Brenda Nutt
on 4/10/08 3:29 am - Harrison, AR

You deserve to dance!  You shoudda' kissed the doc. right smack on tha lips and told him you loved him...right there in front of his nurse, God, and everybody! hahahaha 

Wish I could have been there and watched you rejoice!

Brenda Nutt

Debbie M.
on 4/8/08 11:45 pm - Harrisonville, MO
Morning all.... Jan, sounds like you have more than enough reason to not have the surgery. I, on the other hand feel like I'm choking a lot with my biggest lump which is only 4cms (2.2inches?). The other nodules aren't bothersome, that I know of. The swollen lymph nodes feel like they are pulling and tugging at my throat and the nerves in my neck all the time, very uncomfortable. I can just see you out there in your yard, working away! I'm working at it. I have a new arbor out front with yellow teacup roses climbing through it and am going to plant some clematis there too, just don't know which color. Also, have started a stone walkway with red peonies along side it. I made a path along one of my creek banks with Forsynthias and planted a bunch of hostas and some daylilies (I collected from other parts of our property) around some of the trees I have in front of my house. I collected some daffodils from an old house that we have on our property and replanted them along side another walkway in front of our house.....David thinks that's cool...wondering who originally planted them at the other house and how long ago. That house is over 100 years old. I come online quite often and read, just don't have much to say...lol I will say that you all have a lot going on...some good, some not so much. My heart breaks for those going through hard times and for those who are holding the hands of those in need. They know who they are and prayers are going out for them. It is so good to see the new faces as well as the old on here....seems like forever since I have seen them...the old ones anyway!....lol Well, I'm thinking about getting myself together and going in to finish painting my kitchen today....started it awhile back then health issues started up. It will be pretty when it's finished. My daughter and her kids should be down today but I'm not holding my breath....she has said that for the last two weeks...lol The life of a busy Mom. Timothy is doing great, Emilie is spoiled rotten and ornery and Nicole thinks she may be pregnant again...lol Better her than me! Well, I'm outta here for now. You all have a great day! Love & Prayers, Deb

on 4/9/08 1:48 am - Diamond, MO

Hello Jan and OH Peeps~

How are all of you today? I hope this post finds you all well, happy, healthy and dry!! Its so wonderful to get in a post and see some people, like myself-that have been gone forever-in posting!! Love to read up on everybody and make notes so I can add to the prayer chain and requests-there IS power in prayer!!

I spent a lot of time yesterday praying. I had felt pretty overwhelmed when I posted ysterday morning-but then, after praying for several hours-I got this amazing sense of peace and strength. My dad had stopped by, out of the blue-on his way to a city in the middle of nowhere (LOL) called Granby Mo....Anyhow-he came by just to give me a hug and tell me he loved me. As soon as he started to hug me-he started to cry. He is so scared he is going to lose Kenny, and he thinks of Kenny as his dad. I told Dad that we needed to pray about it-and I told him to go in Kennys room and talk to him-because he CAN HEAR YOU!~ Read to him, tell him funny stories-and repeat stories back to him that he has told you-it WILL make a difference-and very well could give him the will to fight a little harder!

I went into the boys room to take some clothes in there that I had folded-and when I was walking out the door-I looked over and Jons fish was dead. He was not home-he was at Mels house having a play date with Clara, since we knew that they were safe since Mark is still in jail. Oh, I just knew he was going to be heart broken. He still talks about Gabby, the little kitty we had that died. Anyhow-after Mike got home, we sat down and talked to Jon, when Mike told him-he bolted off to his room and then started screaming. Instant tears-for Mike and I! Mike told Jon that they could go and get another fish this weekend. He didnt want another one unless it is exactly like Nemo (yes, the fish looked exactly like Nemo-orange and white). He told Mike that IF they cant find another Nemo, that he wants a shark. (okay, son-I feel bad for you, but no sharks, no snakes, no lizards!)

Before I go any further, I would like to add to my long list of prayer requests. My daughters friend, her 9 yr old son has pnuemonia and hasnt been doing very good. The doctors told his mom yesterday that IF he wasnt better by today that he was going to have to be admitted to the hospital. If you could say some prayers for the little guy, his name is Aaron. We still need prayer for Kenny, for Cliff, for Mel and her family, her mom and my adopted mom, Theresa, for all of my kiddos. The girls sperm donor is coming back this way and its going to reak emotional havok on the girls, Darrel is having a set back of sorts-dont know whats going on there-and Jons little heart is broken. My parents could use prayer as well. My dad is having some pretty serious health issues and needs surgery. I know its a lot to ask for-but I do appreciate all of you-and your prayers-and I pray for all of your prayer requests as well.

