Jan C.
on 4/7/08 2:12 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Oh wow , Monday was beautiful and I think I overdid it. I planted 5 trees, repotted lots and lots of big red tomatoes , roma tomatoes, small yellow tomatoes.  My green house is getting full that is for sure.

Joe and I together cleaned the shed out put his new shelf in there and then took all the little things in there and set up different boxes according to what the item was. Like plumbing, auto stuff, fishing stuff. We had 4 boxes that we divided stuff into. And one box for trash. Wow we threw away a lot of stuff.

I am so tired I feel like someone made me run all day.

It was such a day that I cant believe all that we got done.


JANET::: text me this morning that she was with Melissa at court against the bil about the beating and stuff. I hope he gets put away for a long long time. But more than likely wont. If they made the penalty strong enough for some of these crimes then maybe idiots like him would think twice before doing some of the stuff they do.

Melissa I hope that things are going in your favor now.




SHEILA: you need more than a half of a scoop of protein in a days time. Sweetie you are going to get really ill if you don’t up it a BUNCH. You cant and don’t get your protein from food only the protein powder so get with it . I have been mixing my powder with flavored water and is really good. Mix with a shaker bottle.  When you mix protein powder with ho****er it needs to be out of the tap I think anything hotter would make it lumpy but if you are mixing it and then heating all of it that will work. Try putting a teaspoon of instant coffee with it. And a little splenda. And some cocoa. Will really taste good but you are going to have to get between 80 to 120 grams of protein a day.



LOL tick seed coreopsis/they are a native flower that will come back year after year more and more so plant them where you don’t care how many grow. They are small yellow flowers very pretty.



TRACI: yes another day like that last two. Isnt it wonderful?? Great that you get your grandbaby every Monday. Do you enjoy having him/her. Don’t know which boy/girl?




MELISSA: Well that is the pits that they continued it for another week. I hope this idiot gets thrown under the jail. How they let someone like that run around. Here you have been telling them what he is doing, that is stalking and it is against the law now they have allowed it to escalate to be more and you are very lucky that that was as far as it got. I cant imagine how you felt when that was happening. When I told Joe about it he said if one of his brothers did that to me he better give his life to God that is for sure. Im sure Terry feels the same way it is hard for a good man to have to stand and watch someone beat his wife. So sorry hopefully they will throw him under the jail.

Are you doing ok? Mentally and or physically??



