Venting: Its been 2 weeks and still not done! ! !

on 4/10/08 10:40 pm - Joplin, MO

It has been 2 weeks today and since I had my Psych Eval and the nut still doesnt have a report done!? Is this normal? I am thinking NOT! I have read about ppl having theirs Eval done and the Dr. having it faxed the same day. I had this appt about a month or so in advance, she not only didnt have all the eval forms ready for me to do in one day, she didnt call me I had to call up there to check on the status to see when is she going to have the correct form? Well, I was advised Monday that she hopes this one will work and be sufficient? OMG~! Are you serious? I am NOT happy about all this! So, yesterday I still havent heard anything so I called AGAIN and the receptionist informed me that she is going to work on it this weekend and hopes to have it done by monday. Hopes? ( I am thinking) I guess the important thing is that I pass and I am able to have the surgery. It isnt so much that I think I wont, it is more like you can tell she doesnt agree or support wls. Which is fine, but since she is about 130 and 5'7 I dont think she knows whats best for me.  I am so frustrated! I see my therapist through the same office she is at, so please KNOW 1 thing, I am going to bring this up to his attention. Why wouldnt you get the correct forms ahead of time? I mean, if you arent going to have them you should notify me before we sit down for the appt. I could of made a decision at that point to go somewhere else or reschedule. Well, I just answered it for myself, it comes down to greed.  The thing is I probably would of just rescheduled. The correct form she cant seem to find anywhere??? I dont know what thats about? I just know that this is very frustrating and what if the Eval form she had me take isnt sufficient? Medicare isnt going to pay for another Eval by someone else, I am sure.  This lady did a eval on my son when he was diagnosed with PTSD, so I thought I already met her before so I should go ahead and go with her.... I guess I am just ready to get in for my 1st appt. I cant even do anything until she sends the report! I wonder if she thought by taking her sweet time that I might change my mind! I dont know but I think this was and is very rude and unprofessional! Has anyone experienced anything like this? I didnt call everyday, I called and checked the status the beginning of the week and the end. And, still NOTHING! I called and left a voice mail last week and she never called me back! When I went in later in the week ) to take my son to his therapy appt) the receptionist informed me that they dont have the correct form still and arent sure where they can get it? I said check the library or call around to some of the other psychologist's and see where they got theirs? Idk, I was just trying to give some answers... Btw, she did inform me that she never did a Psych Eval for wls. But, still she knew what it was for and should of had everything together and been more prepared then this!!! I havent said anything because I dont want to make her mad and make it worse in the end. Thanks for listening!



on 4/11/08 3:36 am - Overland Park, KS
I can tell your very anxious to get everything going, so was I, I have to tell you though...CALM DOWN LOL, This process does take awhile. I have medicare also, and I had to pay for my phych eval. out of pocket, they were supposed to bill medicare, then reimburse me if they received payment. Then I find out that since the person who administired the test wasn't qualified by medicare, there will be no reimbursement, I have to eat the $380.00. back to you, medicare requires a mpp...something, I don't remember all the initials, but apparantly it isn't commonly used anymore. Maybe your therapist is saviing you alot of headache by being on the ball and making sure she as all of her i"s dotted and t's crossed. It can take a few weeks for the results of a 512 question personality test to be gone through, assessed etc. I don't know of anybody who had results faxed the same or next day! most therapists have more than one patient.I see you have the same dr. as I do, in the packet of information they give you at the seminar, it tells you what kind of phych eval you have to have. I f you went in for a 50min. appt, that isn't going to cut it, the consult is a 512 question test, plus the therapist "visits" with you, it should be a min. of a 2 hour appt. Try to be patient, it took 3 wk.s to get my results back from the test to dr. H's office, that was in november, I just got my surgery april 7, that was how long the process took for me! I have the feeling that if the therapist can't find the "correct" form, she probably didn't give you the right test to begin with, she can't just find the correct form and fill it in and send it off, She has to administer the right test to begin with, I would find out exactly what test she did do, and call medicare myself or maybe even the dr's office, they are very knowledgable and should be able to tell you if you have the right testing done. If it turns out that she didn't do what was needed, go somewhere else! immedietly, inform medicare that she didn't do what she is billing them for and they probably won't pay her. Good luck, try to be patient, you can't hurry the process through sheer sense of will, though I think we all tried that! You found a great dr. who will accept medicare, and that was probably one of the hardest parts, your on your way, enjoy the ride.
on 4/11/08 4:42 pm - MO
This might make you feel better --- I had to wait FIVE LONG WEEKS to get my Psych report finished and faxed. By the time it was all over I was ready to walk up into his office to make a scene. Keep on them --- call each week to get a status update and remind them that Dr. H's office is waiting for that report so they can set your appt. Maybe if your doctor is reminded often that another Doctor is waiting on them to do their job they might move a little faster to find those forms. I'll pray for ya girl --- I know how irritating it can be to wait for that report to be finished.

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