Jan C.
on 4/11/08 2:34 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We went out today to check on water and flooding. It is bad kids really bad. There are some areas that you no longer see any houses in that there was whole subdivisions at before.

The water lacks about 9 to 10 ft getting to the bottom of the two bridges in Forsyth. Wow if those two bridges were cut off it would really put a stop to people going to work for sure. Cause if they worked in Branson they would have to take the ferry across from Protem to Yellville ark then come back to Harrison and up to Branson. And we think it is a long trip now.

Well so far we are safe. Although Bull Shoals is already 40 ft above normal levels don’t know what will happen if they let all of tha****er into our lake that they have put into Taneycomo. Even the corp. has said they really don’t know what to do with all of the water. No matter what they do it is going to flood someone.

The water here at our point is up on the road by the park already. So don’t know how much more it would have to rise to be up real close to us. Quite a bit I would venture to say but who knows.


Well I guess I have finally gotten my sinus messed up , I couldn’t keep myself in the house yesterday, All that pretty sunshine make me go outside and that wind must have been blowing in pollen cause im stopped up and sneezy tonight. I know I cant go outside when it is windy like that but I couldn’t stay in. Who would have thought there would be pollen anyway as much as it rained …lord have mercy you would have thought all the pollen would have been drowned.


So now Saturday night we are suppose to have a freeze , Of course why not. We have had just about everything else. I have iris with buds on them , roses with buds on them etc etc. I refuse to go out there and get all upset about it and start trying to cover stuff up. Maybe God is trying to show me something about my gardening for some reason , this makes the second year in a row that I wont have any blooms on a lot of things. Don’t know….maybe.




SHANNON : well I heard that you are home from your surgery and that you were on some good pain meds lol I sure hope that this helped the nerves in your knees. Who would have thought that losing weight could cause that. Hope you have a good quick recovery and that it works.



TRACI::::: Hope you got your web site done for that company . and all the other work done that you have to do. Never saw anyone that works as much as you do I think.

Sure stay busy. How is your hip from your fall the other day?



DEBBIE   D::::: well did you ever get your signature figured out? People are always asking me how I did my signature.    I Didn’t Do It. This girl on the over 50 forum did it for me . don’t ever see her on there anymore. Don’t know what happened.

The girl that did my profile is on the Mo. Forum but she doesn’t come on here anymore either.

I hope your son gets his school problems straighten out. I don’t know what it is about kids now days and how viscious they are.

Did you see that on tv where these girls beat this other girl and video taped it to put on my space. (again with that place that ought to be forced to shut down) anyway they are trying the girls as adults. And they are facing life in prison. I said maybe if they did that to a few of these smart alecs it would soon be not so cool to do stupid stuff.

Hope Jake is doing better we all prayed that that would stop.

Did you find anything good and new at the thrift store?


CHRISTINE:::::Thanks you gave me quite a laugh with your antics this morning. Lol sounds like something I might do. And have done before. Especially when you are in a hurry, as they say the hurrier I go the behinder I get lol

So what else you going to do with yourself other than laugh. At least you provided yourself some amusement lol



JANET::::seems like it is the same about everywhere. All of this rain and it isnt even the rainy season yet. Wow!!!

That sure was an awful mess to have to do in the dark , fixing a dog pen. I think I would have locked them up in a barn or something lol

Sure hope the PA didn’t lower the bail for the bil. But knowing the way things are now days some bleeding hearts somewhere made a plea for him more than likely.

Im just angry I guess that the police let it escalate to the point that it was.


Well didn’t think you were crazy , well not completely anyway, about the picnic .

Craig and I were talking about it this afternoon and he is going to check on something for me and then we will figure out the date.

You will most certainly be invited …and anyone else


Oh I am so anxious to see you this month . Please do come and like I said once before if you don’t have a baby sitter don’t worry bring Jon with you and he and Joe can go out and play around in that area somewhere ok?



SHEILA::::: lol . that is ok we all get things wrong once in a while , lol

If you don’t know what we are talking about the material that they make them out of is the same compression garments that they use on burn victims to help minimize scarring from burns. Someone decied it would help with giggling butts lol.




