Did you all see the news Wednesday evening about Rock a
Didn’t rain here any today but is suppose to start in the early morning hours on Thursday today. My bones sure are telling it that is for sure.
I went outside to try and do something today and like to froze so I came back in and did some more organizing of cabinets and such.
If I could keep all of it neat would be good. Lol
I looked in the freezers today and decided I need to find some people to cook for. Lol It is awfully hard to cook for one and a tenth person. Do any of you have this problem. What is the answer? I dislike having left overs. So far our dog is getting well fed on people food. Joe doesn’t even eat as much as he use to so he no longer eats like two people but one average one and my eating consists of two bites of this and a bite of that and maybe a smidgeon of that. I guess I could buy some of the compartment plates and make frozen dinners but then my freezer would pop more at the seams. What is the solution. Anyone???got some ideas?
It is right now 10:30 and pouring down rain again . It let up for a minute so I went out and looked at the rain guage , in the last hour we have gotten over an inch, if it keeps this up tonight we are going to be in trouble with a lot of places. Besides the water pushing all the wildlife, snakes, deer, rabbits, skunks, everything up in our yards. Good grief .
BEC:::::LOL I always get such a kick out of your post and emails. You are the most darling person I have known in a long long time. I do think I need a little Becky time tho. Have been missing you a lot. What you said about us not listening to God when he is trying to tell us something and us being so upset by what is going on that we cant listen. I think that is when that verse is good “ Be still and listen and know that I am God”
I had Joe doing things in the house today too. I told him that since it was going to rain we can get some of the things done in the house and guest house that we need to do. If it would let up long enough to go get some lumber to do things with lol.
I agree about working so hard that you sleep the sleep of the dead. Not many times that I sleep all night but when I work like that I do. Feels good too.
BRENDA::::: great to see you again, Yes I will put you on the prayer list for continued prayer. I saw on tv the other day that they have some new pain meds for fibro. One is called Lyrica I think was the name of it. And it would make sence that that might be the source of the pain and not the disc.
Did the Flexiril help when you were taking it 3 times a day? If it did tell the pain clinic that and they will see to it that you get it back. It really isnt habit forming don’t know why pcps don’t want to prescribe that one.
VESTA:::: hey neat that you are going to get your plastic surgery taken care of. You give me courage to go see about really getting it done. How is the lake down your way?
TRACI::::::hey be careful and watch where you walk, those slips and falls cause a lot of problems to people in their own homes you know.
Take it easy the ladies that will be there don’t really care if everything is right or not do they.
SHEILA: :::::Glad that you are getting in all your protein now. I was worried and am always worried about anyone when they say they cant drink their shakes.
Sure hope you come to the support meeting on the 28th.
No one will know you for sure if you are down to 169 already. Wow. Girl I need to get busy lol
CHELE::::; wow so good to see you and finally you are graduating? That is so great. You are amazing , and a trip to ??? By your self or with the boyfriend? Either way will be great.
Plus a job too and a new grandbaby. Need to post some new pictures for us.
Really haven’t been able to do a lot in the yard, just the yearly stuff is up already, so far they aren’t saying temps cold enough to hurt anything yet. Lets pray that they don’t tell us like we had last year.
BRENDA::::: You will be like Sheila soon enough and losing lots of weight and feeling great and ready to plant stuff in your yard by just about the right time. Not too long now.just a day less than 3 weeks wow.
DEBBIE::::: Yes I know what you mean , sometimes I feel like that too and I get really hoarse too but use my throat spray and it feels ok, For me I just don’t want to have surgery unless it makes me and so far im not at that stage yet. Have they tried aspirating your nodules to see if they can reduce them in size? That isnt pleasant but better to me than surgery lol
Your walkway and arbor sound lovely, what about a red clematis with the yellow roses since you have red peonies there. I have a lady Banks rose planted on my pagoda and it has grown up all over the top of it already and started down one of the corners, I looked yesterday and it is loaded with buds. I sure hope it doesn’t get frozen out again this year.
It is a rose without any thorns. Beautiful have you ever seen one?
Great to see you again . please don’t be a stranger. Ok?
JANET:::::: Yes there most certainly is power in prayer and the more you have praying the more power there is.
Had to laugh when you called
So is Kenny still holding on? Maybe one more day and one more day and one more day, you know until he gets better. And Yes you are right they really do think that people in a coma can hear you and recognize you too.
Sad that Jon lost his fish but if he is willing to get another one hopefully it wont cause him too much trauma.
Hey how can the girls dad come back down this way when he has the back child support hanging over him?
I think we need to have someone do the prayer list like Tammy use to do. It was a good daily reminder for all of us to include those people in our prayers for the day. Don’t know why she quit doing it other than she got so busy she just couldn’t .
I think there is an Ant killer called Toro but haven’t seen it around in a while. Seems like we got all of them and I hope we don’t see anymore . so hopefully they are all gone.
We tore the house apart and cleaned and put it back together so there shouldn’t be any.
What picnic are you talking about? Didn’t know of any Picnic. I must have missed someones post somewhere huh?
