Jan C.
on 4/3/08 1:58 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Thursday morning I had to go to Branson to have another MRI done of my shoulder. The other day when I got the steroid shot into my shoulder , the Ortho doctor said that I had less motion now than a did a year ago and also less strength so he wanted another MRI done. Said it might be the start of a tear in the rotator cuff. I had a year ago a small piece of bone that had cracked in there and he said if it had come loose it might have torn it. If so he said that it needed to fixed sooner than later as it would take less time to operate on it less time to heal, and less rehab. I don’t know I feel like most of my shoulder pain comes from my upper back , my spine in that area is so crooked that it looks like a snake.

Plus deteriorated

 disc and lots of arthritis in all the areas. Oh well will worry about it when they see the MRI. No need to worry now.

After the Mri we went shopping and got several things that we needed , came back to Forsyth and went to my beauty shop and had my hair cut and colored. Told her to just trim it up some cause I really really like my hair for the first time in forever I guess. Since I quit trying to make it do something that it doesn’t want to do and let it go completely curly it is so easy to do, and I get compliments on it all the time. At least one or two a day. Lol compliments sure make you feel good don’t they?


The lake (Bull Shoals) is so flooded. We live on a bluff and back a ways from the edge yet we can see the lake now, it is up on the edge of the bluff. …never thought it would get there.   Now it is pouring here again tonight and they said we are suppose to get another 3 to 6 inches. Don’t know where it will go. I hope downstream but I don’t think it will like I said they aren’t going to let it totally flood small towns down stream.

All I can do at the moment is pray. You all do too that no one is injured in all these floods.



TRACI: oh my what cute pictures. Love the looks of the puppies and of mama too .

They are beautiful but not nearly as beautiful as those human babies that were in the pictures. Lol  Love the red hair on , Emily? Is that right? Her hair is the color mine was when I was young.of course it is no where near that color now, too much gray there. Lol




JANET::: Oh my girl we are needing to mow already too and the ground is so wet there is no chance of that lol.

Oh didn’t that feel wonderful to have that pain relief for even just 4 hours , if you could even be guaranteed that much a day would be something wouldn’t it.  You will just have to learn to not wait till your meds have worn completely worn off before taking some more. And I know you probably don’t like to live your life on drugs but girl that is what they are for , people like yourself that really need them. The Flexiril is really great even tho it isnt classified as much. I finally got Joe to taking it like his doctor said for him to do and it makes all the difference in the world in how he feels.


That is a shame about the house deal. And don’t you dare sign to forgive him the back child support, this way one day you will have a lein against the house or something for all of that is due you. I know that sounds bad but if you cant get it from him alive .

Boy this guy has some nerve to ask if he can put Steph on as his exemption. Yeah and if you have any other ones handy I think a lot of others would like that too. Lol


I am so glad that Steph is doing well , as is Darrell. That is amazing. Looks like some of our prayers were answered weren’t they.  Darrell  Happy Birthday. 14? Wow  

I also wanted to tell you that if you needed someone to drive you home after you do have your nerves burnt in Springfield. , I can come over and will drive you home or anywhere else.




SHEILA: was it you that ask if the Mantis tiller was any good.? Well I have one , and yeah they are pretty good in good ground. Don’t work to well in rocky hard soil. They aren’t a bad workout tho really.



MEG: Your surgery will be here before we know it and I am so glad that you now have an Angel. Great and is some one that lives close to you.



Bev: lol I know that if I rode a bike there would be more than a little knee pain the next day. I just wonder if I could even ride anymore. I know , I know they say it is just like riding a bike you never forget, But I don’t think I could. I just wonder. I might try it again. I guess it is just remembering how to balance your self , hummmm


Yeah you are not very far out to be trying Steak, I am a year and half out and I cant eat steak or much of any meat. A little ground beef and some moist dark meat chicken. And not much of that. I do get all my protein in in a days time but now since we had the learning from Traci I get it all in Shakes because once I was reminded of bio 101 it is a simple matter of deduction to figure out that no amount of meat you eat is going to break down and make the amino acids that make protein usuable. I feel really stupid that I didn’t think of it myself really , since I am a nurse but now that Traci pounded me on the head I figured it out too.