MELISSA::::: boy it sounds like you will be ready for that piece of crap the next time. I hope there isnt a next time but I don’t count on it , those sorts of people don’t listen ever.

Did the PA keep his bail up high?

I will continue to pray for all of you and even for  the  horrible bil. Hope that God will give him a change of heart and leave all of you alone.

All he is doing is causing the judge to see what a horrible person he is and that he shouldn’t have anything to take care of and least of all a baby.

But I guess he doesn’t see that. He doesn’t really want the baby does he? Really?  All that sort of behavior does is make everyone realize that he doesn’t need to be in charge of a tiny baby. God Bless you and Terry and your children.




TAMMY ::::: WOW you are looking good girl. So tell me how much protein are you getting ? the powder kind that you are mixing up? And also how much water?You are far enough out now that you should be able to get at least 6o grams a day. The protein in the shakes is what you need to count. If you mix them with just flavored water they don’t taste bad and you can drink them fast and get them down. You need at least 3 to 4 of them a day and at least 64 oz of water. Ok? If you can get it up to all of that you should start losing some more weight. You do have to work at it sometimes to get the weight to come off, I haven’t exercised much at all so I cant tell you to do that. I know if I would have I would have lost weight better and faster but I was like you just didn’t have the body that would do it but I did walk a lot even Ifi it wasn’t outside. One day I waslked back and forth in my house about 5o times lol lot easier to do when you don’t have to fight the elements or the inclines or rocks lol

Also the water aerobics should help you lose some too.

Make yourself drink your shakes, I have to and most people =have to make themselves , the quicker you get it done the faster your body will heal and will also lose weight.




Love everyone





Debbie D.
on 4/11/08 10:25 pm - KS

Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!


Wow, I can’t believe it’s 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday and I am up and fully awake!  Lol!!

Jan, it is horrible about all those people being forced from their homes because of flooding.  I pray it ends soon!


Well, I did finish my laundry yesterday.  I also subbed ½ day for one of the middle school in foreign language class.  The school called me around 8am to come in for the entire day.  I told them no I had things I had to take care of around the house.  I mentioned that if it were ½ a day then I might be able to do that.  About 30 minutes later she called me back and said she couldn’t find anyone.  She also said I wouldn’t have to be there until 12:30.  So I decided to do it.  When I got there I went into the class to look at the plans for the day.  Turns out she had her planning period from 12:30 to 1:30.  So I didn’t have any students until 1:35 to 3:15.  Pretty easy day! 


Jake had a great day at school yesterday.  He said no one called him “Jake the Jew” and no one mentioned anything about it.  I did talk to the assistant principal and she told me she had talked to the 2 boys and to some of their friends.  She also talked to their parents.  She said there is absolutely no tolerance for that sort of behavior!  She also told me the principal, Mr. Brady, was aware of it as well as all of the other 7th grade teachers.  They would be on the lookout for any kids making fun of any other kids (not just Jake).  She told me she told Jake that he made the right decision for reporting this type of behavior.  I had been praying the Lord take of it and apparently He did! 


David and I took Jake out to our favorite BBQ place last night.  K & M’s in Springhill.  (I had the shrimp and it was good!)  Luke was at his Peter Pan Play.  We then went down the rode to the thrift store.  No, I did not find anything there.  Then we went to the Goodwill store in Olathe .  Found a couple blouses.  Then on to Sam’s Club where I bought some much needed breakfast food for the boys and a few other items.  David checked on the price of tires for the van.  I think he’s going to take the van in this morning and get new tires.  It was a nice evening and we got to just hang out and talk to

our youngest.   David and Jake came home and watched a war movie and I went to bed. I

think Jake enjoyed the evening as well.


Today I’m going to try and clean my kitchen and pick up the house a little.  Our church is having their 10 year anniversary dinner tonight.  We are going to be learning about the building plans and hopefully when we can start breaking ground!  It is so exciting to be in a church that is growing!


Did I mention my stepdaughter, Erin, got laid off again last week?  Well, she got a new job yesterday!  They have to finish a background check on her and then she can start.  Turns out my (was hers too) Sunday School Teacher is a realtor in that same office.  Erin was able to use her as a reference.  GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!


Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!


Debbie D.




Nancy S.
on 4/11/08 11:31 pm - Knob Noster, MO
  Oh my...didn't realize the flooding was to that extent...those poor families!!!  I know I would be devastated to lose my home...we had a close call with a fire last year and that scared me...I can only imagine what those people are going through.  Our yard is a bit swampy, but no flooding to speak of...thank goodness.  My DH rolled over this morning about 6am and said that he loved me so much he was going to let me sleep in....LOL.  Well about 7am I figured out that meant HE wasn't going to bother me but wasn't going to do much about anyone else bothering me.  There had been some banging and rustling in the kitchen...there was no use fighting it...I got up.  My darling 4 year old daughter was "cleaning" the kitchen for me.  We just started using that new Dawn dish soap that only takes one pump to clean a whole bunch of dishes...well....let me tell you...one pump cleans a whole bunch of kitchen too!!!  Soap suds everywhere!!!!   I asked my husband...who was in the basement oblivious to anything going on upstairs...about the whole sleeping in thing...he apologized for giving me "expectations"....are you kidding me?  Sleeping in is sleeping in.   Sooooo...after my 27 hour work weekend last week...I guess this could be worse.  LOLOLOL....I hope everyone is safe and dry...have a great saturday.

Traci K.
on 4/12/08 1:06 am - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Brrrrr!!!  It's cold and I swear I heard SLEET hitting my window this morning, then saw snow flakes flying.  What's up with that?!!!!  It's mid APRIL for goodness sakes!!!   Come on spring - or if this is what spring is gonna be, then just bring on SUMMER!  Jan:  I did get some other maintenance clients done, but the larger web site will take some time.  I do ecommerce web design and those just take TIME to do.     I've been working on it some this morning and after hitting some 'issues' yesterday, I managed to get all those resolved this morning (YAY!) and progress was finally made (and I still have some hair left - DOUBLE YAY!  ).    So now I need to get some laundry going and finish up the little bit I still have to get ready for my Sunday school class lesson for tomorrow and the church Family Focus Luncheon for tomorrow after church where I'm speaking and discussing the vision for the children's ministry.  I've got most of that done, just need to finish a couple things.  I'm praying for those effected by the flooding.  Everyone have a blessed day.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY  7/27/04
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Debbie M.
on 4/12/08 1:42 am - Harrisonville, MO
Morning all...man, it's cold! What a day yesterday, was running from the time I got out of bed at 4am (had to take hubby to work so I could have the car****il I dropped back in it about 7pm last night. Went to my ENT surgeon, they want all the thyroid and some lymph nodes to boot! Am scheduled for surgery on May 14th but I really need to do some soul searching before then. With my family history (Mom having had Leukemia twice, breast cancer and melanoma, 2 of her sisters having cancer - 1 breast, 1 lung, her Dad having died of bone cancer and my brother dying of kidney cancer) they are concerned on what they will find when they get in there and feel that more surgeries may be needed in the future. So take it all now and hope for the best or let them cut and do pathology while I'm under, seeing if theres cancer as we go, which could lead up to 3 if not more surgeries. Lord, help me, I'm sooo confused!! The rest of the day, I ran getting wormer and shots ready for all 10 puppies as well as their Mom and Dad. I had to run paperwork from my surgeon's office to my primary doc's office and have then get some stuff together to send back to my surgeon's office...thank God for Faxes! I also had to run my Xrays and FNB (Fine Needle Biopsy) results back to the hospital from where I got them from....heaven forbid, I forget!  By the time that was all done, it was time to go back to get David from work. I had him take me to Jumpin Catfish for supper...too tired for anything else. Janet...is that a pic of you and Step as your Avatar? Cool beans, if it is...you look Marrrrrrrveous!! Thanks for asking about Jas/Wen and their baby! Jennifer is expected to be born on July 2nd. More baby news! Nicole IS pregnant, she sent me a text w/ pic of her pregnancy test this morning. I told her Congrats even though I really think her and her children could do better with a different man. Not my life so I just keep my mouth shut!  She wants me to be her coach again but she doesn't know the results of my doc visit yesterday nor do I plan on telling her right now. I don't know how to answer her question because I don't know what kind of condition I will be in, in 9 months. If I tell her yes, she will want to hold me to that, NO MATTER WHAT! If I tell her no, she will want to know why!  Lord, please take control of this for I need to go into co-pilot mode! Well, too cold to work outside so I will try to find something to do indoors! Hope you all have a wonderful day....Love & Prayers, Deb

