Happy Wednesday to all!!
Good morning to all of you just wanted to say hello and see what's new with you all...any of you. I am in a rut I think. I am still working at losing the weight but I really can't tell if I am since I don't have any scales that will weigh me. I guess I will have to wait until I go back to the nutritionists office on 4-21 to see if I have lost anymore. Somedays I want to know and other days it's probably better if I don't know. Some of my clothes feel loose on me but I can't see that I've lost any. i do the same thing everyday..a whey protein shake for breakfast, a side salad from Wendy's for lunch, and then a sensible dinner usually grilled chicken with veggies oh and of course water water water, i feel as if I should build an ark. I try to walk at least a mile everyother day so I should be losing weight right??? Sorry today is one of those days when I reall want to know if I have lost any. I thought about seeing if I could stop at my PCP's office and having them weigh me on my way home from work but I don't know if they will just let me drop in for a weight..Anyhoo have a great day!! Charlene