Getting a SECOND bandaversary
Well, for the last month or so I have been going in with band problems. First it started I was vomiting ALL the time with no rhyme or reason. So, they checked it out but all was okay. Then, right after that, all my restriction disappeared. Went in and yup, it was gone. Filled me back up and within 4 days, I lost all restriction again. Scheduled another appointment and sure enough, restriction was not there. Did a dye test and they could not find a leak. This was one week ago. By Monday, I did not feel restriction at all. Went back in today and the restriction was gone. So, Dr. Edwards told me today that they will have to go in and check it out. He will try to find it in the tube but if he can't then he will have to replace the entire thing. the mean time, I have gained between 2 and 3 pounds back. I still see the trainer but I can eat more than I should and it takes more to fill me up. It is a huge struggle and I miss my restriction so much. I am just trying to minimize the damage until the band is replaced.
So, for those of you that are getting or considering the band, let me say this...I DO NOT REGRET the decision to have the band. Dr. Edwards and his staff have been wonderful...this is just how my luck goes. Dr. Edwards asked me today if I wanted to replace this and I didn't even hesitate. This time has showed me that I do not have the will power to loose this on my own, I have to have the band. I lost between 70 and 75 pounds since being banded on 7/25/07 and now since not having restriction for a month, I have gained 2 to 3 back even with exersize. I eat too much on my own...I know this, I know it as I do it.
I share this as I find it an interesting experiment, just wi**** was not at my expense.
So, please pray for me to be banded again quickly and to have will power to minimize the damage till I am banded again.

Jennifer yeah we all know that about our selves, that we eat too much and too many times and that it cant be done for us any other way than to be banded or have the bypass or what ever form of surgery you have. Hang in there and will get it done again soon and can be on the road to slimness soon.
Jennifer - first of all I'm sorry you're going through this and having to have a 2nd surgery. But I know Dr. E will find out what's going on and take all necessary steps to correct the problem. Second, don't be so down on yourself about gaining 2-3 lbs. You've done very, very well, especially given the problems you've been experiencing. Remember when it wouldn't take much to gain 2-3 lbs. in just a week? Hang in there and keep up with the exercise. Let us know when you get your next surgery date!
Thanks everyone. I went to a boxer rescue retreat this weekend, didn't think about my band and CARBED out! I am doing liquids tomorrow to try and clean out my system. It all tasted so good but I sure feel blechy tonight. Hopefully I will hear tomorrow about when I will get my second surgery.
Jan, thanks for the thoughts. I am glad to know that I am not the only one that doesn't have the willpower still. I was hoping it would develop but not yet
Deb, good to hear from you. Hope things are going well with you. I figure Dr. E will get it taken care of. You can tell I sure perplexed him.
Britt, I was thinking about you the other day while at the gym. You need to come up and try it sometime. It is close and everyone there is very friendly. It is Anytime Fitness in the new shopping center where Scramblers used to be. The manager is my trainer, John, VERY nice guy and loves to work with people. Let me know if you ever want to come try it out. I go in the evenings and would meet you up there. If I can do it, anyone can. Everyone that works out up there at that time is very friendly and helpful.
Well, let everyone know when my new surgery date will be when I hear it!