Glenna has a new email ,I will send it to you. She moved from Ozark to
I have been to the Angels support group a couple of times just cant seem to get into
Love you sweetie,
KELLY::::::lol well what in the world did Hubby do while you were out of town for 6 days, lol I think I would put him to work in there too. Glad to see you on the boards
How are you doing since your surgery?
BEV:::::: well sure your legs are weak right now. How long has it been since you used those muscles? I would faint to think that I had to ride a bike I think lol You are lot braver than I am. They say you know that you never forget how to ride a bike but im not so sure that I want to test that idea. Lol
Im glad that you got your period under control this month. Yes they say that your body hides lots of hormones in fat cells and as you shrink the fat cells in your body that the hormones cause some really unusual side effects.
Hey im with you I have always thought that all work places should give everyone a hours nap in the middle of the day.
You will get braver with foods again as you get farther out. don’t worry,. Just don’t let the carb monster get hold of you cause once he has you he doesn’t want to let go.
NUTTI::::::Yeah the place is hopping isnt it? Lots of people and lots of things going on. Lots of new people that are having surgery, or just have had surgery and some just now looking. will always be that way I guess.
Sure wish you would come to a meeting in
Shade gardens , there are lots of pretty things that can be grown in the shade , really the best way to figure out what you really want is to go to google and put in shade gardens it will take you to several web sites of plants places like Wayside, or Parks or Springhill, Springhill has some really good planting packages of shade gardens. That you might be interested in. One thing Shade gardens seem to not require as much watering most of the time if you have them mulched well.
So proud of you and your new life. Way to go girl. Have a job that pays money , which never hurts the pocket book any and you are feeling great and probably really looking great too. As your co=worker said WELCOME BACK….that was a really nice thing for her to say and expresses it all doesn’t it?
Welcome back to life .
Sorry you lost your kitty recently , hard to give them up isnt it? They become such a part of our families our fur babies.
Love all of you

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~
Here in Diamond-we are seriously going to be stuck right where we are-as it seems that every direction to get out of here is flooded-and we are expecting more heavy rain and wicked storms this afternoon AGAIN.... In a little over 2 hrs last night-we got 3-4 inches-and I have NEVER seen our yard flooded so badly that its coming onto our porch. Our pond is overflowing and headed towards grandmas house-at the bottom of the hill and driveway. The ditches are up and overflowing, causing our country roads to close-they have several roads barracated off! My inground pool-the water is all the way up the 2nd step, which means there is more than 6 ft of water in the deep end, causing it to go to the shallow end-all 3 ft of it-where the steps are. Mike tried 3 different roads trying to get to work this morning before he finally found one that he could use-and he still had to drive through 3 different areas that were covering the road-not sweeping or anything-but standing water. He called and told me not to go anywhere today and if I needed something to let him know and he would pick it up on his way home. He may regret saying that! On his way to work (in Neosho) he saw a car drive into sweeping water-and it washed the car into the ravine-and the water was up to her windshield and she was still inside-he stopped with several other gentlemen-to get her out of the car- Some of our area schools are closed today. Some that are going-said the buses were running up to 45 minutes late-and that more than likely-those kids would only have 1/2 day IF the rain starts back up this afternoon, like they are calling for!! The kids are still making up snow days-now they will be making up rain days! I hope everyone is safe. I know a lot of people that live right by me-have their basements flooded-or their whole house-I hope all of you will pray for the people deeply affected by these floods. It is heartbreaking. A lot of them just got their mess cleaned up from the last flood-to turn around and go through it again now is just sad. So sad. I just pray that no one looses loved ones to the floods.
So-today Jon and I were going to go do some errands with Megan and go to her dr. appt with her-but she cant make it out here to get us-and I dont want to drive to meet her-too chicken-and also afraid that even IF I can get out-that I may not get back in if it starts raining before I am home again. I am going to do some work books with Jon, and then when he gets game time, I will mark some more stuff for the sale or my dads flea market booth he has.
This morning, when I went onto the porch (is covered and partially enclosed-3 1/2 ft up with pillars) anyway-it was raining so hard, that the rain was coming right through sideways and it was getting me wet, and Jon was right behind me, and he turns around to Abby (our PREGNANT cat) and says- "Oh Barnicles!!! Abby, its raining and your all wet. Mom, we need to move her food bowl" I started laughing, because now his favorite saying is Oh Barnicles-and I believe that came from Spongebob. Its so funny when he says it though, because he is so serious-like a stockbroker or a banker type-you know?
**Jan-you are right about the medication for fibro being Lyrica. My pain management doc had told me that IF the meds she put me on didnt work-that she was going to put me on Lyrica, to see if it helped any-since it actually treats your nerve endings-where a lot of the pain comes from, like the root of the problem. Im afraid for Brenda-when a doctor wont even give you ANYTHING for the pain, then what the hell kind of pain doctor is that? That is NO way to live-and I know-I did it for 15 months straight where I wanted to give up every day because the pain was so bad! (sure I had a pain med-but nothing to treat the symptoms and the pills only help until your system builds up a tolerance to them) I hope and pray that she finds a new doctor to really help her. I emailed her and gv her the meds my doc put me on and told her that if she wanted her info-to let me know. I have medicare too-so I know she does accept that and any secondary insurance to medicare that someone may have.
