Jan C.
on 4/12/08 2:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Brrrrrrrrrrr cool. I’m just so disgusted with the weather , Last year spring time started the same way with a freeze after a lot of the flowers had come up and budded. I am so disgusted today that I feel like taking a bull dozer to the whole yard and planting grass everywhere and forget the flowers. I really sound pitiful today don’t I? it just gets so sad you work and work and not see any results from it. Last year I had about 20 iris to bloom out of 3 or 4 hundred that I have, roses didn’t do anything, Weigeles didn’t bloom, lilacs didn’t do anything, nothing grew like it was suppose to and a lot of stuff didn’t bloom at all. Now it looks like it is going to be a repeat.

  Oh well I know that everyone doesn’t want to here me complain. And I don’t mean too God is so good and he is in control and that means of everything. No reason to be mad or upset about things like this , I know I couldn’t do the weather any better lol . Since we have been a drought for so long I guess this is his way of taking care of that.

It isnt our place to question his jobs but as a gardener it is hard to watch things like this happen but maybe it is his way of making me learn and do better. That is the way I look at it anyway,. Just sometimes I get down over things too. Too top it all off I went out into the shade garden to check out there and the durn deer had been there again and ate the tops off of several plants. Our dog is getting old and doesn’t like to run too much anymore lol .


It sure looks pretty outside until you go out there. Sunny as can be but it is so windy and cold. If we can just get thru this next two days then maybe it will all be alright. I did go out and I have rig up some things to keep most of the cold off of several things. We will see if it works.


My brother called me last night to tell me that they were now on an island lol the one road they had to get out on was under water now. So they are stuck where they are. Not in any danger for sure but he said he was glad they didn’t have to go somewhere.


Well we heard from the corp of eng. This afternoon that they are trying to let the water from each lake out at about the same rate so there wont be any other flooding, and that is all well and good but the water in Lake Taneycomo is over the dam at Powersite so it is going out into Bull Shoals faster than any of the others. But they assured us that it wouldn’t flood any more than it has , (UNLESS) we get another big rain then they will have to reassess the problem. So there we have it.



DEBBIE   D::::: well Im glad that God answered our prayers for Jake and his being harassed at school, it is so sad the thing that kids do to each other and think it is funny . It is good that the school is on top of all of that.

How did your church dinner turn out ? Hope all went well

Do you all take things to eat or is it all cooked at the church. I use to love the church dinners where everyone brought a dish, Now a lot of the new churches have it all cooked there.




NANCY ::::: yeah I have lost two homes at different times in my life , both to fires and it isnt fun believe me. Lost everything I had except boxes of pictures that I had in a closet by the door. I put them there on purpose. Just for that reason. Now I have all of those pictures on CDs several of them and each one of my kids have a copy as well as my sister. This way I don’t have to worry about them and about once a week I download all my new ones. I worry about my pictures. Sounds weird I guess .


I get such a kick out of your descriptions of your family life. I could just see all of that happening with a four year old and the dish soap lol



TRACI:::::those web sites sound like too much trouble for me lol I barely can get around on some of them as a looker . If I was the one building them I would be nuts. My son does that for a lot of people or businesses too. He says it is quite a hassle sometimes to keep them maintained.

Hey im with you on the summer thing too.



DEB:::::  Know that we are all praying for you and your decisions , with your family history I cant say I blame you at all. Back in the summer they were convinced that I had a really suspicions lump in my breast. Well long story short there wasn’t one there I guess after all. I am suppose to go back next month for another squashing. But I had already made up my mind that IF they did find something that I wanted them to take both of them completely off. I didn’t want to fool around with it in the least, and I told Joe beside that medicare would pay for me to have a good boob job as a reconstruction  lol


Oh the picture of Janets avatar is her hugging Lana from our support group. Good picture of both of them isnt it?



JANET:::::: wow you were busy yesterday weren’t you? So you all don’t know yet if they are going to lower his bail or not. Why cant all of his records be brought to the judges attention….Does Mel have a good lawyer for the adoption and knows all of this stuff about him. Hope so. This creep is some of the scum of the earth that people think can be rehabilited and he wont ever be different


Oh poor Rachael, I wrote to her urging her to go ahead and go to the ER since they cant tell how bad you are on the phone she needed to be cared for then not next Tuesday.

Bless her heart, you know that may have been all the headaches she has been having for a year or more.

God has her in his hands and will take care of her .








Traci K.
on 4/12/08 10:09 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone
I'm not sure what's up with me this morning, but I'm in pain; to my left - just under my rib. It started last night. It's not like pulled muscle; but almost like something is swollen or something is about the best way I can describe it. More of a dull ache with moments of more sharp pain I guess. Odd.

Anyway, I don't have time for pain today, I have to get to church this morning - it's a busy day! So if I'm going to fall apart, it's just gonna have to wait!

