Today was a sleepy day for me...I was off after working the weekend from
!! I was oncall and put in 17 hours saturday and 12 on sunday...called out in the wee hours of the morning too which didn't help. Never got more than 3 hours sleep at a time. Sooo...today while it was raining I curled up with my best furry pals and snoozed....for 3 hours! It was great! My husband Jay is at the Royals game. He is active duty Air Force and was selected to do the pregame ceremony and was part of the group that carried a massive flag across the field. For that he got to stay and watch the game so he is still there. Found a new creation for my stage 2 diet. Was craving ham and scalloped potatoes so I got some 4 cheez smashed potato flakes and made some of those and dumped in a can of ham...like tuna can size. I didn't know that existed until today. I whizzed that together with my hand blender and it didn't look great, but it tasted good....I was ready for something different. I can't imagine eating pureed meat....too much like baby food...and just looks gross...so I haven't had any. It worked for me today in the potatoes and gave them great flavor. Anyway...my yard is a swamp...wanting to do some landscaping but afraid to dig anything up for fear it will wash away
. Hey...I had mentioned before about taking belly dancing lessons....some of you may remember...I found a show on FIT TV called "Shimmy"....you guessed it....belly dancing for fitness. I plan to do a search for it and find a time at least 3 times a week that I can do it.....walking is getting old and i'm not ready to go to the gym just yet. Gonna go for now...Hope this finds you all doing well....