Sheila H.
on 4/7/08 9:33 pm - Marshfield, MO
Jan  i am not just drinking 1/2 a scoop a day...i make a 1/2 scoop with 3/4 cuppa of decaff coffee...drink a few thru out the day.. it is a mr coffee hot beverage maker so its not lumpy but if u use a whole scoop to 1 cup YUCK its paste.and i have nectar protein coming in the mail...but will go get some flavored water ( strawberry) and try that with my strawberries too...


Christine F.
on 4/7/08 11:02 pm - Whiteman AFB, MO
NANCY!  Back me up here!  When we went to the support group on Sunday night, the one held and lead by Dr. Hornbostel, he told us we need 60-80g of protein a day.  He said not to take in more than about 30g in one sitting, as your body will not absorb it all.  Nancy asked why she had lost a smaller amount of weight this week, and Dr. H told her to up her protein.  She said, "But I'm getting around 120g a day."  Dr. H's eyes shot open and his eyebrows went through the roof.  His response was, "Well then, you probably need less.  When you take in too much protein, your body converts it to sugar, and that could  be why you've only lost a small amount of weight this week."  Nancy asked how much she should be getting and he said, 60-80g a day.  I asked how much at one time and that's when he said probably no more than 30 in a sitting. I'm not an expert on this stuff by any means, but that is straight from the horses mouth.  Maybe people should be calling their doctors and getting the info from them so that they're doing what is right for their body and also so their dr knows what's going on with them and can keep tabs on them.


Nancy S.
on 4/7/08 11:52 pm - Knob Noster, MO
I got your back girl...that is what happened....well, except maybe for the eyebrows 

Traci K.
on 4/8/08 12:05 am - Sullivan, MO
Yes, this is the general consensus that you do not absorb more than 30 grams of protein at one time; however, I have yet to see any study or anything to back this up - but this is the commonly held rule on protein.   To avoid wasting protein, I'd not take in more than 30 grams at one time.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 4/7/08 11:41 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and OH Peeps~

I hope that this post finds all of you doing good and that this weather isnt causing anymore flooding in your area-it is ours. We werent done with the last flooding situation and its been raining since last night. It started storming in the middle of the night here, about 2 am or so.

Sunday I spent some much needed bonding time with my husband. I did something that I could NOT have done before surgery-and would not have done ever-anyway, since I am afraid of heights-but I went up in Mikes tree stand he has on our property. 16 feet. I did it!!!! I needed a little coaxing to get down-I was really afraid of bailing off that top step and falling to my death! I have been afraid of heights since I was 3 and fell out of a 3rd floor window-actually, I was pushed by a little girl that was playing in my room with me. I have a scar on my chin where I landed-from one side to the other-and I missed the concrete slab for the bottom apartment by only inches (The big guy had other plans for me that day, thats for sure) that is my first memory of life. Good one, huh? Anyway, I knew Mike would make sure nothing happened to me-and I will get up there with him again (its a 2 man stand)

I went to court with Mel yesterday. When I walked in her front door and saw her face, my heart instantly sank and I hugged her and started crying. I had already seen the pictures-but the pictures didnt show the bruising on her eye and face. She posted about court, so we go back again next Monday. I know they will get the approval for the restraining order for a year. You could tell the judge was bothered by what he saw (and what he had already read). Who wouldnt be? You would have to be heartless not to be! I so wanted to see the BIL in court yesterday. I wanted to make eye contact with him-and I wanted him to remember my face. If he ever tries to do anything like that when I am around-I will help Mel and we will put the self defense into action and that will be all she wrote. I know she held her own against him. Thank goodness she got a tetnus shot against whatever he carries around! The first thing Mike asked me-Where is Terry? He figured that we had to go post bail for him. Bless his heart-its taking its toll on him too. He had to be in court in Joplin yesterday and some of his brothers croonies parked right next to him and Mels car-and they busted his windshield. This is a true test of how much those children mean to them. They have had so much drama, and now financial burden-and yet-those kids have a happy and loving atmosphere and loads of love. I got to hear the tape recordings of the messages this psycho left on their cell phones and/or house phone. He threatens their lives-along with the kids-at least 5 times. He belongs behind bars with the keys thrown away!

I am feeling like my saviour believes my shoulders are very broad. I am TRYING to be a good person, I am trying to just pray about it and give it over to God. It seems like every time I answer the phone, something else happens. I ran errands with Mel and Terry yesterday and on the way home, my hubby calls-and one of his best friends dads is in the hospital and they dont expect him to make it. He is in the same hospital as Kenny. Same department actually. We have known them for several years. So-Mike will be running the track this weekend for the last big race here so Norman can be with his dad. I volunteered to help take fees and such. Didnt know HOW I would be in 2 places at once-so Stephanie said she would help her dad (Mike) at the track. My ex is on his way back this way. He will be moving into his house that didnt sell in court on the 2nd. YAY...Stephanie is really upset about this, she does not want him back here. I dont blame her. So here we go, round 20. Im buttoning down the hatch. Wish us luck.

There has been so much trauma around here for the past week-that its almost overshadowed the one good thing I can post about. I went to the pain management doc just a week ago today, and my pain level is ALWAYS above a 10-always-well, I am going on day 4 today that my level is MAYBE a 2. IF I take the meds like I am suppose to-I feel wonderful. I missed them Sunday night, because I felt so sick to my stomach, I knew if I took them, that they would be wasted, so I didnt-and I paid for it a little yesterday morning, but NOTHING like before!!!! PRAISE THE LORD. Im not sure HOW I would handle all of the crap going on IF I had to be in that kind of pain all the time!!