Love to all

God Bless







Tammy H.
on 4/7/08 2:47 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall... Been a few days so I wanted to take a few to get on and say howdy to everyone...How in the world can time get away from someone so easily and so often??????  I think if I had 3 wishes for some reason or another, my very first wish would be for anothe ME!!!! I have way to many needy people in my life and sometimes it really gets me to the point I'm just worn out! Love em all but...boy do I need a vacation! Well that's enough about my insanity lol lol.....I noticed on my calender that there are several surgeries coming up next week.....I wish all you guys the best and will have you in my prayers.....Will be waiten to feel the bump of you butt****ten the loosers bench hahahahahaa. Jan....Nope I wasn't there waiting on the girls...LMBO...I didn't even realized I had posted the meeting for tonight untill I talk to Cindy....I had Tuesday on my mind so I have no ideal why I typed tonight!  Mel....Girly your in my prayers!!!! I just know that there is going to be a wonderful out come to all this that's been going on with you & Terry!  Janet...Haven't had much time to text lately...Hope all is going well your way....Going to try and get an email out to you and Mel...Hope to get it out in the next few days... Cindy & Brenda...Looking forward to seeing you girls TUESDAY NIGHT lol lol.....I hope we manage to come up with a name for our support group and come up with something to put in the flyers so we can get them out to advertise our support group...I know there has to be more in and around our areas that might be interested in joining in on our support groups or come to find out more about WLS... If any of you remember a lady that went by Kati on the MO board about this time last year and happen to have any info on her please drop me a line....She lived in the Poplar Bluff area where we will be having our meetings...She had her surgery then never really posted..We not only would like to know how she is doing and the progress she has made but we would like to let her know about the support meeting.... ANYONE LIVING NEAR ENOUGH TO DRIVE TO POPLAR BLUFF MISSOURI FOR A SUPPORT MEETING IS VERY WELCOME TO COME....THE ONLY SUPPORT MEETING I AM AWARE OF NEAR THE S.E. AREA IS IN CAPE AND I HAVE BEEN TOLD THAT IT IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE HAD GASTRIC BYPASS....WE WELCOME ANYONE THAT HAS ANY TYPE OF WLS AND EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE NOT THAT MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN LEARNING MORE ABOUT IT OR EVEN NEEDS SUPPORT IN THEIR ATTEMPT TO LOOSE ON THEIR OWN.....DROP ME A LINE IF YOU WANT ANY INFO OR DIRECTIONS... Before I go I would like to ask prayer for a young woman that lives near me....She is in her late 20's and went to the hospital with a really bad headache, not sure what alerted them she needed further attention but she was transported to a hospital in Jonesborro AR and not long after she reached there she went into a coma..... Her liver swelled and her kidneys shut down...They found that her system had stopped producing insulin and she is a diabetic....They got that under control and her kidneys and liver started doing better but then her body kicked in and started going nuts producing sugar and for some reason her brain started swelling....She is still in a coma but has been slightly responsive a few times...she is on complete life support now and they are still in the dark on what is going on.....And please pray for her family...Especially her son...he has special needs and I know he does not understand what all is going on and why his momma's not around....  I would like to add my neice and my 4 kids to the list to please.....We are in great hopes they will all realize they are on the wrong path with their lives and pull back to choose another one that hopefully will be better than the ones they have chosen to go down....I would have to write a book to tell you about it all but I know that a simple prayer for their needs will be enough....Thank you so very much...... Well got to run so I can hit the sack....As usual I have a ton to do tomorrow and a ton of running to do...I hope to get things in order and everyone taken care of so I can have the weekend OFFFFFFFF....My birthday is Saturday and if I have to just up and dissapear I am going to have a calm, lazy day one way or another lol lol lol...... I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday....I know it's probably not going to be all that since we are to get rain that is very much not needed....But Im sure we all still have lots to be thankful for.... God Bless each of you..... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 4/7/08 9:08 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone My goal today is to get my kitchen and living room cleaned.  I have church home group here tomorrow night, so need to get those two rooms cleaned today, while I have no children here today.     Those rooms aren't horrible or anything, just need the usual weekly cleaning done to them.  I have design work for clients I need to do, should I get that done with enough time left today to work in my office. Jan:  I have been watching my grandbaby GIRL (Lilly) three days per week for months now; but I've told them they need to find another sitter for her.  She's starting to creep and try to crawl now (she's 8 months) and with my busy schedule, I just can't take 3 days a week to watch her.  I'd rather be the backup sitter for them, than their primary sitter.     They're interviewing someone today.   Besides, they live and work in Pacific and drive 30 minutes to bring her to me in Sullivan, and then drive 30 minutes back to Pacific - and then repeat each evening to come pick her up.  It's crazy!  They need to find a local sitter for her.  Note about protein:  make sure you double-check with the protein powder you're using, as many start to break down if you heat them.  So not all of them can be put into hot liquids.  Just check with the protein you're using to see if this is true for that one.  I would hate for you all to be putting them into hot things and it breaking it down and you not getting the full benefit because of it.  Gotta scoot.  Have a blessed day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 4/7/08 9:19 pm - Marshfield, MO
it doesnt say anything on container...100%whey body fortress...so how do i find out? tks


Nancy S.
on 4/7/08 11:49 pm - Knob Noster, MO
If it doesn't say that it doesn't break down then it probably does....I have one called Any Whey that is formulated to be used in cooking and says that it does NOT break down...I got it at www.directsupplements.com and I think it was $15 or so...i use it in coffee and stuff for now, but when my diet advances I will use it in recipes.  

Sheila H.
on 4/8/08 9:49 am - Marshfield, MO
 i asked the life after  weight loss surgery about the protein drinks breaking down and here is what they said....Thanks Sheba for your concerns... What the folks at OH are referring to is the extreme heat used in the pasturization process. There is no home appliance that is capable of generating this kind of heat which is meant to wipe out EVERYthing! So you are just FINE with your Cafe' Motion or baking with your protein powders. I just double checked with the chemists at CytoSport MuscleMilk in Benicia, California and they backed that information. They can be reached at 1-888-CYTOMAX (298-6629) if you'd like to check it out yourself. i am so glad cos i LOVE my cafe motion


Nancy S.
on 4/8/08 10:11 am - Knob Noster, MO
That's good info to have...thanks for doing the research....so what is this cafe motion...and what do you make with it?

Sheila H.
on 4/8/08 10:57 am - Marshfield, MO
the cafe motion is actually called the new mr coffee hot beverage maker....and i use reg. decaf coffee it calls for espresso but i cant find none at my walmart...1 scoop of protein powder and fat free  creamer....i use 1/2 scoop cos 1 scoop is kinda thick 4 me.... i loved protein drinks be4 surgery but now i cant drink milk for some reason and dont like em at all........... so this is another way to get in protein drinks and taste like cappucinos...hmmmmm...  on the Life after WLS surgery page they use divinci syrup and other stuff too..... hope this helps


Nancy S.
on 4/8/08 11:06 am - Knob Noster, MO
So does it mix it all together somehow....forgive my ignorance...just can't picture it...i'm guessing it's more than just a coffee pot....I'm curious because I LOVE cappuccino...I have been using milk and davinci sf caramel syrup in my decaf coffee, but your thing sounds cool....

Sheila H.
on 4/8/08 10:04 pm - Marshfield, MO
morning,,,if u will email me [email protected] i will send u the pic and info..i cant get it to  paste on here...... its not a coffee pot its  just blends and heats and IF u like it frothy u leave it on longer....i love it!!!!!!


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