I asked Tammy to check on her neighbor today. She is going to and then text me to let me know how she is doing. I am going to put Debbie M and Brenda on our prayer chain for their requests as well. So much going on with everybody-but our God is mighty and we can help by praying.

It rained most of the day here-and I didnt park Stephs car under the carport like I normally do-because Jons little bike was where we park-which ordinarilly isnt an issue-but we left the passenger window half way down-and it flooded the passenger seat and floor!!! I felt so bad. Not my car-and I was the last one to drive it (darn it-had she been last-it would be HER fault and not mine! LOL) They are saying we are expecting MORE RAIN here today and tomorrow-and its COLD! They also said that today-the weather is going to get severe-hail, possible tornados and lightning etc. Thats the ONLY thing that REALLY bothers me about living out here-we have NO sirens (not that they always go off anyway-the 3 tornados that just hit neosho last week-there were no sirens sounded then either) But, its hard to live so far out and not have anything. When we lose satellite-we lose all stations. We dont even get the local stations on regular tv without an exterior antenna-which we dont have.

Today I am going to get some more cleaning done and get some things organized. My dad is having a garage sale next weekend and I need to get my things marked and ready to go. Mikes got the last big race this Saturday and some of his out of state friends will be coming to spend the night Saturday evening after the race, so I want to do one of those real good once overs, not that they will care, but I do!!

**Jan-We just had a huge ant problem-only ours came in through our firewood-one of the logs was infested with those huge black ants-and they were all over!!! My mom gave me some stuff that you cant even buy in MO, but she got it over in KS. I want to say Torro, but I dont think thats right. I will have to ask her again what it was called. Thank goodness we got rid of them! Although I can handle seeing them a lot better than these huge spiders we get every single spring!! They are those wolf spiders and they are as freaking wide and big as the bottom of a shoe! They jump too! They give me the heebie jeebies.

We are getting ready here in the next couple of weeks to get our garden started. Im pretty excited about that!! I have wanted to do that since we moved out here-but was always too fat to be able to! I know I had last summer too-but still wasnt down enough to have been able to care for it-so I am really looking forward to it this year-and since I have the energy now-I sure hope that the meds keep working for me-so I can do that!!

Are you going to the picnic? Is it just for people who are 2 yrs out or more or can anybody attend? Is it just for Dr. H`s patients? Have you heard from Glenna? How is she? I have emailed her a couple of times and havent heard from her. Did I read that she moved? If and when you talk to her please tell her I say hi and I love her, ok? Thanks! Oh, and before I forget-do you go to the ANGELS support group too?

Oh, you are more than welcome to join us on our tropical island! And yes-Im sure you can have protein drinks-LOL...thats why I asked if they could add it to our ****tails-LOL!! We are goddesses in my dream, remember? We can have anything we want!!

I just wanted to add on your behalf-that anyone who knows you, knows that what you say, you say because you care-and you are further out, have heard more-and know how sick people can get IF they dont get in their vitamins and protein. We know that you "crack the whip" because you care! We love you for it. We know you are the first one to kick our *ss`s if we arent doing what we are suppose to-and the first one to hug us when we need it. Thats what friends do for one another!!! Im glad your my friend! Love you. Say hi to Joe and the family!!

**Debbie M-I will be praying for you and your surgeon. Yes, I do believe your pastor coming over and praying with you and for you had something to do with your mark leaving!! I do believe in miracles-and we know there is power in prayer. When is Wendys due date? Love and Miss you.

**Brenda-I will be praying for you as well. I know that back pain all too well, and I know how it makes you depressed and it just flat out wears you down! I am going to send you an email and let you know what my pain doc is doing for me-since NOTHING else has worked in over a yr. I am praying you get relief!! Love and Miss you!!

**Chelle-CONGRATS on the new baby!!! Whats his name? Are they still living with you? Email me his picture-would love to see that handsome young man!!! We will keep him prayers for his asthma. Poor thing!! Oh, and congrats on graduating!!! I am so proud of and for you! Im so excited for you to get to go to Mexico!!! I was just posting yesterday about a tropical oasis!! Where at in Mexico? How much weight have you lost now? Catch us up when you can. We have missed you-and I love ya girl!!!

**Sheila-You know Jan said that about the protein cuz she loves you and doesnt want you to get sick!! Traci is proof of how sick we can get when we are deficient on our vitamins and such. Im praying for you-that you find something that works for you until you can get it all in with your food! Love ya and hope to see you soon at a group!!!