Yes, Kenny is still hanging in there. I keep telling my parents he is a tough old bird. Heck, I tell him that now- I still joke with him whether he is in a hospital bed or not. I hope when he gets better that he will remember me razzing him. I just want him to get better! I dont cry when I am in there. I wont let my voice sound sad-I will cry when I walk out the door-but not in there where he can hear me, I refuse. I keep telling him to hurry up and get better because he loves his Nascar. I dont-BUT...I razz him about that too-and tell him he is missing the races and that he needs to bet me, so I can win my money back from him!! LOL..
Cliff is still hanging in there too. He is in the same department as Kenny-so we see our friends when we go up there-and since they are up there 24/7-they also keep us posted on Kenny. What they see and all that. Thats nice.
You asked about my ex and HOW he can move back with all the back child support he owes. He is at the felony level for child support-and in the state of MO-IF he were to get pulled over or someone called the police and they ran his license-he would be arrested. I do not know what the laws are out of state, but the house he owns is in Galena KS-which is just 1/2 hr from here. I was told that before he moved back, that he was going to get the child support paid down below felony level-but that has not happened yet-and he is on his way back-he may even be back for all I know. I got a text from him last night and he was talking about his friends that live in Joplin, so he may be back. I know Megan has said that the first time she sees him in MO, that she is calling and telling them where he is so he can be picked up. He just went to court in Vegas because he was pulled over-and he was driving on a suspended license (thanks to state of MO) Anyway-who knows? He isnt going to tell me when he gets here-
Maybe I was the one who mistook the post I read. I thought there was a picnic in Sedalia like the one you guys had last year. Maybe it was done already. I dont know. Sorry. I was just being curious-since there are a lot of people that went last year that I would LOVE to get the chance to meet and give hugs to!!
Ok-Glenna moved, please send me her new email, OR send her mine. She may have emailed me when she got the new one, but remember I lost my internet because of the identity theft deal and she may have gotten a email stating that my mailbox was inactive or full? Thanks. Her and I always kept in touch with emails-so I was getting concerned that I hadnt heard from her. I was worried about Joey too-and how he was doing since he was pretty hurt last time I saw her.
**Has anyone heard from our sweet, lovely Lana? Im worried about her-its not like her to be gone so long from posting or emailing us. If you have-let her know I love her. Thanks.
Well, in closing I would like to say-Bec-Im sorry I missed posting to you yesterday! You are ALWAYS such a ray of sunshine, you are so inspirational, and uplifting and I love you to peices. Thanks for all you do!! Please keep Kenny, Cliff, Mel and her family, including her mom Theresa, my parents and my children in your prayers. I appreciate it so much. Maybe I will start the prayer request post again? I think I will......As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers-Janet
I know I've been gone for awhile but I've just been feeling so bad. I hate to complain when I know my dearest Janet has hurt so much for so long but this RA has really hit me pretty hard for the past 6 weeks or so. Yesterday I finally had my visit with the Rheumatologist and I am starting Methotrexate on Sunday and will give that a few weeks to see if it is going to work at all. I hope it does because the biologics that are the next phase are soooo expensive and the Methotrexate is only $2.25/month on my insurance. Of course I have to have monthly blood work or no refill (to watch for liver problems) so that will add to the cost but still it is much cheaper than Enbril etc.
The main reason I haven't written is that my left wrist is so very sore and typing just about kills me. I can't seem to find a position to put it in that doesn't hurt. I ask you all to pray that this medicine helps me out because I am just worn down with hurting.
However, I refuse to let RA beat me so tomorrow DH and I are off to Texas for four days to visit friends who we knew in Las Vegas. Hope it is warmer and drier there and that that helps the joints. None of the people who will be there have seen me since I lost weight so it should be a real morale booster for me - I just don't want to look and feel sick or they'll think it's because of the weight loss and it isn't - it's the RA. I get tired of everyone saying I'm too thin or I look sick. I was really sick when I weighed 246 pounds but everyone assumes that you're fat and healthy and skinny and sick. RANT!!!
I love all of you and cannot wait til the 28th to see everyone.
Hugs, love and prayers to all.
good afternoon!!!!
jan..... yes its impossible to cook for 1..seems like i waste so much food now a days and ur gonna be so PROUD of me!!!! i CAN drink the strawberry protein drinks with strawberry water and strawberries!!!!
Bev.....i too am going thru the stage of where nothing tastes good any more....
Janet.......my daughter said she found me some spandex online and they have em at Target...... man i really need to go get me a pr to hold up all this saggy skin....need a fishing pole too so i can real the boobies up and put em in a bra LOL
Barabra... i am so sorry for ur loss...prayers r up for u and ur family..
Connie .... i am so sorry for ur loss too and prayers are up for you...i lost my mom 5 yrs ago and still hurts me bad....
i would of kissed the Dr but i had just went in to weigh so it was the lady at check out desk who says whoa u must of lost some more weight and then preceded to ask me about wls...im still on cloud 9 !!!!!
hope eevry 1 is safe from all the floods...
good to see every body back online posting again
love and hugs