~Whats Happening Sunday for out of town Jan (LOL)~

on 4/6/08 12:50 am - Diamond, MO

Hello Missouri Peeps~

Im sorry this is late getting out today. I was up until 4 am. Yesterday was a very beautiful day, but also one of the most stressful days I have ever had! Kenny, from the apartments my parents run-the one that is like my parents dad-they have him in ICU, he is sedated, he is on dialysis and they told my parents yesterday that they needed to come say their goodbyes. Needless to say-they are falling apart-as well as my girls and myself. We are going up to the hospital today to talk to him, but I am NOT saying goodbye-I am telling him to get out of bed and come home!! Cindy, my good friend whose husband beat her the day before, she was released from the hospital yesterday and she is staying with her brother. Her husband had been arrested, but he did get out and of course, showed his face last night where we were. I told him to get his things and leave-his rent is past due and he is not welcome to pay and stay. THEN...I got a call from one of Mels (Melissa) other best friends, Dee-who said that her family heard on the scanner that there was a disturbance over at Mel and Terrys house and it involved the BIL-the one that Mel has a restraining order on because he threatened to slit her throat-well, they pulled into the garage-and hit the button for the door to close-and him (mark-the BIL) and his friends held the door from going down-and then he proceeded to beat Mel up. He beat her IN FRONT OF THOSE CHILDREN!!! Terry was fighting back-but they were holding Terry and keeping him from getting to her to help. Terry kicked Mark you know where twice and he didnt go down-you KNOW he was hyped up on drugs. Well-He ran through the garage into the back yard and hopped the privacy fence (he claimed he had to sit down) well-the cops were waiting for his slimey *ss when he jumped the fence-PLEASE PRAY FOR MEL AND HER FAMILY-ecspically those children. The 5 yr old was devasted last night and I know she was scared, I could hear her crying when I was talking to Mel on the phone.  So-as you can tell-things were very hectic and stressful here yesterday. I hope and pray that it gets better today.  I am going to try and make some arrangements for Mel to stay somewhere else until at least after court on Monday. Thats when she is scheduled to go against Mark and the order of protection-it didnt work out too well-and I dont trust him not to try something again. They changed their cell numbers and I think it freaked him out not to be able to call at all hours of the day and night to hassle with them. Mel went to the ER and got checked out-they did arrest Mark for assault and battery and he had an active warrant for burglary-so PRAY he stays in jail until at least the court is over with - so they make him go- and then they can see him and see what he did to her-her face is messed up-her back, her eyes and her neck-and wherever else he got her-Im sure she will feel more of it today.   Im going to recap with all of you and get outside to have some coffee with my hubby.   ~Christine-I Hope you had a fun day at the zoo! I love taking my kids to the zoo-I think I would enjoy the zoo if I didnt have any kids-LOL....Does the KC zoo cost money to go to? I thought someone told me once that it was free. Is it large? ~Nancy-I hope and pray you got some sleep girl-Its so hard to get the right liquids etc in when your schedule gets messed with like that.  Hope you are doing better today! ~Bec-I just love you so much. Thank you for ALWAYS being so inspirational and always taking the time to bless others. Thank you for everything you do!! I sure pray for you and I hope you are feeling better and I, like you-shutter at the thought of being pregnant again!!! Im also old enough AND ready to have grandkids-but only when they are old enough AND ready to have them for me!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and have fun in those gardens!!  I will email you when I can. Love ya!! ~Traci-Im so happy to hear that your levels are good!! I know its been a long, tough road for you! I hope you have a wonderful day since it is so beautiful out! ~Shannon-We will definitely be praying for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!! I cant wait for you to be feeling so much better!! Keep us posted. ~~~~Please dont forget prayers for Susyalba-having surgery tomorrow!!!  Do you have an angel? Is anyone going to be posting for her after surgery?  Let us know. We will be praying and polishing your seat on the LOSERS BENCH-cant wait to have you sitting with us! I will pray that you have peace of mind and strength. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Jan should be back tomorrow. She did email me-her and Joe were going out of town for the weekend and asked me to do a recap for her. Have a good Sunday everyone, and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Christine F.
on 4/6/08 2:18 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
The zoo was awesome!  It is NOT free.  It's 9.50 for adults and 6.50 for kids (I think).  It is a failry large zoo with some good exhibits.  If you like zoo's, I'd reccommed it.  I can't wait to go to St. Louis and go to the zoo there.  I know that one is free.   Today is the presurgery seminar and support group for Dr. Hornbostel in Sedalia.  I'm going to do a post for that seperatly. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!


