Finally losing weigh on the liquid diet

That was me...glad you like the nectar. There is something out there for everyone and that is definitely for me. I have tried it out of the container ends up like taffy in your mouth...or a starburst. I suppose if you chewed it to death like we're supposed to it would melt before it hit your tummy. Did I tell you that you can have the nectar in the first week post-op. I KNOW margie will confirm that. I'm pretty convinced that is why i healed so fast and felt so what flavors did you get? I am getting ready to a matter of fact I found them even cheaper on they are $23 and some change and the shipping is $4.99 no matter how big your order. I also get my tropical oasis stuff through them...the liquid vitamins. I'm glad you have finally lost some weight!!!! I know that can be frustrating. FYI...when I got home from the hospital I weighed myself and had GAINED 9 lbs!!! By the end of the week it was gone...but be prepared for that too...they really pump you full of fluids!!! Will be thinking of you..........
Thanks for the info. esp. the gaining weight in the hosp. I would be livid
had no one told me,I saved the info on the new website, every dollar counts, besides the 2.00 savings on the nectar, that is a 5.00 savings on the shipping too! I got carribean cooler, strawberry kiwi, fuzzy navel, and lemon tea, I tried them all except the tea, I thought they tasted pretty good. Like the slimfast I may learn to love it . How about the liquid vitamins?It sound so gross liquified hmm. better get some. I know I will get as much of the nectar in as possible post op, how did you take it and how much? thanks, susan

I didn't find out I could have it until I was home a few days. I thought I was dumping so I called Margie...turned out I was hypoglycemic....I had read on the info sheet for that nectar was appropriate for stage 1 so i asked her about it and she said...definitely and that it would probably make me feel better and help keep the sugars basically I fixed a 2 cup serving at a time mixing 2 scoops of whatever with 1c apple juice and 1c water...the natural glucose in the juice kept my sugars pretty steady without overloading me and causing dumping. I would drink about 6 cups of that a day...and in stage 1 it takes ALL DAY! I started experimenting favorite combo is the cherry and lemonade....YUM! I LOVE the fuzzy navel one too!!! The liquid vitamins....well, they are better than taking them crushed! Have you ever tasted a crushed vitamin?
And there is no way to hide it. Believe me I tried. I know...and Traci confirmed...that when you take the liquid you get better absorbtion (sp?) because it's already "melted" and ready for your system. I'm only doing the B complex (horrible crushed) and calcium in liquid right now. Anyway...if you have anymore questions let me know....happy to help....

Hi Sheila, go to and there is a search bar, just type in nectar protein and it should come up (syntrax many differen't flavors) hope this helps, susan