~Whats Happening Saturday (for Jan)~
Good Morning MO Peeps~
I came on to post and didnt see Jans Whats Happening Post, so I thought I would go ahead and post for her, because there is a reason she didnt post it. I hope and pray everything is okay with her and her family. (I may have an email from her, but havent been in that area of the puter yet-since I have the slow dial up-it takes forever!)
Yesterday was my sons 14th birthday. He spent the day with me, and we went to lunch and did some shopping at his favorite video game store. I cant believe in 2 years he will be driving too! Probably about when I recover from teaching Stephanie. LOL.
Today we are doing some things around the yard and such. I dont have to go to wor****il 5 pm. I do have to go to town early however, because one of my good friends is in the hospital. Her husband beat her-bad. He did some kind of drugs and started beating her while she was asleep. He shattered her left eye by hitting her with the base of their lamp. When she put her hands over her face-he broke her wrist and her hand-and he also fractured her leg. The shin area. She was in really bad shape yesterday. They barely got married in December (together for 4 yrs)-and within a month, he started acting weird-she found out the hard way, WHY.....Drugs can ruin your life. He had enough nerve to come to work yesterday and since she is the other clerk, he kept asking where she was-she was suppose to be working and I looked at him and said-I ALWAYS work Fridays-and he tried to tell me it was Thurs-and then he wanted me to loan him $25 and I told him no. He then told me to go get it out of the register and I told him to go to hell, he wasnt getting ANY MONEY from us and he needed to leave because I was calling the police, he said I was being mean to him just because he tossed some stuff around in their apartment in the morning. I corrected him and said that there is a heck of a big difference between tossing some things around and beating the hell out of your wife! He left-but when I left work last night-it was 11 pm and he had just shown back up-and kept insisting that we were hiding his wife in one of the rooms and he was going to find her-the police were called and were on their way when I decided to come home. I will find out in a bit if they arrested him or not. I sure hope they did. So, if your reading this and you pray, please say an extra prayer for Cindy-she could really use them. She signed a complaint and is going to be staying with her brother for awhile.
Well, I know this is short-I hope that everyone is doing okay and that you all have a wonderful weekend. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Good Morning
how is every one this beautiful morning? i am doing GREAT..had a good sat. i went to a yard sale and wow every thing was 25 cents so im picking up a couple prs of jeans 10 and 14 and capri's 9 . a pair of white shorts and med tops for later when i can get into em...came home and Rachael my daughter n law says try em on and im like they wont fit!!...WOW every thing fit!!!!! i was whooping and hollering and she was telling me to be quite be4 some body called the cops HAHAHAHAHA so that was another GREAT WOW moment for me....guess id lost more inches than i thought... today im off to see my husband and hopefully play in yard this afternoon...Jan i was asking about the Ryobi cultivater...i pray ur okay miss seeing ur post...glad to hear every one is doing pretty good and im here for any 1 who needs a shoulder to lean on or to rant and rave or too just talk...prayers for ALL who have requested em
god bless and have a GREAT sunday
love and hugs
Good Morning Janet and Missouri,
I think Jan is "alrighty", just out of town for the weekend. I know she will read this when she gets back so I have to say this first! NO I AM NOT PREGNANT! ~tee hee Even to utter such brings fear and trembling! ~ha I will wait for grandbabies! like so many of you have and seem to enjoy them to the MAX! Between me and my husband we have 10 siblings ... most all of them are over 40 with very young children, infants thru 8 years of age... most adopted. I have such respect for them but know it is NOT for me (my girls are grown and in college), love the kids but just don't want to start over again... seems kind of strange to be the only family on both sides that does not have young kids especially at our ages.
