Jan C.
on 4/6/08 3:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We got home Sunday evening about 3 we really had a great time with our friends in St. Louis . They had Joe a birthday cake and everything for supper Friday night. We haven’t seen them since before I had surgery. They were both really surprised and said several times how great I look. Made me feel good.

Saturday we went to St. Charles , neat little town , I bought several little things.

Hey all you gardeners out there I found some lotion that smells like that good clean fresh dirt in the early spring, lol no joke that is what it smelled like , I said well only a gardener would like this that is for sure.


Bought a cute reverserable skirt that is real gauzy and very pretty.

I wish I could find more of these they look so pretty and springtimy.


Saturday night we went to a movie, (Leatherheads.) I thought it was a cute funny movie.

Laughed several times not a great plot but it was fun.


We helped our friend dig a couple more holes for his deck post that he is building or I should say Joe did lol He didn’t want him to but Joe wanted to help him.


JANET ;;’:::thanks a bunch for doing the post for me. You are a sweetie. I should have gotten the email off to you sooner so you would have known it on Saturday morning for sure.

Honey your plate of caring for people is very full right now isn’t it? That is horrible about your friend and her stupid husband , I hope she has sense  enough to not go back to him.

The next time she may be killed.

How is your elderly friend that lived in the motel? Im so sorry that he is so sick. So sad to have your life to come to an end in those cir****tances.


How is Melissa? I can’t believe that idiot did that to her. How is Terry and the kids? The bil didn’t try to take the baby when he was there? What was the point of beating up Mel if not to take the baby? Poor Mel is really going thru lots of labor pains to have these babies isn’t she? Bless her heart. Just know that I am praying for her, Terry the babies and your other friends also.

I’m afraid that times are going to get harder and harder and we will be hearing of more and more people doing crazy things, things that don’t make sense at all.

Please everyone we all need to be praying that our makes a turn around and go the way God wants us to go. People are getting so mean and evil that something really needs to happen to change all of that.


When we got home I went around looking at all my flowers that are coming up and blooming. I have hostas up about 6 inches tall and lilies galore up , tulips are blooming as are the redbud trees, bridal wreath, Iris are getting full stems so it wont be long before they are sending up stems for blooms. I cant wait, My pinks are blooming out by the front pond. Oh and there is a huge groom of frog eggs in the front pond. So will have frogs soon. The daffodils are still blooming very well as are the snowdrops and the panseys. Spring, my favorite time of the year.


My shoulder , the shot I had in it the other day doesn’t seem to be doing really well this time, I don’t know why. I sure hope there isnt anything more wrong with it than was. Whatever I cant have surgery in the spring of the year on my right shoulder. Too much to do to have a arm that is in a sling and cant more for weeks. Wont happen. Will have to wait till later in the year.


  Janet if you all need a really far out hiding place for Melissa and the kids call me no one would ever find anyone down here. Lol not kidding tho. 



CHRISTINE::::::: WOW  I can remember taking kids to the zoo when they were little and knowing that was one place I could always take them that didn’t cost anything. We would take a picnic and stay all day. Nice.




BECKY:::::: hey there girl. Loved hearing the story of your daughter and the spring dance. That is cute. Your right fairy tale stuff. I hope that one of these days both of your beautiful girls find the great guy that God has planned for them and give you lots of beautiful grandbabies. And I know that you will impart to them all that you have given your girls.

You are so very welcome to the seeds I gave you I hope you have plenty of beautiful flowers from them. I know you will give them the best of care.



