Liquid diet & taking medicine

Nancy S.
on 4/5/08 5:51 am - Knob Noster, MO
Well, my thoughts are since we got the bar thing clarified...why don't you sub 2 of the shakes for bars and take your meds with them???  You would have something substantial in your tummy and drink plenty of water with them and you should be good to go....and yes you do need to split your vit and calcium if your vit has iron in it...otherwise it doesn't matter.  Good luck...

Brenda Nutt
on 4/5/08 1:26 pm - Harrison, AR

I have been taking my meds with the bars.....I thought surely that would do the trick.  Today was better, not really good, but better.  Maybe this is my new exercise program...running to the potty! hahahha  This morning I started splitting my medicine up instead of taking them all at once like I ususally do.  The diabetes meds and the antibiotic I make sure I eat a protein bar with.  The rest I'm taking as I drink a shake.  I'm in hopes by Monday that this will resolve it's self.  But in a way, I need to go to my PCP too.  I have not told him yet about actaully having a surgery date and all that has happened since he wrote my letter for me to the insurance company.  I have not been sick, but the rest of the world has had colds really bad, so I've been avoiding his office- (everyone is sick there!) ha!



Bec M.
on 4/5/08 2:48 am
Do the Gluecerna type shakes make your blood sugars rise too?  or maybe they don't have the right stuff in them?  just a thought... at any rate I am praying at this minute for relief of this problem... you know I have that problem with all liquids too but I chalked it up to having my gallbladder out... I know it is miserable and I do not get any relief in the day till I eat solid foods... I didn't realize that it might be the diabetic meds.... I will be interested to know what you find out so maybe I can ward off that probem when it comes my time. Thank you for the words of encouragment if I can get this surgery done this year I will be so happy... I am slowly working on getting things in shape around here so that it will be easier on me to keep things up while I'm adjusting to this new lifestyle... my husband is "quaking" in his boots that he will never get another cherry pie! ~ tee hee  Seriously he could stand to lose at least 50 lbs.  He is 6'8 3/4 tall, a very large man in stature... he can carry a good amount of weight due to his height... size 17 shoe and 41 inseam!  I am hoping when I do finally get on with the surgery he will be willing to come along with me at least part way... he has been so supportive thus far. Blessings to you! ~bec
Brenda Nutt
on 4/5/08 1:34 pm - Harrison, AR

Hey Bec,  I stopped the Slim Fast and went to the Gluecerna shakes.  Man are they ever expensive....  I like the Slim Fast better.  The Gluecerna is too thick or something....hint...the word "glue" in the beginning if the spelling...ha!

What are you doing to get your surgery proceedure moving?  I had to wait a year to wait for Jan. to roll around and open enrollment where my husband works.  We changed to a insurance company that does cover the surgery.  The one I had, had a written exclusion and no way would they pay. 

Yeah, Randy is worried about his eating too.  But you know what?  He can cook just like I do - that is IF he wants to.  I just have his spoiled over the years.  He is starting Weigh****chers Monday with a group at this work, and I'm not figuring it out for him.  He needs to plan it and do it.  I have enough on my plate right now.  Randy reads all about diets etc. and then tells me what to do, so he should do just fine.  I hate reading diet books, he likes to.  So many weight loss plans make eating a math problem and I hate math to begin with.... I hate counting all that stuff.  With the surgery, I am only making sure I get my protein in, the rest will just be as low sugar and fat as I can choose between labels when shopping.  I am not counting calories or fat grams or fiber totals - nothing.  I will simply shop sugar free and as low in fat content as I can find as I shop and not bring anything else into the house.

My son is 6'5 and wears a 13 shoe...I can't imigine finding size 17 shoes.  Bless his heart I know it is hard when you can't just walk in and buy  clothes just anywhere.  My husband is short, I must hem everything- good thing I sew .....

Better read the rest of the mail and turn in.

Night- Brenda


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