Have a great day everyone. Hopefully we won't see anymore snow flakes today.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 4/12/08 10:59 pm - Marshfield, MO

brrrrrrrr  whats up with this weather? take plants out side then bring em back in..work in garden and then blah  blah nothing gonna come up.....im disappointed like Jan and this is my 1st yr being able to do some thing with out huffing and puffing and taking a break every 10 minutes. yesterday was my daughter Tracie baby shower thrown by her daddys new wife, mom and sister so it was kinda the shower from hell being the odd ball out...no one from my side showed up of course...but i decided to hold my head high and strut in tall and proud.....talk about heads turning and mouths dropping ( hadnt seen me since i lost 87 lbs) HAHAHAHAHAHA   a BIG wow moment for me....OMG u looks so good...of course i do LOL but i didnt say that i just said tks went and saw my husband yest morning be4 shower and he has decided he wants a anulment which is prob the best but it hurts like heck...so once again i will be alone and lonely...so give me a prayer to get thru this..tks Traci hope ur pain gets better and prayers up for  who have requested it....

god bless and amen

love and hugs


on 4/13/08 4:13 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and MO Peeps~

Before I start my post-please know that Rachael did get admitted to the hospital-Mel had spoken to her, but yesterday when Mel had tried to call her several times and 4 voice mails-we havent heard back from her. Please pray that everything worked out. We dont even know what hospital she is in-or her home number or her families names etc-so dont know how to contact someone to find out WHAT is going on. Mel said that they "thought" it may be an anuerysm, but it wasnt definite at the time. It sure sounds like it to me-and Jan, yes-that very well could be why she had such crippling migraines the past year-she was telling Mel that the really bad headaches she was having the past 2 days or such-werent the normal crippling migraines-it was different and more painful. I am scared for her. Its harder not to know whats going on. IF anyone knows how to get ahold of her parents, hubby, her home number or anything that can help us-please let us know. Thanks. Please pray for her. Thanks!

Tut Tut It Looks Like Rain....Said Christopher Robin to his stuffed animals-and it sounds like a lot of you feel like Eeyore today instead of your regular Tigger selves. I am SO SORRY Jan and Sheila-and anyone else-who gardens and will lose your prizes and pride and joy. Jan-why would you feel like your feelings arent valid and you shouldnt complain or come in here and tell us how you feel? We all come in here and tell you how we feel. Your concerns and disappointment are no less important than ours-right? We love you and we want you to be able to come in here and tell us as well!~Ok? It would be very disheartning, no matter what you do-for all of your hard work to be undone in just a couple of nights of freezing temperatures!!! I wish and I am praying, that your plants and flowers will make it.

I pretty much ran 2 hours behind with everything yesterday. I was so frustrated, thats for sure. I wanted to go see Kenny before work, but I didnt get to. I did get to talk to him on the phone-he is in a regular room now!! Praise God!!! My parents are moving his apartment one apartment away from theirs-so he is right there and they can watch him and check on him daily. That will be good, so we will be doing that this week. Yesterday was busy at work that I didnt even get time to do the book keeping that I do on Saturdays of all the check outs for the week-so next Saturday I am going to have double the work there to do. My books checked out both days this weekend. On Friday night-right before I started to do my closing books-the cops showed up and did a sweep of all rooms with the drug dog. We lost one of our two housekeepers and then 2 rooms-they were evicted on the spot. When they check in, they sign the rules and regulations sheet that they understand if they are caught with drugs-in their room or not-they are evicted on the spot. So-that place was hopping yesterday!!! I didnt get home Friday night until 11:30. Mike beat me home by just 1/2 hour from being up at the track. Last night I got home at midnite-and Mike got home a little after 1 am. Good news for Mike-he won 3 national titles-he ruled them-and swept them-meaning he took 1st, 2nd AND 3rd place!!! Whoo-hoooo-which means "I" have a new coat to wear-the awards ceremonies are either next weekend or the weekend after, in Norman, OK or Enid-I cant remember which. He also took one more title-but he didnt sweep that series, but he still took 1st place. Set one track record and he T/Q'd in a couple of the races. Top Qualifyer. He was really on cloud nine last night-but exhausted-the night before he races, he stays up all night long "thrashing" and making sure all his cars for all the classes he races-are totally done and then he organizes his boxes.

The kids (megan and Aaron) are coming out tonite for a BBQ. We havent had them over for a long time. Miss them. The only time I see them anymore is when they drop of the furbaby for me to babysit for. I have to leave to go get Steph from work, then we are stopping at the store to get balloons and sugar free candy for Kenny and then up to the hospital to visit him-and I am getting a script filled and coming home to do Mikes work clothes and one other load of laundry-and then I am not doing anything else-LOL...somehow it wont be that relaxing. We were going to target practice today but its misting out here and we are expecting it to rain soon. Early early this morning-about 7 or so-it was snowing lightly-ARGH. I called my mom in Joplin and it was snowing there too. Just light-nothing is going to stick, but still-LET SPRING BEGIN ALREADY!! At this rate-we wont get to open the pool until July!