Jan, it was I, that asked about the Mantis tiller... do you find it hurts your back to use it very long? I have so many places around here I think it would be great but don't want to invest in it if it will hurt my back... even using the weedeater hurts too bad. I can push the lawnmower just fine but the weedeater is too much and it is not a heavy one.... this causes me extra care of all my things, my husband is a monster with that thing! I think he turns into a killer as soon as the engine starts! He is like Tim the Tool Man... the engine reaves and everything in it's path DIES! ~tee hee
It has been a busy week... my husband and I have been working out side doing Spring type things... I dearly LOVE to look around and see what is popping out of the ground... I planted 7 hydrangeas last year in a row and have babied, nurtured and even prayed over them and YES! every one of them are showing signs of survival! Over the past few years I have spent a goodly amount of $$$ trying to get them to grow with no luck! Now I get these on clearance and they grow! anyway I'M HAPPY about it. Each year it amazes me at the very wonder of a God that can do so much!
My husband is working on a new flag pole that he gave me for Christmas. We hope to pour the concrete for it this week if the weather holds out, he seems to always be "engineering" something in his mind and often I am the recipient of his thoughts... It's Great!
Janet, I just wanted to say how much it blessed me that you went to help the man get to the Dr. You are so good to help meet the needs of others when your own needs are so great! I pray the Lord will return the blessing many many times!
You had mentioned how the new pain meds were making you itch... I have that problem too... did you find out anything? Will be interested to know what the Doc says about that? Tell Mel when you talk to her that I am lifting her and her family, mother, her health, and those precious charges she has to the Lord for His very perfect will!
Tammy H. I just wanted to say thank you to you for the encouraging post you so often write. You are so good to encourage all us pre-ops that we can do what we think is impossible! I can soooo feel each time, that you write from REAL experience, your positive words even when you are hurting is such a wonderful quality! I am praying also for you and your family. It's just wonderful to know that we have a place we can go and lay our burdens... knowing He can take so much better care of things than we can. Be encouraged!
Brenda, hang in there lady, I know things will get better soon!
Traci, I enjoyed the pics of your dogs, and I like Jan also enjoyed the pics of your sweet little ones! Again, thank you for sharing all the knowledge you have obtained with us!
Happy, Enjoy your campout! ~tee hee YOU are just too funny!
I know Dr. H's support group meeting is on Sunday... could any of you tell me what time and where it is? At Bothwell? what room? Time? Thanks.
Well better get busy I'm going outside today to redo some artificial topiary trees I have on my front porch... the sun is shining and it is so nice out there...
I wish each of you the very best of day!
Hi everyone
Been busy today trying to get housework and errands done and get my Sunday school lesson finalized for tomorrow.
I got a copy of my recent bloodwork results in the mail today from my doctor. As I suspected, my ferritin isn't holding from my infusion and my supplementing. I think I'm going to have to do regular infusions. I also noticed on this round of labs that the upper level of the lab range is much higher than last time. So I'm calling on Monday to see about getting another infusion scheduled for me. It's not as low as it was last time, but I can tell it's lower and dropping: my energy is waning. Also, I'm still struggling with my calcium; based on my elevated PTH levels which indicates classic hyperparathyroidism. So I guess I'm going to try a different brand of calcium and increase my amounts yet again. My Boniva treatments won't build my bone density much if I'm still not able to hold calcium without leaching it from my bones. I need to call my doctor for a consult to discuss a recent study, in particular, I found on this very topic and how we should be proceed to treat me for this. My Vitamin D3 levels are up - which is good! But, they still aren't up to the optimum level of 80, so I need to continue on with due diligence in trying to achieve that goal and Vitamin D works very closely with the calcium and PTH reflects the status of all that.
My B12 and protein were within lab range normals and 'okay', but I would personally like to see those levels improved.
So not all bad or horrible news, just the same things I need to continue to watch and work on.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Its going to be another great day and I didn't get called in to work yesterday. I am on call once ever 4 weeks at the hospital here. Trying to get things ready for my surgery day. I don't know how long I will be using a walker etc.. I also want to take a bunch of scrubs to the re-sale shop after work tomorrow. The owner told me that the 3 & 4 x's go really fast - wish me luck LOL.I have to have a lot of blood work drawn in the next couple of days for pre-op and get an ok from my pcp to have surgery. Have a great day! Shannon