TRACI::::: well did you get that carpet shampooed? Oh gross what a job to have to do on such a beautiful day. But I guess you have to take the time when you can get it.  OFF TO BED AND  GOD BLESS ONE AND ALL




Sheila H.
on 4/6/08 9:13 pm - Marshfield, MO
 good morning i just wanted to let younes know...IF...you have problems getting ur protein drinks in with milk like i do..there is a new mr coffee  hot beverage maker at wallys that is so cool.....it calls for espresso but i just use  decaff coffee and a 1/2 scoop of protein powder for now and it taste a lot like cappucino..it calls for 1 scoop but its to  much like paste for me but maybe  as i learn to use right settings i can up it to 1 scoop at a time... but at least im getting some protein in besides tuna..and have ordered samples of nectar so hopefully i will be set soon...i drank lots of prtein powder drinks be4 surgery but have had NO luck since surgery....i have tried and tried and dump every time...till now Jan..........what is the tick seeds u gave me? i dont wanna grow TICKS lol i love my new cultivater its a ryobi and its great...u carry it around like a weed eater but its awesome.. have a great dat


Traci K.
on 4/6/08 10:25 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone What a gorgeous day yesterday and looks like a repeat today!  Squee!!!!!!!!!!   Yes, I did get my carpet shampooed yesterday, got the littlest puppy bathed too.  Today I have some work to do in my office and will have my grandbaby here and my kids home (they never have school on Mondays).  I also have a bit of cleaning to do.  Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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on 4/7/08 11:02 am - Joplin, MO
Hi, Hello, Howdy,         Thought I would get on here to say that I'm alright. A lil rough around the edges but okay.  I went to court today and they postponed it till the 14th of April. But the judge did get too see my face and neck with the bruises and scratch marks all over them. Bless his heart he even asked me if I was okay. I found out that I get to see the same judge when I go back on the 14th of April. My POS brother-in-law is still sitten in jail. For my assult along his bond is 50,000. So he would have to come up with 5,000. on his own. My father-in-law God Bless his heart told me that he will not lend Mark the money to get out of jail. So hopefully Mark will sit there and rot for awhile.       Please keep me and the family in your prayers. I'm honestly not a vengful person. But this time I do pray that for once He gets what he deserves. This is the same guy that I have talked about in the past that has had over 14 DUI/DWI. And has NEVER served one day in jail for it at all!!!! Where is the justice in that?? I could be out with my family and have a  (1) beer with my meal. And get pulled over and go to jail for driving. But anyways I thank everyone for your prayers. It was quite an ordeal to say the least.    I pray you all are doing great and are in good health. God Bless Mel
Bec M.
on 4/7/08 11:38 pm
Good Morning Missouri, We have had rain off and on all night and now just a steady "spring" rain.  But the thunder popped all night and sometimes very close!  I'm not all that scared of storms but my poor 3rd child (the pooch) is scared beyond consolation... I picked him up and his little heart was just pounding, he will never let you comfort him durning a storm, he just paces for the whole time and tries to hide the best he can... then when it's over he is exhausted, sleeps for hours... I had to wonder how many times I have done that and the Lord is trying to get thru to me to send His precious comfort and I'm so worked up I missed it... Well since it is raining today my dear husband is going to fix my pantry shelves... we built this house few years ago and had the cabinets custom made... it being our first house I did not really know what to look for... the shelves are held up by those little metal pins you stick in pre-drilled holes so you can adjust them.  Well...... I put WAY WAY too much weight on them and they are not holding up so my "handyman" is going to "beef" them up for me today.... also have a curtain rod for him to hang...normally I do that my self but this one is complicated.... Brenda, I'll have to go ahead and make him that cherry pie! ~tee hee Jan, doesn't if feel so good to lay your head on the pillow after a day of getting so much accomplished!  My sis and I say we have the "feel good feeling" after such a day... then we know we did good!... ~ha  The balsam seed you gave me is coming along nicely... I can't wait to get them in the ground and see them bloom!  Melissa, you are in my prayers, I am reading a book now titled, "Where the Roots Grow Deep", it talks about the people in this mans life that had an influence on him and how much it means to him... Lord willing you will have given those young charges you have in your care a "root system" that carries them thru life... things might seems tough now but the legacy you leave them will be lasting! Tammy, my heart went out to you this morning!  A scripture came to mind as I read your post... "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint!"  I'm believing that for you this morning.  I will be praying for that young lady you mentioned... I have diabetes and sure gave me cause to be thankful! I wish each of you a wonderful day full of blessings! bec  
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