The only reason they say eat meat at all is to fill the pouch up and keep you from being hungry. But I really think that about 99 % of what we think is hungry is not, it is habit of food.

Yeah those mad dashes to the bathroom when you are out somewhere is really bad.

Hurt just as bad at home but at least they aren’t as embarrassing.

I have a very short list of things that I can eat. So don’t feel by yourself. I think as long as we drink our shakes and take handfuls of vits. And drink our water. We will be ok.

Maybe the eating the food is just a thing to keep others from saying how crazy we are.  Never know

Never have tried the packages of mixes but have ordered stuff from them. Cant remember if it was some protein that I tried or what.


Oh the poor puppies will look so naked, it isnt hot weather yet , they will get cold wont they ? lol  Yes would love to see new pictures of them.


Better be  careful of those pants that are way to big for you, you will be mooning everyone if you don’****ch it.



NANCY :::: THANKS  for asking to be not one but two pre surge patients for Angel duty. Thanks again, it really helps them to have someone they can bounce questions off of.

If you don’t know the answer come on here and we will try and help you ok?

Yeah I think the water soaked thru too much lol



BOBBY JOE: ::: wow I know what you are going thru. Once when I was about 14 years old everyone in our whole house came down sick at the same time , except me. That was my parents, plus. 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Wow I thought I was going to die before they all got well. And then I got sick after they were all well.


Well am glad that you all are keeping the hail and stuff up there anyway. Hope your family gets better soon . Will keep them in my prayers.




DEBBIE   D:::: Oh I can imagine how heartbreaking that was , it always seems such a waste when it is the young ones doesn’t it? I hope your son get back on his feet soon about all of it.


The stomach stuff is the only thing that Joe and I have had this winter, and it only lasted 24 hours seemed like but it really zaps you that is for sure.


Will be praying for your step daughter getting this job.





Im wondering if I don’t have a hernia. It is right below my breast bone and about every time I eat something there pops our really hard , I can rub it and it goes back down so I don’t know. It doesn’t hurt at all.















on 4/3/08 11:25 pm - Diamond, MO

TGIF Jan and OH Peeps~

Happy 14th Birthday to my son Darrel~I cant believe he is 14, it seems like just yesterday I was potty training him!! Weve come a long way, baby!! Yesterday got a little crazy here-between having the grand furbaby and Jonathan being a maniac (always turns into one when we watch the furbaby-cause he LOVES the kids!) I got a call from my mom asking if I could fill in for one of the clerks who called in sick. I went in and paid some bills and got my prescriptions filled and then went to the motel. The bar/lounge is now open, and we have stairs and one of the doors to access the bar from the motel lobby-MAN IS IT NOISY....I feel like I live in an apartment bldg and want to tell someone to turn down their radio. Im not liking that at all. The one good thing is that we now have security-so when I am closing-all I do is call our security guy on his 2 way radio and he comes up to the office and waits for me. He walks the parking lots etc-to make sure everyone is behaving and all that good stuff. I would like to ask for prayer for one of the gentlemen that live in one of the apartments at the motel. He is an older man, lives by himself and has no family-I went to bring him his mail yesterday (he is disabled), and when he opened the door-he had shorts on, and his ankles were swollen so big that they were bigger than his thighs and discolored. I asked him if he needed anything else-and he said he was ok. I told him I was worried about his health and he said he would go to the doc, but he has nothing to drive-so I told him  I would take him OR let my parents use my car and they could. I had a BAD feeling, like he isnt going to be around much longer. I picked up some stuff on his floor and cleaned a few things, then took his trash out on my way back to the office. When I got to the office I told my dad about Ken-and he called him and made him PROMISE that he would go in today. Dad actually said something that surprised me-he told Ken that he cared about him-he is like family and dad didnt want a repeat of the David deal-(he is the one they found dead in his room) It brought tears to my eyes. He is like everyones favorite uncle!!! I found out that he is diabetic-but he doesnt take any meds or anything like that. I think he is afraid to go to the doc, and afraid of what they will say. He is retired and gets his SSI, so I am going to go in a little early today and see if he wants to go see my PCP. Anyway-I got off track there, but prayers for Ken would be wonderful. I have a busy weekend in front of me. We have a lot to get done out here-and hopefully, it wont rain all weekend long! Mike has his last big race next weekend-but its here in Joplin. He has 2 friends that live in Oklahoma City that will be staying overnite the night of the race and leaving the next day, so I need to get a once over done anyway in the house and I will feel better. LOL.... Well, the new meds seem to be working better-the only problem is that I am having an allergic reaction to one of them-I had the itchies so bad yesterday I just wanted to rip my skin off my body! Im going to have to go off all of them, and then take one at a time to see which of the meds are making me itch. Dang it. If its not one thing, its another, right? **Jan-Im sorry about your shoulder. It sounds like my knees. I have the broken pcs of bone sticking out in 3 diff places of my right knee and one on the left. Instead of having surgery twice-my ortho said if I could tolerate the pain-he will clean them up when I get the knee replacement surgeries. I will say extra prayers, I know with spring coming (technically speaking) that you dont want to be laid up with your arm in a sling!  I agree about the flooding-we did get hammered yesterday-and I mean the kind you have to pull over when driving, you couldnt see. We have standing water all over out here-Im glad we got the garden area tilled-at least it will help with that-but I wi**** would even out. Our pool bottom is completely covered-all the way up to the first step-Ive never seen it this full. I bet in the deep end we have 4-5 feet-and it goes all the way up to the shallow end and the stairs! Trust me-I am NOT signing off on the back child support! I only wish he would do what he says and sell the damn thing-not move back into it. I dont want him that close to us. The girls dont want him here either. Megan says that IF he doesnt get below felony level in his support before he moves back-she will call and have him picked up. He will automatically do time then due to the amt of back support he owes. Hes such an A hole. Thanks for the offer to drive me someplace-but I have it covered. I may have to wait until my gb surgery is over. I have to go see that surgeon next week-its giving me fits almost every day now. I also wanted you to know that I wasnt trying to step on your toes regarding the angel/angelette deal, I posted that so that some who dont post in your whats happening would sign up or volunteer etc. Are you making some kind of list to keep track? Well, I am getting off here. Have so much to do before working this afternoon, and need to try and get Ken into my doc-I hope you all have a wonderful weekend-and be safe. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers.  Janet

