Jan C.
on 4/8/08 2:59 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Guess what we did for most of the day Tuesday? When I turned on my computer I saw a few ants, I killed them and they kept coming. OH NO, We started cleaning around and in the area. Found those little buggers nest , cleaned and sprayed and cleaned some more, We had seen some of them over by the sink too so got all of the stuff out from under the sink and cleaned that , put down ant traps everywhere. Cleaned out all the cabinets, straightened and  cleaned and put the little ant stations down, sprayed and sprayed and cleaned some more.  I guess because of all the rain they have run into the house. Well they aren’t welcome in my house.

!!! Someone else was saying just the other day that they had gotten infested with ants too. Guess it is better than some of the things you could get infested with lol


Boy did it ever rain for awhile here, we got almost an inch in about an hour, then it quit sure was glad about that.  But we are still in for more the rest of the week looks like.

I really am ready to start getting some things into the ground. But I will wait. I promise


I ordered some of the pull out metal drawers for my lower cabinets the other day and they came today, Joe put them in for me , oh wow they are really nice. Make it so much easier to see what is down there without standing on your head or getting on your knees. I also got a expandable 3 step shelf thing to put in my cabinet for the spices etc. Oh wow that made that look so much nicer really neaten up the place today. Hopefully this is the year I get myself really organized , wouldn’t that be something.



TAMMY::::::: So sad to hear of young people having sever medical problems like your neighbor. Will put her on my prayer list along with your children and Niece. Seems like kids never stop making us worry do they,



TRACI::::: well hope you got all your house work done that you wanted to do.

I know what you mean about baby sitting , Not that you don’t love them to death but it is a lot more fun to be grandma than babysitter.



SHEILA: that is good news that you found out about the breaking down of protein powder, Seems there are a lot of mystery about how things get started in this trip called weight loss surgery. Lol People will take something and run with it and the next thing you know it is being taught by everyone as the truth.

Hey I didn’t mean to jump on you about not getting enough protein in sorry if it seemed that way . LOL Just wanted to make sure that you were getting enough and wouldn’t get sick.

Oh and if you cant stand milk mix your ON protein powder with some flavored water and shake it up, it is good that way too. I have been shaking a scoop of mine in with strawberry flavored water and it is really good. Leave off the milk don’t think we need it anyway .



CHRISTINE::::::Sounds like you all got a lot of info at the support meeting.

I have been trying to find and cant anything anywhere on any of the weight management sites tho about too much protein turning into sugar. Don’t know how it would do that.Anyone else figured that out. Dont doubt that is what was said tho.



JANET:::::: wow lots of action going on in your post always. Seems God thinks you can handle all of it or he wouldn’t put it on you ,you know.

Wonderful to hear that your new meds are giving you relief on that back pain.

So now when do you go to have the gall bladder out?


On the flooding Bull Shoals lake is about as full as it can get without starting to come over the bluffs that surround it. Crazy I know but it could soon. They cant let it out a lot since it would completely wipe out towns down by the dam.


Gosh that is horrible with what all that crazy guy did to her. I hope they do more than put a restraining order against him, hasn’t stopped him much before has it? Don’t expect it will help any from now on either. People that stupid don’t abide by the rules.

They don’t care. And wont care and the next time he could kill her or maybe all of them.

Hope the judge sees that and gives him several years prison time.


Hey if you are going somewhere warm and have tropical drinks served by young good looking guys I want to go too. Do you think they would make us protein drinks instead?



DEBBIE::: welcome back girl , hope all is going well in your world


Lol not really against thyroid surgery but nothing wrong with my thyroid except the lump all around it. It is still working just fine , so if there isnt anything wrong with it better to leave it alone I say. And the surgery will cause your voice to be raspy and it is already that way so why have surgery that will make it worse.

Don’t know about yours and cant make the decision for you but they have tested it all over the place even all the way to Mayo and there is nothing cancerous there so not worried about it .

