STUPID question (re: mag citrate)

on 4/6/08 11:38 am - Overland Park, KS
I'll try to put this politely and not get graphic, I took my mag citate at 2 ;oo pm as I was told to do by all you folks here. I never (as of 8:32pm) yet have had the great urge to "go", i "went " an few times and it was complete liquid, but not really water, watery but not "relatively clear" , how clear is "relatively clear" as the good book (hornbostels lol) say's does it need to be? do you think I need to take more urrrrr?..... I ate real food yesterday, and had a  this morning before I took the mag. I just don't want to have to be up all night, if I have to I will, how long does it usually take to run through your system?  thank you in advance and sorry to be gross!!
Jan C.
on 4/6/08 12:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
did you drink a lot of water after taking the citrate? You sound like me i didnt think it was going to work at all and it didnt start until about 11pm and I went all night long. sorry . dont know what else to tell you tho.


on 4/6/08 12:57 pm - Overland Park, KS
I drank quite a bit of diet green tea, and have drank at least 2 liters after, so I don't think that's the problem, what time did you take yours if you were "up all night?  I took it at 2 pm. Gosh I hope I don't have to get up all night, I have to leave at 3:30 am ...yuck!!
Brenda Nutt
on 4/6/08 1:02 pm - Harrison, AR

How did your finals go today?  Your schedule has been so busy lately, you will surely sleep right though your surgery because you need the rest! haha

I will be praying for you tomorrow-


Jan C.
on 4/6/08 1:05 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
i TOOK it about 1pm and it didnt start working until about 11 dont know why but i was still going the next morning when i had to leave the motel room and go to the hosp. if you think you are all cleaned out dont worry about it. Good luck tomorrow.  Will be waiting to find out how you are doing. Do you have an Angel to let us know???


on 4/6/08 1:57 pm - Overland Park, KS
No Angel yet, but Christine said if I call her cell and let her know after i'm done, she will post for me. Much thanks for all the support, it has been wonderful, would love to meet all of you and give big hugs!!
on 4/7/08 5:05 am - MO
I wouldnt worry about it. In fact when I was at his office and asked him about the mag citrate -- he told me to forget about it --- so I was spared that thank you God. If you are worried just call his office.

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