Well the people in Rock a
Janet did your water over there go down some? I was wondering if anyone has heard about some guy that is building a big boat somewhere? If so let me know where and im going to go help him build lol
Seems that we are always havint drastic weather anymore. Too much rain, not any rain, burning hot , freezing cold, too much not enough of what ever. Don’t know what it means , either the end of times or the green house effect what ever it is really getting bad and the seasons aren’t anything like they use to be. Now there doesn’t seem to be any on and off of seasons Maybe this nation needs to get right with God and that really worries me as there are so many that don’t know or care who God is.
Joe and I spent the day repainting a lot of the walls in our home since the ground outside was a muddy mess and couldn’t do anything. I did go out in the green house and planted several pots of cannas up and coleus too so they would have a head start when and if it ever gets to where you can plant stuff in the ground. At least it made me feel like I was doing some gardening. Oh of which I have a real weird thing in my shade garden.
I have a bleeding heart that I have had for a few years well it came up a couple of weeks ago and yesterday I went out and it was in bloom well this is the weird part instead of pink little heart shaped flowers, it is purple flat flowers. Now how weird is that. The leaves are the same but the flowers are really weird never saw one do that before. Just more of the freaky stuff that is going on in nature????? Who knows but I have pictures of it if anyone wants to see them.
VESTA:::: I can only hope that the lake I live on (Bull Shoals) can let ou****er as fast as Taneycomo lets it our of there into our lake. But the last I heard was the Bull Shoals was under orders to not let anymore out until Norfork got theirs down some and they cant let anymore out than what they are doing without flooding people our. So it is a catch 22 that only will improve by not getting more rain. All of that rain and flooding a couple of weeks ago in Springfield , Nixa and Ozark all ran down to the lakes and this last round of rain just put us over the top especially in the fact that most of the rain fell in the White River Basin,,,,which is the river than runs in and under all of the lakes. I know here alone we got 4 inches in just a short while. It is bad , real bad but hey wasn’t that sunshine this afternoon lovely?
TRACI:::: glad that you had a good turnout to compensate for all the cleaning you did. How are you feeling after your fall.
They just issued another warning from the Army Corp of That they are releasing more water from Table Rock Lake Dam and will raise the level of Taneycomo another 3 feet with will put the level of the water over the Power site dam, which is the dam that changes it from Taneycomo to Bull Shoals. Hold on kiddos. Pray please.
JANET:::::has your water went down yet now? You have several little creeks or rivers around in that area don’t you? Is it doing anything else tonight. Here is clear .
Barnacles mates I think there is more water than land around here right now.
I am so so happy that your doctor found a group of meds that really work for you.
Isnt it amazing how great you can feel and how much better your brain works when you aren’t in pain? Like a new you now. Sure hope you get to come to the meeting on the 28th are you going to try to?
Know that we are all praying for Ken and Cliff too., and all your other requests for prayer. God is listening and will answer all of these prayers.
I don’t think there has been a picnic planned but hey we will see about it. Don’t remember when it was last year that we had it sometime in June or July I think.
But if we do anyone that wants to come is more than welcome to come. We had several last year that came some didn’t even have Dr. Hornbostel as their doctor , we don’t care was fun not about when or where or who the doc was . lol
How is Mel doing today? Is she healing? Bless her heart , that ole mother bear was protecting her babies when that happened . God will reward her for her love of those babies.
BEC:::: hey got on her at the right time? Lol I know what you mean about the metal roof , we have one too and I love it. Sounds really good when it rains.
Hey Bec maybe we need to go grab some of the flooded out people and feed them out of our freezers . Really might be a great idea. Will see what I can do about that.
Did you get your painting done today? I love the flower pot you made me. It is sitting in a very prominent place in my living room , Very pretty.
BEV::::::: are you feeling better with your food issue ? sure hope so nothing as bad as a wls patient with food issues lol
Yeah I would think you would need to work on getting your legs a lot stronger . don’t know by doing what but im sure someone on her knows what to do.
Sure hope all your labs come back good . at least be something that is easy to fix. Ok? Be sure and let us know what they find.
Great way to go on the weight loss, yeah by the time of the family reunion you will have lost lots more.
LANA::::::::oh wow great to see you on the board. Sure hope the new meds for your RA help and get the pain and swelling under control.
Good luck on your trip and I hope not a soul says you don’t look well. Lol
Hang in there sweetie, hopefully your new meds will start working for it and you will be better.
