liquid diet & protein bars
Hi Gang-
Yesterday was an exciting day! I went for my stomach scope and to see Dr. Woolery about my lungs. All went well. Margie wrote me that she needs to call me in an antibiotic, I have an infection in my stomach and that should take care of that. She is also calling in for some Nexium. I’ve never had even a hit of any ulcer issues… this was a surprise to me, but seems a simple fix-
While there Jan gave me ‘the talk’ about doing what Dr. Hornbostel says and really complying with the diet in the white binder. I got the ‘up-eyebrow - Mother look’ from her…. Ha!
Jan says 5 servings of the Slim-Fast High Protein (or Boost) per day, and 2 of them can be substituted with the Slim-Fast bars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked the white binder over this morning and it does not say that anywhere…. so I called my husband and ask him if I was dreaming the confirmation that we could have the bars…. Randy said that he asked Hornbostel about them and he said yes we could have the bars in moderation, no more than 2 per day when needed! YES! WOW! So, now traveling will certainly be easier. It was hard to mix up shakes ever 3 or 4 hours while traveling. Margie must have thought I was talking about the POST surgery liquid diet when I e-mailed her. I went back and re-read what she’d written me, and I’m almost sure that was the miscommunication.
While we were there, I went over to Dr. Hornbostel’s office and got a new white binder. There are a few changes, the one I noticed the most was that it used to say take two bottles of Magnesium Citrate the day before your surgery to clean out the bowel…………… But now it just says ‘Drink a bottle of "magnesium Citrate’ the day before surgery to clean our your bowel.’ Although this is pretty tough on us, I think – and please advise me here- that taking two bottles and being sure you were ‘all clear’ would ward off changes of having dirreaha after your surgery…..Would this be right? All you nurses out there, please comment on this-
I am 3 days into the liquid diet now. I’d sure love to lick that T-bone steak over again – bet I could eat all of it right now! Oh well, Randy enjoyed the half that I could not eat the other night- I know the hunger pangs will subside after the third day, so after today, my stomach should adjust.
My only problems thus far are my diabetes readings; it was 300 this morning. It is staying high. So, I think I’m going to have to move over to the Boost. I don’t care for it too much. Seems it is too thick or milky tasting- maybe I could put ice in it and blend it up and that would thin it some. And my stomach is staying so tore-up. I think it is my glucophoge medicine doing that to me. In about a week, I think I’m going to my hometown Dr. and having my meds readjusted for this liquid diet. I need to get my blood sugars down first- so I’ll try the Boost drinks. I know he won’t take me off the meds with high readings like that.
I was so glad to find out that (oh gosh! I’ve forgot her name!!!!!!- Sorry) was right about the bars. Sometimes it is just wonderful to be wrong !!!! I was going by what the white binder said and what Margie told me….but if Dr. Hornbostel says ‘it’s a go’ the bars are going with me when I travel!
Much love going out to all,
Hey- at last, time to sit and read the OH and relax a bit. It's been crazy around here today!
My blood sugar readings are not going down after 3 days of liquid. Well, some, but not I had to switch over to the Glucose Control Boost. I don't like it as well, but, I'll learn to like it or bust! It just seems thicker or something. I got some strawberry and I like that too.
How is your doctor feeling about your work getting you to surgery? Is he approving everything, or making it take longer. Some Docs are better about the paperwork than others...
I went to two seminars listening to Dr. H speak about the surgery, then his nurse called me and scheduled an appointment. When I got there they took all my medical history down, and then I talked to Dr. H and he told me what to expect and we discussed my special needs (I'm sure each of his patients are very different in need) and then a few days after I got back home, Margie got the insurance clearance and then she set a surgery date.
I believe he sees new patients on Wednesdays in his office. From my first appointment to my surgery date will be 11 weeks. Jan (his nurse) told me this week that he does about 6 operations for wls per week. So he is a very busy man. (He does other surgeries too I'm sure.)
I'd better get started reading all the post and head for bed, good to hear from you.