New Identity
Yeah...but boss came out with written policy on what and what not to do at nursing homes...I guess I was the sacrificial lamb for that. Tonight is my last night on-call. I have 2 that are trying to go so my chances of sleeping are slim...Last night Ryleigh had a 105.5 fever so we were up at 2am doing the fun things you have to do when your kid is that hot
!! She was so good about it too. Only complained a little when she got in the water...she eventually adjusted and it was her temp down to 103 with that. Kept pumping the tylenol and motrin and by morning I was exhausted and she was sleeping like a baby on a sweat soaked pillow.
Got her in with Dr Couch...who i love...and all her tests were neg...they did xray, blood, urine. Still waiting on cultures, but probably neg as well...gave her antibiotics for sinus infection...anywho...gonna sign off and lay down for a bit...see if i can catch some zzzzzs before my phone rings.

No strep signs of it...she doesn't have a sore throat or anything. I wouldn't have known she even had a fever except that I felt her. She never acts sick. Sounds like you had a wowsie wowsie woowoo schleprock morning...or are you too young to know who he is??? I fart dust you know so I grew up with him. I hope YOUR day got better and that you have a good day tomorrow. Later....