Just know you can come and rant anytime you feel like it.
SHEILA::::::I am so happy that you now can use your protein shakes with the strawberry water and a few frozen strawberries too.
So proud of you about your weight. Hang in there. GOD BLESS EVERYONE

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning Jan & MO Peeps!
Well, it’s cold here but no rain. We got a lot of rain yesterday. Jan I am praying for you and all of those areas around you. What an awful thing to be forced out of your homes because of the rising waters.
I would ask that you all pray for my son Jake. He hasn’t been wanting to go to school for the past few weeks on and off. He mentioned to David and I a couple weeks ago that some kids (mainly two) have been calling him “Jake the Jew” because of his curly hair. I guess he finally had enough of it and went and talked to the counselor about it. The counselor and the assistant principal spoke to the two boys about it yesterday. One of them actually went up and shook Jake’s hand and sincerely apologized. The other kid has not. Jake was actually in tears this morning because he didn’t want to go to school. He was afraid of retaliation from these boys’ friends. Well, it happens that I went to school with the boy’s father who did not apologize to Jake. This kids Dad was a nice guy. I haven’t seen or talk to him in years; however, I have no problem with calling this him and speaking to him directly! I did make a phone call to the principal this morning. Apparently, he is off campus all day today. I did leave him a message and I expect he will be calling back. I also left a message for the vice principal. It happens that the principal of Jake’s school, Mr. Brady, his oldest daughter and my oldest son were in preschool together. I have known Mr. Brady a long time and he is a GREAT principal. I remember when he first became principal at another middle school that he saw some kid spit on a teacher’s car. He made that kid wash and WAX that car! I know he will take care of this situation. Mr. Brady will be the new High School Principal next year. I am excited because that will be Luke’s senior year and he will be there when Jake gets there
in a couple years. Please be in prayer for Jake. Please pray for me too that I conduct myself in the proper way. It infuriates me when good kids don’t want to go to school because of a couple smart alecks!
We all went to Luke’s High School Play “Peter Pan” last night. I was not excited about this one. But it was GREAT! The Flying Effects were provided by ZXF, Inc. , the same company do did the Broadway play. Luke was one that helped fly the actors. He also played a pirate and played the crocodile. The kids loved that big old crocodile slithering across the stage trying (and finally succeeding) in getting that mean old Captain Hook! There were a lot of small children there. Like I said it was great and Luke loves theatre! Who would have thunk it! lol
I am doing laundry this morning. I’m going to try and go to a new Thrift Store a few miles from here this morning. It’s run by a local Baptist church and they say it’s pretty nice. I donated a lot of my old clothes when they first started a year ago. Now they have moved to a two story building and have all sorts of things. I’m hoping to find a couple outfits for my trip to the Women of Joy Conference next week in Branson. I may also run to the Lee Employee Store and see what they have.
I hope and pray everyone has a great and safe weekend!
Debbie D. P.S. I'm sorry I can't respond to everyone (I'm just not as good it as Jan is) but I do read all your posts and do pray for those who have requested it. Take Care.
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~
Wait-let me dock my boat and I will be right with you! I am NOT making light of it either-its 10x worse now than it was yesterday when I posted. The shoal creek that we live by-is higher than it was 3 weeks ago-and the same 5 houses that were under water then-are under water again-only this time, they didnt get flooded overnite-they were evacuated yesterday, so they didnt have to do a water rescue this time. I feel so bad for them, they just got everything cleaned up and settled. Our pond-its still heading towards grandmas. Mikes adopted parents and then his aunt and uncle were all down at Grandmas yesterday, digging a ravine around her house-so the water will go there and not flood her. They used the tractor, and then manpower (shovels). I felt so bad- here they are all in their 60`s-80`s and they are doing all that work and I couldnt help them! I knew if I tried, my back would start acting up-and I was kind of liking the idea of it not hurting so much. Yesterday was the most pain I have been in since I started on my new meds-and it still didnt get to where it used to be!!!