Glad you got your sleep study out of the way now you and hubby have dueling c-paps lol

Stay in touch girl , you could come online more often you know.




NANCY : wow you sure did do your share of work in the last few days huh? Would take me a week of sleeping to get over that lol

Had to laugh about your potatoes and ham pureed Oh wow I just sort of skipped over that week . I couldn’t stand all of that junk so just stuck with my creamed soups and stuff like that.

Well lucky hubby to get free pass to see the ball game. That is neat.

I don’t know where the fit channel is on my tv but will see if I can find it . I would love to learn belly dancing. It sounds like a lot of fun  and in your own house no one could see you learn lol


Oh i almost forgot please everyone pray for Renee Baldwin who comes on here sometimes, She is having bladder surgery on monday the 14th. Keep her in your prayers 






Bec M.
on 4/8/08 3:23 pm
Well, boy did I have trouble with the below post!  I am repeating it as I put it on the wrong day!  boyee leave it to me... ~ha  Maybe tomorrow will be better... ~ha or this is today! oh dear! (written Tuesday) originally posted on Monday's What's Happening ~ Now it's Wednesday!  oh bother! tee hee  Maybe I can post later TODAY as I need sleep! Good Morning Missouri,

We have had rain off and on all night and now just a steady "spring" rain.  But the thunder popped all night and sometimes very close!  I'm not all that scared of storms but my poor 3rd child (the pooch) is scared beyond consolation... I picked him up and his little heart was just pounding, he will never let you comfort him durning a storm, he just paces for the whole time and tries to hide the best he can... then when it's over he is exhausted, sleeps for hours... I had to wonder how many times I have done that and the Lord is trying to get thru to me to send His precious comfort and I'm so worked up I missed it...

Well since it is raining today my dear husband is going to fix my pantry shelves... we built this house few years ago and had the cabinets custom made... it being our first house I did not really know what to look for... the shelves are held up by those little metal pins you stick in pre-drilled holes so you can adjust them.  Well...... I put WAY WAY too much weight on them and they are not holding up so my "handyman" is going to "beef" them up for me today.... also have a curtain rod for him to hang...normally I do that my self but this one is complicated.... Brenda, I'll have to go ahead and make him that cherry pie! ~tee hee

Jan, doesn't if feel so good to lay your head on the pillow after a day of getting so much accomplished!  My sis and I say we have the "feel good feeling" after such a day... then we know we did good!... ~ha  The balsam seed you gave me is coming along nicely... I can't wait to get them in the ground and see them bloom! 

Melissa, you are in my prayers, I am reading a book now titled, "Where the Roots Grow Deep", it talks about the people in this mans life that had an influence on him and how much it means to him... Lord willing you will have given those young charges you have in your care a "root system" that carries them thru life... things might seems tough now but the legacy you leave them will be lasting!

Tammy, my heart went out to you this morning!  A scripture came to mind as I read your post... "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint!"  I'm believing that for you this morning.  I will be praying for that young lady you mentioned... I have diabetes and sure gave me cause to be thankful!

I wish each of you a wonderful day full of blessings!

Brenda Minks
on 4/8/08 4:41 pm - Silva, MO

Hey Jan and everybody!!! Just popping in to say hi, and to ask for prayer for me. I will be seeing a ortho/neuro surgeon in St. Louis for my back. I have DDD and several lumbar disc  that are bulging/ruptured and I have a butt load of pain everyday. So will hopefully see what it is. The doctor I saw today in Farmington now seems  to think (after reviewing my MRI again) that the Fibromyalgia may be the source of the pain and not the disc. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but I'm getting pretty sick of it day in and day out. I think I am going to go see a doctor that my sister sees for pain control, and see  if he will give me some pain pills that will help me. My regular doctor only gives me Darvon and that is a joke! I take them by the handfuls! He was giving me Flexaril 3  times a day but now only at bedtime! So if I do more than  sit in my recliner with a heating pad, I have back pain!!

