~Prayer Request & Praise Report Sunday~
Hi Everyone,
Today this is going to be shorter than normal, I am running behind today again-but I wanted to get this posted. Please, if you have a prayer request or praise report, let us know so we can pray for you and if you have something WOW to tell us-please do so~ Its nice to hear that our prayers get answered!!
Please pray for our Rachael M. After Mel spoke to her and she told Mel she was admitted to the hospital (Friday) Mel has not been able to get ahold of her since. She was suppose to call Mel back and let her know what they found out-but she has not. Mel has left several messages and no contact yet. We do not know what hospital she is in or any other info. They "suspected" an anuerysm, but it wasnt definite. She has suffered AT LEAST the last year with crippling migraines and such-anyway, please pray that we get some info on her and pray for her health and safe recovery, no matter what is wrong. Thanks.
Please pray that Mels BIL does not get his bond lowered so he can get out of jail. Also-they are having their home inspection this week for the adoption of the children. Please pray that goes well. They have really done everything in their power to do right by these children and they love them with all their heart! We know they get to keep Claire, no matter what-but Adrian is another story. I appreciate any prayers you can send their way. Thanks.
Please say some prayers for Jan and her garden/flowers. We all know how important that is to her. She feels frustrated and so sad. Please pray that all of her hard work isnt undone-and that she gets peace of mind and strength. Thanks.
Please pray for my children. All have different issues right now. I also have unspoken prayer requests for myself. Thank you. Thanks and God Bless all of you!
~~~Praise Report-Kenny and Cliff are BOTH out of ICU and they are both in regular rooms! Kenny has been speaking-slowly, but surely. Cliff is having a little bit of a harder time-but being he suffered a couple of strokes, he will be sent to rehab as soon as they can get his blood pressure and pacemaker fixed. Thanks so much for the prayers. There is power in prayer and I believe that God hears all of them. We appreciate all of you and I hope that you will all feel comfortable enough to come in and post your need.