Shannon C.
on 4/6/08 4:46 am - Kirksville, MO
Thank you for the prayers - sending prayers for Mel and her family.  



Bec M.
on 4/6/08 5:08 am

Good Afternoon Missouri, Seems like I get later each day I'm able to post...  Janet, I'm so very very sorry to hear about Cindy, Mel and Kenny.  What a lot to have one one's heart!  I'm so so glad you have a place to lay all those burdens!  Waaaay much for one to carry.  My prayers too are with each one, and their individual situations.  And for you too, seems you have so much let alone these other very serious situations. I'm so thankful the Lord promises He will not give us more than we can handle!  Even though it may seem like it at times. I too am more than willing to wait for the grandkids especially for my girls to get what I have in a mate.  I got tickled at my youngest daughter this weekend, she went to the Spring Formal at the college there, with some girls form the Public Relations Department (her on campus job), none of them had "dates" if you will but wanted to go to "network" (tee hee) as my daughter calls it.  Now you have to know my girls have not dated alot, mostly by choice. So..... my little girl (21 ~ha) has a fine Baptist boy come and ask her to dance, she told him she was not there to dance and this fella did not take no for an answer and swept her right onto the dance floor!  She does not know alot about dancing, but this young man knew just how to hold himself and her so that she knew what to do!  She said they whirled all over that dance floor!  So's..... I asked her if there was a marriage in the offing? and she says, "If I had to decide today YES!" I guess she had a good time!  ~ha  Fairy Tale stuff!  I love it!  In reality she said she probably would never see him again.... pooh! ~ha  Janet, you made a tear spring to my eye with your kind words... I'm truly nothing good except what my precious Savior has done in me. Jan, come on home dear lady, hope you had a real good time.  What did your friend think of the changes in you?  I'm sure she was amazed and very happy for you!  I did not know you when you where "heavy" but I can tell you love life as you are now and that is sooooo inspiring to me!  So many of you have stories that give comfort to us pre-ops that we have much to look forward too!  And I know it helps calm my fears that it will all be OK. Shannon, I'm sorry for the troubles you are having and am praying that this surgery will bring a good end! Well, it's back outside for me the rest of the day, I need to straighten the garage and still have work on the porch to do at least till it rains.... I'm so excited! I seen the very first sign of my seeds popping up!  That thrills me!  Jan gave me a whole packet of various seeds last Fall and I'm happier than a frog on a lilly pad!  Thanks again Jan!  Be blessed dear friends, bec

Traci K.
on 4/6/08 5:36 am - Sullivan, MO
Morning, er - afternoon everyone!!  I was running late this morning and didn't get much chance to post before church.   Is it GORGEOUS outside today or what?!!!!  WOW!!!     I've got my windows open airing out the house!!  My kiddos are outside riding bikes!  SQUEE!!!! I've already bathed the puppy and hosed the outside dog area off.  I'm waiting for my hubby to leave for work, then I believe I may go down and shampoo the family room carpet.  I have church home group here this week, and that carpet never did get done with my recent spring cleaning as I just ran out of time before the Easter festivities.  So now is as good a time as any I suppose.  I really just want to rest this afternoon and be a lazy bum, but if I do that today, there won't be any other time to do this before Wednesday.  So I press on and will try to at least get that done today.  Well, off I go to get ready to shampoo carpet here shortly.  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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