Debbie D.
on 4/4/08 12:47 pm - KS

Hi, Jan and MO Peeps! Wow, I can't believe it's almost 10pm and I'm still awake!  It has been a busy day.  I subbed for 1/2 the day at the High School in the Theatre Class.  They watched Grease.  I was able to make out my menu for the next couple of weeks, write out my grocery list and write some questions I have for the mission trip Luke is taking to .  After school I picked up Jake and we went to Price Chopper.  Bought my first "batch" of groceries.  Went home had a Baked Chicken from Price Chopper with some rice.  Then hubby and I went to Walmart to finish up my grocery shopping.  Spent almost $400 in groceries today.  Things are way too expensive.  I will tell you though, at least here town, Price Chopper is cheaper on milk, margarine and some other things.  At least that $400 should do us for food for the next couple of weeks.  Like I say, I feel like I'm always cooking for an army! Hey, I have found something at Walmart that is delicious!  It’s HoneySuckle White Chipotle Citrus marinated turkey strips.  I sauté them in my wok along with onions, red, yellow and green peppers.  Serve them on the Low Carb tortillas with some shredded cheese, salsa, etc.  At first my oldest and my dear hubby snubbed their noses when they found out it was turkey.  But after the first bite they loved them!  I’m going to prepare the filling tomorrow and just stick them in the oven on low before I leave for Sunday School and Church Sunday morning.  Will be a quick and easy lunch for after services.  You really have to try them…they are sooo good.  FYI, they have 6 grams of Carbs and 1 gram of sugar and 17 grams of protein per a serving size of 4 ounces!  They do have 500 grams of sodium, which I know is a lot.  Like I said, they are delicious!



Jan, you have to let us know what the MRI shows.  I will keep you in my prayers.  Seems like if it’s not one thing or the other.  I know your favorite time of year is upon us (at least almost).  That is when you can work out in your garden.  Just be careful now to injure that shoulder more!



Janet, I will you keep in my prayers too.  Bless your heart, you are such a kind soul.  Please let us know how Ron? Is and if you got him into your doctor today. 



Love all of you!!



Debbie D.




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