Enough of that, I saw Tammy tonight at our Support meeting,  she is looking good and getting prettier! I didn’t get to meet  Cindy she never showed up so I hope everything is Ok.

I ask for your prayers to get something for my back pain. I am going to start the 5 day pouch test tomorrow  and hopefully get to losing the last 25 to 30 lbs so I can get to my goal.

Everyone have a wonderful day!


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 4/8/08 7:01 pm - pomona, MO
Well I am not the only one that is up before the crack of dawn, just couldnt sleep..I go to Springfield today for consult with plastic surgeon so I really needed my sleep..lol   looks like more rain headed our way, I have never seen so much water. everyone try to stay dry my prayers are with all of you....vesta


Traci K.
on 4/8/08 8:27 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Well, I pushed myself hard yesterday and got all the housecleaning done that I wanted and planned to do.  Squee!!!!  Today I just need to do the hall bath, straighten my office and the kids' rooms and bake the cheesecake for tonight's home group meeting I'm having here.  I also have my grandbaby today, so I'll be working all that in around her schedule.    In my rushing around yesterday, I went to put something in the kitchen trash can, slipped on a wet spot on the floor and down I went and scraped by arm.  I'm fine - but a bit sore today, because of the jarring of it I guess.  Ouch! Well, gotta run and reply to a couple more threads and then start my day!  Have a blessed day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 4/8/08 9:46 pm - Marshfield, MO

good mornin Jan and OH peeps i know  you wasnt jumping on me  but im glad you pushed me  cos i wasnt getting enough protein...and i went to walmart late last nite  and got me 4 bottles of  strawberry water and strawberries so will be blending me up a shake here after while..i pray it at least goes down and doesnt get stuck in chest....

 and i can also drink the hot  drinks they r so good just like cappucinos

not mad and love u all 


on 4/8/08 9:56 pm - Independence, MO
Good morning Missouri Can you believe it?? Yes it is really me!! I miss you all terribly. Between going to school, taking care of the family and working(YES I GOT A JOB) I have been so busy. We have a new baby!! My daughter had the baby (BOY) Jan 27th. He is so cute but has asthma. I got a job last month working at a hospital in the trauma registry. I hope this finds everyone well. Mel I am so sorry to hear about the nonsense that happened to you and your family. Janet I hope you are doing well and I am glad to see that your getting along better with your pain. Jan I know you are out making that yard look awesome already!! Be careful I here it is supposed to freeze in a few days. To all who don't know me HI and welcome!!! I hope to be back on a regular basis soon. I graduate May 16th and am hoping to have more me time. I leave for mexico on the 21st DBF did this for a graduation present.  He also just bought me a digital camera so I am hoping to get some pics up sooon. I have to get ready for school. Everyone have a blessed day and I'll talk to you soon Hugs

     "You can have it all you just can't have it all at once"
                         Oprah Winfrey

Sheila H.
on 4/9/08 1:52 am - Marshfield, MO
oh my gosh!!!! im so excited   i just had to share with some body...i finally got down to 169 whooooooo.. .been 24 yrs since i weighed that....hee hee


Brenda Nutt
on 4/9/08 1:10 pm - Harrison, AR

I wanna be Sheila !  I wanna be Sheila!!!!

Congratts girl....you rock!...169 is not even on my scale!

Brenda Nutt

Sheila H.
on 4/9/08 9:13 pm - Marshfield, MO
Brenda   i thought they was gonna throw me out of the Dr office cos i was whooping and hollering and doing the baby dance!!!  lol i havent seen my self weigh that in over 23 yrs....  my 1st goal was 225 then 200 then 190s, 180s,170s and lord be hold finally 160s..... give it a lil time and you will see 169 on ur scale too!!!!! Jan.......i do plan to come to the group meeting....and tks for all ur emails yest chatting with me...love ya


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