Sheila H.
on 4/11/08 5:43 am - Marshfield, MO
oops i was talking about  spandex shorts...didnt know they had a spanx undies lol my daughter is picking me up a pr of spandex knee shorts at target...to help hold ALL my saggy flab in some what............i know what u mean going from huge to straws with a nipple on end...hahahahaha


on 4/11/08 4:22 am - Joplin, MO
Yes, It's actually me in the flesh. Or should I say Cyber world. Anyhow I thought I would get on here and say thanks to everyone that has been praying for our situation. Needless to say it was really ugly. And wont get any better before it is all over and done with. But at least now I am better prepared. I have went out and got pepper spray that is on my key chain. And 1 that is locked in each of our cars. Then Terry went out and bought us each a Tazer gun & me a case to carry it with me on my hip every where I go. He also bought a hand gun. I will be going out to Janets place to pratice fireing it. I havent every fired a gun but once and that was a shoot gun. And it will be kept locked up in our safe. And not be brought out unless it is a LIFE OR DEATH SISTUATION.  I'm healing face wise pretty good. It looks like I was in a car accident. Or thats what everyone has been asking me when I go into places. My back is still totally Fubar'ed. Thankfully I go see my doc that Janets see's in KC on the 17th of this month. Lord willing she will change my meds around like Janets and by the grace of God it  I will get results like Janets has been.    Ive got several errands I'm going to run today. This weekend were cleaning the house and moving furniture all around. On Wed of next week they will be doing our home study for the adoptions. So please say a prayer that everything is good to go on that part. So Janets son & daughter are coming over to help clean & move furniture. And my freind & her hubby are coming over to help and bring the dresser that we bought at a yard sale last weekend. We stored it in her garage cause we didnt have room for it.    I called the electric company to see about getting a yard light for our back yard. That way I dont have to keep that backyard lights on all night long. The light will keep my whole back yard lite up prefectely. And that will help cause Ive got a camera faceing my backyard. So I know if anyone is out there messing around with anything. And I have a camera faceing my front doot also. So I know who is at the door  before I even have to open the door. We got new locks for the screen door and the wooden door on both the front and back doors. We have paddle locks on all the gates around our privacy fence. And tonight ADT is coming out to install a secerity alarm for the house. And where that main board will be even if Im at the farthest part of the house and something happens. They will be able to hear me and call for help weither it be the police, emt's, fire, whatever. I feel like I'm in solatary confinement. lol     Well that all thats been going on in my drams filled life. I pray that everyone is doing great. And that all this rain hasnt caused you that many problems. Once again that each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers. My entire family is grateful for each and everyone one of them. I pray you all have a blessed weekend. God Bless Mel & family
on 4/11/08 12:03 pm - Kirksville, MO
Hey Jan and All,         I am so excited! Tomorrow morning at about 7a I am leaving to go to Nebraska to see my kids!!! I will be there until the 21st. My oldest grandson Shayne's B-day is on the 20th, he will be three.So I will be there for his b-day.Don't worry ,I am taking all my protien for shakes and my vitamins with me.LOL       I am still stuck at 307 to 309. Up and down every day. Just can't seem to break this stall. I am so anixous to get below 300 pounds!       I started water therapy for my back. They said my L4 and L5 discs are really messed up. So they decided tha****er therapy would work the best for me. I know it feels good while I am in the pool, but we will see if it helps in the long run.      I hope everyone is staying dry. We are doing ok up here in Kirksville, no flooding yet.     Shannon- I wish you a speedy recovery with no pain. And I hope this works for you. Take care.      Well I gotta get off here and finish getting things ready to go. Take care All and God Bless, Tammy V.   

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


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