on 4/12/08 1:55 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

Yesterday was soooo busy-I saw myself coming and going and it wouldnt have been so bad-but it was bad stuff keeping me busy. Went to Carthage to go with Mel to the P/A office-well, lo and behold-he isnt in on Fridays-so there must not be enough crime for him to be full time? I dont believe that. The lady who talked to Mel was very kind and gave Mel the number for the victim advocate or whatever she is called-but to help victims of crimes like this one. She spoke to Mel and they did put a request in, on Marks file-of not lowering his bond. When I left there-headed to Joplin, didnt get off the on ramp to the freeway and my check engine light came on and the motor was winding up-I could hear it (radio doesnt work-) stopped at the next ramp and went to the parking lot of the gas station and just sat for 15-20 minutes. I would have started crying, Im sure, as I have been soooooo edgy lately-but to be honest-it took too much energy to cry. Started the car back up after I checked the oil and water levels-and the engine light didnt come back on-but it was winding up and down (the engine was) all the way to Joplin and I couldnt go more than 60 mph. I felt like I could walk faster than I was driving-I hate that!

The flooding was better yesterday-had gone down some, but our roads are still impassable. At least it didnt rain yesterday, but it sure looked like it-and it felt like it too-it was really cold and windy here. Its suppose to be cold in the evenings here for a couple of nights now. I really hope we dont get that late freeze-all of my fruit trees are blooming and a late freeze will kill them off for the season. I want fruit this year-darn it. I cant cover the trees-LOL-they are way too big!!!

I have some really bad news-and I am going to write it here and put in prayer req post as well. Our rachael m-or ritzy as some of you may know her-was admitted to the hospital yesterday and they believe she has a anuerysm in her head. PLEASE say some prayers for her. She is scared. I am scared for her. Pray for her family too-her kids and that they will be able to successfully take care of it for her.

I have some good news too-Kenny is out of coma-and he is alert and talking. PRAISE GOD! Also Cliff has been upgraded from critical to gaurded. Awesome. I am claiming complete healing for all 3 of the people listed above. I am claiming that God will also be on Mels side for the Mark thing, and that ALL of us prayer warriors and our God will be more powerful than Mark and the devil. I can honestly say-from the bottom of my heart-that I have NEVER met a more evil person than him in ALL of my life. He does not have one kind bone in his body, nor does he have any respect for life-anyones! He does NOT want that baby-but he is mad that since Mel and Terry moved in with his dad-that he cant go over there and borrow all of dads money and steal from him because of his health-they went over at Christmas time when I was going over taking care of dad-Mark went over there and stole money out of dads wallet that was on the kitchen table!!! He had knocked on dads bedroom window until he got up and let them in the house! Mark actually made the comment that he would rather take Adrians life (he is 11 mos old) with his own hands than have him with Mel and Terry. Who says that about their child? Also-Mark has 2 or 3 other children that he hasnt seen since they were babies-if he even saw them then. He never paid child support-and the mothers, thank goodness, moved those children away from Mark. What a mess. He threatened to kill Adrians biological mom, IN FRONT of the police (and this is after he had pushed her and hit her several times) and the police arrested him on the spot AND the state pressed charges on him due to that. He bailed out on that one too-he gets away with so much-you wouldnt believe it! He has NO license (some 13 or 14) DWIs-and he gets pulled over all the time-and they let him go on his merry way. He has been the cause of 2 people we know of dying-and yet he is walking free. Something is wrong with this picture! Im getting off this soap box because I have to get to town.

I hope that everyone has a good weekend. Be safe. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

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