Mike and I were woken up at 3 am due to hearing this horendous crash. You know when something wakes you-but your not awake so you dont know where it came from? Well-then we started hearing our dogs barking like someone was outside. We turned on the porch light-and they were still acting like crazy dogs-so I go out on the porch and head over to their pen-and Sebastian comes up behind me-Liked to have given me a heart attack-I lost my footing off the sidewalk that leads to the pool-and fell. Bruises up and down my leg today. Very sore. My back and leg hurt so badly today I want to choke something......I was not only lucky enough to catch my leg on the sidewalk when I fell-but it drops down there and I landed in the lake that used to be our yard. Came back in and got the flashlight to see what was going on over there (Is dark on that side of the property) and the 6 ft privacy fence that is on the south side-that we just replaced so it was brand new-maybe 2 months old-had come crashing in-the wind was so bad. It was blowing my lawn furniture around!!! The heavy metal furniture. Its very windy today too. They are calling for more rain all day and we have a wind advisory. It looks like its going to start raining any moment now-the clouds are getting thick and they are dark. Anyway-Mikes adopted Dad and Uncle Jessie are fixing the fence-and then I am going to put the mutts back in their pen (the fence IS the south side of their pen). We not only have the privacy fence, but the inner fence is a cattle panel-because Sebastian kept knocking down sections of fencing. Starting in the middle of the yard-run head first-hit the fence-sit down and shake it off and start all over until he would knock it loose-so we have a cattle panel fencing on the inside of the privacy fence. So-now the wind knocked it all down-and the dogs were going crazy because the dang dogs from across the street were up here!!!!
Mikes friends are coming in tonite. For some reason I thought they were staying over tomorrow-or did I? I dont even know what I was thinking anymore! I need to get this done and get going over to Mels house. We are heading to the P/A office (prosecuting attorney) to show them just cause of WHY they should NOT lower Marks bond. Right now its 50,000 and he is having trouble coming up with the 10% to bond out-I guess his low life friends dont have that kind of money-and his bail bondsman who usually bails him out-isnt this time-I guess thats because he was caught by Mels neighbors driving around their house several times that day-the day she got into it with Mark. Anyway-and then I am going to court with them on Monday-and I sure hope that POS is there. IF he is still in jail (I actually hope thats where he stays) they will NOT bring him to court-so I would rather him be there. I feel like they are a little safer with him behind bars-although he is in the general population now and can have visitors and I KNOW he can talk his friends into doing things for him. Like breaking the windshield on Mel and Terrys Kia the other day!!! They are pretty ballsy too-they parked RIGHT next to Terry and even had words with him-and when he comes out of the courthouse-his windshield is busted- I wonder HOW that happened? SOB`S!!!
Well, I am going to get this wrapped up and get going.
**Jan-I agree about the nation! I sit in bewilderment of what is going on!! We have had 500 tornados since the beginning of THIS YEAR already?! Whats up with that? Everywhere you turn, there is turmoil-and not just the weather. People beating each other up, (not just Mel) but students beating or planning on killing teachers, kids beating one another and taping it to put on the internet-GEEZ it will make you crazy if you let it. I personally hope I can just stay on my little chunk of land forever and if I have to-just stay here and be safe. AS safe as I can be, I mean.
Im glad Bec saw the post about the picnic too-so I am not crazy, or at least not as crazy as we originally thought. I would be interested in knowing the info on that. Who knows? Anyway, yes, I am planning on attending the group this month since my pain is managable now-and I wont be suffering so bad by the time I get there, that I am in a fog throughout the group. I cant wait to see everyone. Havent seen my peeps since December group and I miss you guys so much!! Plus I have lost 30-35# since then!!! YAYAY!!! Please be safe with the water. I am praying for all of the people your way as well. Oh, and thanks for emailing Glenna-she did contact me. I have missed talking to her.
**Bec-I am so happy to see you posting on a regular basis-I remember when you barely showed your pretty face in a post-and now I get to read about you and your life on a regular basis and I love it. I look forward to it, actually. I am only speaking the truth when I say the things I say about you. I think you are such an inspiration and I know that God works through you. I know he does!!! I am praying every day that your surgery gets approved. If you need anything, please let me know, ok? In the meantime, dont give up hope. I believe that God shut one door to open another-and you are where your suppose to be. His delays arent denials, not in all cases. He knows your heart. I am claiming victory for you and we will NOT waiver in our faith that this is it!!
**Sheila-let me know if you go to Target to get the Spanx (you posted Spandex-LOL) how much they are-hopefully they are cheaper than Lane Bryant or Catherines-they are 20-25 per pair there-but it does what it needs to do-and it does it nicely. Maybe they will make a Spanx bra for us and our bohemian tribe boobies that are sagging. Mine went from HUGE to straws with a nipple on the end-LOL...Hope that didnt offend anyone!
I hope you all have a good TGIF....I hope you are all safe, dry and healthy and happy. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers, Janet