Venting: Its been 2 weeks and still not done! ! !
It has been 2 weeks today and since I had my Psych Eval and the nut still doesnt have a report done!? Is this normal? I am thinking NOT! I have read about ppl having theirs Eval done and the Dr. having it faxed the same day. I had this appt about a month or so in advance, she not only didnt have all the eval forms ready for me to do in one day, she didnt call me I had to call up there to check on the status to see when is she going to have the correct form? Well, I was advised Monday that she hopes this one will work and be sufficient? OMG~! Are you serious? I am NOT happy about all this! So, yesterday I still havent heard anything so I called AGAIN and the receptionist informed me that she is going to work on it this weekend and hopes to have it done by monday. Hopes? ( I am thinking) I guess the important thing is that I pass and I am able to have the surgery. It isnt so much that I think I wont, it is more like you can tell she doesnt agree or support wls. Which is fine, but since she is about 130 and 5'7 I dont think she knows whats best for me. I am so frustrated! I see my therapist through the same office she is at, so please KNOW 1 thing, I am going to bring this up to his attention. Why wouldnt you get the correct forms ahead of time? I mean, if you arent going to have them you should notify me before we sit down for the appt. I could of made a decision at that point to go somewhere else or reschedule. Well, I just answered it for myself, it comes down to greed. The thing is I probably would of just rescheduled. The correct form she cant seem to find anywhere??? I dont know what thats about? I just know that this is very frustrating and what if the Eval form she had me take isnt sufficient? Medicare isnt going to pay for another Eval by someone else, I am sure. This lady did a eval on my son when he was diagnosed with PTSD, so I thought I already met her before so I should go ahead and go with her.... I guess I am just ready to get in for my 1st appt. I cant even do anything until she sends the report! I wonder if she thought by taking her sweet time that I might change my mind! I dont know but I think this was and is very rude and unprofessional! Has anyone experienced anything like this? I didnt call everyday, I called and checked the status the beginning of the week and the end. And, still NOTHING! I called and left a voice mail last week and she never called me back! When I went in later in the week ) to take my son to his therapy appt) the receptionist informed me that they dont have the correct form still and arent sure where they can get it? I said check the library or call around to some of the other psychologist's and see where they got theirs? Idk, I was just trying to give some answers... Btw, she did inform me that she never did a Psych Eval for wls. But, still she knew what it was for and should of had everything together and been more prepared then this!!! I havent said anything because I dont want to make her mad and make it worse in the end. Thanks for listening!