Hi Everyone, I really need a support group to attend. I had my surgery in Indiana in January and had to go to Indiana because I couldn't find a surgeon who would do surgery on me because of my size and other health issues. So long story shot I've been home a month now and am having some real issues with food---or well lack of...I feel like I'm a drug addict going through withdraws. I haven't been to a support group as of yet and really think it's in my best interest to find one. I live in Osage Beach in the Lake of the Ozarks area--if there's one close I'd love to attend---I don't know where to find a list of support groups to attend so PLEASE HELP!!!
There are several people on here in your area...hopefully they can help you find something close...my surgeon has one every month, but it's in Sedalia...that would be better than an hour drive for you. In the meantime, use this forum...everybody on here is great and has had many different experiences....no judgments here...I am 3 weeks post op and just now having some head hunger so i know what you are going through...i haven't had any REAL hunger...just battling the psycho stuff. If you need to vent...you found the place to do it....good luck and best wishes to you.....

Hi Angie,
I can't help you with a group however I can lend some support for you here. Try to get busy when you are thinking of food. Most likely,like all of us,you are bored and our minds tend to go to food. That's why we got here huh? Go for a walk or start cleaning out clutter. Go through your closets and drawers. It helped me and plus I feel so good when I go into my closets now. Tee hee! You can di ti!

Cassie L.