Well, I am going to get this posted and catch up on some other emails and such. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday, and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers!!! Love, Janet

on 4/9/08 3:40 am - St. Charles, MO
Hello All, I am trying to put my house back together.  The kids and I were out of town for 6 days.  We left the hubby home.  The house is in shambles.  Lots of laundry and dishes.  Yuck!  The day is so pretty.  I want to be outside not inside.  Oh well.  I will sneak outside for a little while. Kelly
on 4/9/08 3:57 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH family!  When I came into work this morning it was pretty nice out just a little chilly but they are calling for rain later today I just hope that it doesn't come I'm tired of all this rain and cold... I did some bike riding this weekend it's still hard for me to get up a small hill my legs just aren't very strong right now.  I have a lot of muscle weakness guess that goes along with the territory I'm sure it will get better? I had to go to the dr. yesterday cause I started my period on Sat. and it's been heavy again just like last month so I went in to see the dr.  I was glad that it wasn't as bad as last month and I didn't need to be hospitalized again for it.  My hemoglobin was 11 so that's not bad she gave me some pills to stop the bleeding and after I am through taking those (for 10 days) then I have to start taking birth control.  She said that the birth control will even out my cycles and wants me to take them until my weight stableizes.  She said that the excessive bleeding is hormonal and due to all the recent changes that my body is going through but the good news I guess is that I'm not going through menopause! ha ha... Boy am I tired today!  I was off for 5 days and got spoiled now having to return to work I'm a little tired and sleepy today....I think employers should give employees a nap break of like 30-45 min..... wouldn't that be great? I havn't made any new recipes this week but I did go to walmart and got those turkey marinated strips that Debbie D was talking about last week and I got some low carb flat wraps but I haven't fixed those yet might be whats for dinner tonight?  I had a hard time finding those turkey strips cause I thought they were frozen but they weren't they were next to the fresh turkey meat they are chipolte style so I just hope they aren't too spicy for me? I'm finding that there is a lot of food that my picky pouch doesn't like!  I have thrown up twice over the weekend after eating something that my tummy didn't like.  It's like I try it and if I throw up I don't ever want to try it again but I know like a month after surgery I dumped on peanut butter and I love peanut butter but I'm scared to try it again I think I did that cause it was too thick and sticky for me at that stage so now that I am 11 weeks out (2 1/5 months) I want to try it but I'm scared too.... Well, guess I better get some work done here.  Take care everyone and have a wonderful day!!!! Bev~

on 4/9/08 9:31 am

Hellooo Mo! WOWZA this place is hopping! Lots of goings on....gotta be something in the air! Im back to work at last...enjoying it very much. learning new aspects of my job...today I was VERY busy! up and down and all around. and Im thinking maybe its time to add some more regular excersize to my day. I cant hardly believe that I have come so far in such a short time. it so liberating ...until I go outside and see what 6 yrs of inactivity leaves my yard looking with my packrat(workaholic) in charge....he collects but has no time to do the project for the collection of objects! I just turned around...I think Ill start with something easy like my front yard....hey Jan what do you know about shade gardens. because the front yard gets very little direct sunlight ever. bad thing about that plan is the pool is out back! he still has the haunt supports to take down. I think this weekend Catriona and I will do that......did I say that?? unbelievable! today I showed a coworker my photo book. I recently ran accross a photo of me when I was probably 500 or more there are not many of them...but this is of the whole family at Christmas. that is now my first photo. her eyes got BIG. she was amazed. and than she hugged me and said welcome back I do feel like Im back in the world again. for so long my world was so limited in physical space but now I am NEVER home. I come on in the am while drinking my shakes so I can read mamma Jans words of wisdom and Tracy, tech talk about stuff that we need.! a nice way to start the day. WTG Bev! you are my hero! I want to go bike riding...but Im so scared of falling and my balance is still wacko! plus I have no one to ride with....Catriona says she aint into bike riding....whatever! I think its because Im threating a trycycle for myself...I fear it may be the only way Ill trust it. when our boys were young we only had bikes and we rode all the time. I miss that. we had a sad weekend ending with having to put our sashasweetkitty to sleep. someone had hit her so hard they caused nerve damage and fractured her jaw. the vet rulled out fight or hit by a car. we put her to rest under our big rosebush. we got her for my gran when she lived here but when she left we kept the kitty. we all just loved her silly and she was sooo good with babies and kids! Grandbaby is growing and smiling at people he knows. so cute. and ahh so snuggly.  hope everyone has a great evening! nutti







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