**Jan-your more than welcome. Im so glad you guys had a good time-and tell Joe-I agree. I think thats what bothers Terry so much is that he has to look at Mels face like that-and he was doing all he could do to help her. Yes, Mark tried to get to the baby-and thats how Mel got hurt. She put herself in the doorway of the car so he couldnt. He did shove her into the door and she has marks etc all over her back as well. He busted both of their glasses, Terrys cell phone, and something on their trailer. Mel busted his glasses to peices too though-way to go girl-DYNOMITE comes in small packages, doesnt it?

Her mom isnt doing very good either. She is sleeping all the time and has now started hallucinating and not remembering people-like she looked at her hubby the other day and asked him when her husband was going to be back or where he was-something like that. It breaks our hearts. Mel did not tell them what happened-so they dont know and she cant go down there again until her face heals.....her momma will know what happened right away! When she called Mel yesterday she asked me what was going on and if MeMe was ok-that woman has ESP....I just told her that she was on the phone with the phone company....(forgive me Lord) I didnt want her to worry.

**Tammy-My prayers are going up for your friend and her family. Please keep us posted. I felt like I was the one posting in your post-LOL....I agree with the break-come on up and lets find a tropical oasis-where its nice and warm, and we get served drinks by handsome men in loin cloths, and umbrella in our drinks-and they fan us with those tropical fans-like we are goddesses or something (LOL LOL!!!) We can take some of our friends that need a break too-no phones, no tvs and no BAD NEWS....Nothing but relaxation! I wonder what a Long Island Ice Tea or a Sex on the beach drink would taste with a scoop of protein powder in it? LOL~ Girl....Text or call me if you need to talk. If I am listening to your problems-I dont have to think about mine- Love you and your in my prayers.

**I am going to get going. Its lightning here something wicked and I dont want to lose all this. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. If you could pray for Kenny, Clifford, Mel and Terry and the kids and Cindy-I would appreciate it so very much. Take care, Janet

Meg S.
on 4/7/08 11:48 pm
Christine, That is what he said.  I believe he knows what he is talking about!  So many of us have put our lives in his hands (and are going to).  We have to trust him.  Do not second guess yourself.  You heard him correctly!  I was standing right there. Meg
Christine F.
on 4/8/08 5:32 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
thanks lady.  Did you find out anything about the chewable vits?  It was great meeting you, BTW! lol  I look forward to more casual run ins! 


Nancy S.
on 4/8/08 11:20 am - Knob Noster, MO
I just bought a big ole bottle of chewables at the comm for $8...250 tabs in the bottle...bottom shelf in the vitamin section...its a childrens chewable...but i compared the amounts...its not much different in the important stuff...I'm switching to that. 

Meg S.
on 4/8/08 11:34 am
The have Viactive, Centrum Silver, Centrum kids, Flinstone Kids...I think the one Nancy is referring to is Your Life Childrens.   I will check tomorrow when I am at work again! Meg
Debbie M.
on 4/8/08 6:39 am - Harrisonville, MO
Wow...I'm out of practice....lol! I am not use to posting and have fallen so far behind....so much going on and not enough time to comment on everything. Know that I am reading, trying to keep up and praying for everyone that is in need! Jan....sounds like you and I are in the same boat as far as our lumps go. One question though, if I may ask. Why are you against the thyroid surgery? I'm debating surgery on mine and I would really like to hear the pros and cons of it, if you know of any. Janet, thanx for the comment on my pic....that pic was taken at Christmas, 2007. I have loss about 15 to 20lbs since then. I need to update my pic again...just seem sooo busy. Thanks for the prayers on Jason & Wendy...they need all the help they can get! Yea, I'm liking the fact that I will have another granddaughter....don't get to see any of them much anymore, well except Timothy, my buddy. Trying to read up on everyone but there are so many of you anymore!! Love to read your posts though and if I can help feel free to email me. UPDATE on my situation with my sleep study and thyroid issue. Needing prayer, as always!   Looks like surgery on my thyroid is a go. Am seeing the surgeon this Friday, the 11th. I'm looking at it as a second opinion right now but looks like that little lump is causing more trouble than what's it's worth.   My ENT surgeon's name is Dr. Schneider, she specializes in thyroid issues like mine...I ask for prayer for her as well as for myself as we venture into this adventure together.   The second half of my sleep study came out good even though I will have to use a C-pap for sleep. My O2 levels were good as long as I am using the C-Pap. They are supposed to be 90% or above, without the C-Pap I was at 75% for most of the night...not good! With the C-Pap I sleep with 89% O2 levels or higher...real good thing! I felt great the next morning...nothing like being able to breath while you sleep! In case you don't remember, O2 is our oxygen level. Now David and I sleep with dueling C-Paps....lol At least I don't have to listen to his crazy snoring!!   Oh and that skin lesion that was on my face for over a year and was diagnosed as a possible skin cancer, it fell off and there is no mark, spot, nothing to show where it was! That was after Pastor Darren came for a visit....think that had anything to do with it?  I do!! Praise the Lord!! I need to run, David's home...Love & Prayers to all, Deb M  

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