**Jan- I didnt get to answer yesterday-we didnt fix the dogs pen at 3 am-I put them in our pool area-which is fenced seperately than their dog pen. The pool is fenced-and then there is another fence that runs around the outer area-so the fence is inside a fence and then seperately fenced as well (got that? LOL)....their fence is barely fixed-LOL...we have the privacy fencing and then on the inside of that-a cattle fence. Darn it, its going to take a little more work. Thats okay, IF it ever warms up, we will be able to get it done.

I am praying for you-I hope your plants and flowers make it. I am so sorry. I know your garden is like your baby!! I really feel bad. Please know that we will be praying for it. Its NOT stupid or insignificant. If it bothers you, it bothers us AND its very important-so just know we love you and we will pray! Love you-and I cant wait to see you in a couple of weeks. I miss my Jan and I miss Joe too!! I cant wait to see everyone-get my "fix" of hugs and I hope everyone can go out afterwards! I am so looking forward to it.

**Deb M-sweety, I am praying for you as well. I am claiming your health and a good outcome. The devil can get behind us-because our God is more mighty than him any day!!!

That picture is from Octobers group-we go to the Village Inn Restaurant afterwards and before we all left-we took some pics-I am behind Lovely Lana. She is one of my all time favorite people!! I have lost probably 40-50# since then. For the first time in MY memory-I weigh less than 200!!! For the first time in MY memory-my "panties" are a single digit!! LOL...Finally! I wish my actual size was the size of my underwear. Actually, if I dont lose another pound, I am so happy where I am at. I feel good and I feel healthy except my bones and joints, but praise God that is getting better right now too! I love seeing you back again on a regular basis. Congrats on being a grandma two more times!! Your place is going to be hopping on the holidays with all those beautiful grandbabies!! How exciting. Take care honey and know we are praying for you-for peace of mind and strength. Love ya.

To everyone else-I hope you have a beautiful Sunday. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Bec M.
on 4/13/08 7:35 am

Hello Missouri, Isn't it going to just be GREAT mid week when it gets up to 70?  Soooo something to look forward to!  Have to get outside here in a bit and go ahead and cover up my sedum, it is to be in the 20's here tonight.   Have spent a good part of the day cooking.  Cooked some chicken and deboned it for a couple of new recipes for company that is coming this week.  Have gotten my recipes together and grocery list made, now it's time to "clean house"....ugh. I have not wanted to get outside today... I've been chilled.  I have not made my trips around the house as my "coach" (Jan ~tee hee) has ordered. ~ha  She told that she'd snapped a rubber band that she put around her wrist when she was trying to overcome ciggs... I think?  So I decided I would do that when I was "temped" with FOOD... MAN I'm getting a permanent bone indention! ~tee hee.... not really, though it gets sore!  But you know what?  It sure makes me stop and think about what I am doing.  And if... anyone is watching me they must think I'm a nut case out there making laps around my house, so many different times a day... another suggestion from my "coach".... good thing I live in the country! ~ha   I would go down the road like I used to, but my back just hurts to bad to get very far away right now... I can just see me getting the two miles from home like I used to and "give out" and have to set and wait for Paul to come get me... too risky, he might not come! ~ha  I have started trying to drink two protien shakes a day and exercise as much as possible.  I am in such pain with my back but still know that I need to be in as good a shape as possible if I want to have an easier surgery.  I am also using small arm weights as I am able to tolerate them, that's not going so well, as I have damaged my right shoulder.  Hopefully, it will all get better as I persist.  Jan,  I sooo loved the time I got to visit with you on the phone! And by the way you are a GREAT "coach"!  I have learned so much from you and you have been just great to answer all my pesky questions, blessings to you!  Remembering Rachel (ritzy) today, so sorry for all she is facing, praying a special touch from the Lord for her!  Also, Patty (piffin), Barbara's sister, Chip, Connie, Shannon.... my heart goes out to you all, and so many others with needs too. Breanda N.  Not to many days left now!  I am praying you will come thru this with out a single complication!  Janet, under 200! wow!  you should post new pics too... and maybe you should do a weight post like you used to do on Fridays... and see how everyone is doing... even though I have been pre-op for over two years now I would get such joy and encouragement to see how you all were having such great success!   It is wonderful about the two fellas that are so much improved!  A REAL testament to the power of God! So many many needs here to be prayed for right now.... am lifting them to the throne... fully expecting to hear more and more good reports! Blessing to each!


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