agreed to start seeing David and both my boys.  Besides being a great doctor, his office is only 2 blocks from my house!  Today Luke will get his Physical for Boy Scout Camp as well as his second Hep. A shot.  That should take care of all his shots he needs for his mission trip to in June.



Both my boys are excited about not having to go to a pediatrician’s office anymore.  Our pediatrician, Dr. Penner, retired about 4 years ago.  I’ve been taking them to a good one in Overland Park , but the office is decorated like the Wizard of Oz with a “yellow brick” road that runs thru it.  I can see where a 17 and 13 year old might not like that idea! Lol!  Dr. Penner told me 4 years ago he thought the boys were old enough to go to a PCP however, I held out!  Now I feel comfortable with the decision for all of my family to see my doctor.



Jan, I will email you and get your phone number.  Yes, I would love to meet up with you Friday in Branson.  We are leaving here around 10:00 a.m.  Maybe we could meet somewhere for lunch?  There will be 3 other ladies with me (2 from my church and my mother-in-law).



As always, I read all your posts and think and pray for each one of you.  Hope you all have a great Monday!



Debbie D.



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