Hope everyone enjoyed the sun today, and you all dried out some. We had lots of storms and tornados around yesterday. I hope it didn’t hit some of you . The flooding is still bad and it is suppose to start raining again tomorrow and continue into the week end. Please any of you that are in a dangerous spot you need to really keep an eye on the water levels.
It can rise so quickly sometimes.
Joe and I took advantage of the pretty weather and unloaded the truck load of poop lol
Couldn’t do it yesterday afternoon since it started raining again as soon as we pulled into our driveway yesterday good thing we had a carport to pull under.
Later on after cleaning up we went to town and got a few things that we needed.
While we were in town the granddaughter who just moved out of our guest house called and said they were going to come out for a while so they got there about the time that we got home and stayed for supper . I had a pot of ham and beans on all day and made some cornbread for them and sliced up a honey dew melon. I had about a tablespoon of the beans and ham a very small piece of cornbread and a fair size slice of the melon. Then ran in and chewed a couple of gas=x tabs right away. I have been having the worse gas in the world here lately , I know tmi, but it really has been being bad all of a sudden. Nothing new except drinking more protein shakes , you think that could be it? And since I feel like im getting my protein in I am eating more veggies that more likely is it. Because my favorites really cause gas a lot
Just spoke to Craig on Yahoo for awhile. he sounds like he is doing well and enjoying his job.
TRACI: LOL when you had your son did your husband think you were kidding when you said you needed to go to hospital?
Hope you got all the work done today that you wanted to.
Thanks for the info on caffeine.
NUTTI: wow amazing all the weight you have lost , you are so inspiring to so many people.
You really like those tie dye things huh. The ones I have seen in your pictures are really pretty. I tried doing that once long time ago and it didn’t work it all came out the same. Lol
Hey mos****er aerobics classes will let you wear shorts and a top for the classes. I wear bike shorts when I go. I don’t want anyone seeing anymore of this flab than is necessary.
Im glad that you have a job you enjoy. That makes a big difference.
Sure wish you would come back to one of our meetings in
Keep up the good work.
VESTA::: I know it was doing it all night long and making so much noisy
I like that about going around the corner. Im ready if you are. Maybe together we can run off old man winter. Lol
JANET;;;;Well im wondering how your nerve blocking stuff went today. I sure hope it worked
Oh the whole web site was closed for maintenance really. That is why you couldn’t get on I think.
Well you poor girl out fixing fence in rain and lightening and such.
Really anxious to find out what happened yesterday.
DEBBIE D:::::sounds like you and your hubby and Jake all had the same thing Joe and I had last week. Didn’t last but about 24 hours seems like. I think Joe sucked it for all it was worth. Lol
Hope everything else is going well for you.
CONNIE:::::That is awesome that you like your job. Those are long long hours for sure.
You will be in those size 12a soon just wait , you will go to put them on and they will just keep going up and up.
So sad about the young mad shooting himself. I heard that I think on the news. Is a sad thing for him and his family but for all of his school friends too.
Will keep all involved in prayer.
MELISSA:::: wow you all really need to get something on this brother and maybe get him out of your life. Is the idea that he wants his son ? is that it?
When do you all see the judge about the adoption.?
I am praying and praying for that to happen.
I will be anxious to see you too. That will be awesome.
Will be praying for you.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Yesterday was hectic for me. I had to go to KC to the pain management doctor. We left here about 11 am and I got home at 10:15 or so. No news is good news so I will get to that in a minute. The flooding I saw on the way to KC looks ten times worse than what we had here!!! My mom was sick, so I ended up with the kiddos going with me. They did pretty good though, and I am still thanking God for gameboys, because that sure helped keep the boys entertained. If I had been thinking-I would have hooked up our DVD players in Megans car and they could have each watched something-there are 2 monitors and they attach to your seat. Wasnt thinking tho. LOL....
So I see the new doc. She used to work at Freeman where I worked and we worked there for some of the same time! I loved her-although, I didnt like what she had to say. First, she was upset that three different docs here-and none have done testing to see WHY my back is numb in the 4 areas I cant feel anything. I had to have some labs and I also have to go for a bone density and cat scan. She said that with everything that is wrong with me AND my diagnosis's so far that I will never be totally pain free and she isnt going to pretend that she can do that for me, but that she would like to get my pain level at least down to a 6 and if we are lucky, a 5, tolerable, so I can enjoy life. She also said that its perfectly normal and to be expected to have a form of depression due to being in pain all the time-so, in the next 6 weeks we are going to work on pain control and then if I still feel depressed, she will treat me for that as well. Lets just say that I only THOUGHT I was hurting before I saw the doc yesterday. All of the poking, prodding and range of motions etc-was more than I could bear-and tears just kept coming-then the runny nose (dont you hate that?). I had been out of pain meds for almost a week-and I was experiencing withdrawls as well-the trip up there was rough on my back-Megans drivers seat-the bar comes out at you like the lumbar where you can adjust it on your seat-well, hers doesnt adjust-its like its stuck with it sticking into your back!!! Megan has been freaked out, to say the least-one of her neighbors downstairs was murdered-their apartment was ransacked-and they arent talking about it in the papers or on the news-and one of the police officers that went to the motel to help my dad with an eviction verified to Megan and my mom that yes, there was a murder in her apartment complex-but thats all he would/could say about it. So, we are waiting to see what happened- Today I have errands to run to get Stephs car taken care of, and go to get my scripts taken care of, so I am going to get this done and get started on my day. I hope everyone has a good Weds and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Howdy Yall.... Wow it's so great to see sunshine this morning!!! Something tells me that in about 3 months or so we are going to be begging for some of this rain we have been getting.... I'd like to ask for prayers for my household and family! Different things going on and all that can really help with any of it is prayers....So if you will say a few for us I would appreciate it..... Noticed alot going on on the board..... Want to say CONGRATS to all those loosing!!! Isn't it wonderful...There are so many of you doing SOOOOO great!! For you that are about to have surgery...Hang in there! All the feelings your having are completely normal...We all have had them.... THE LIQUID DIET!!!!....Seen several posts on that.....I agree..Seems so crazy that they would expect you to drop eating like that when that is the reason most of us got fat in the first place....We could not control putting food in our mouths for one reason or another....And yes, food is to dang tasty!!!! BUT.....If you keep in mind the wonderful changes this will bring about for you,YOU CAN DO IT!!!! For those who have to do it just for a few weeks. BE THANKFUL IT'S JUST FOR 2 WEEKS!!!! Some of us had to do it alot longer. I done mine for a bit over 3 months! At first it's no picnic at all but you will ajust and you will get the hang of it...And once you have surgery it's alot easier because you have the help of having such a smaller stomach.....THE REWARD YOU WILL GET FROM HANGING IN THERE IS UNDESCRIBEABLE!!! Wont be long at all and you guys will be on here posting about all your WOW moments!!!! So as Jan says..KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!! You willlove yourself for it!!! And always remember if you feel alone in it all just come to the board. There are tons of us here that know where your coming from and will be more than glad to give you some extra support..... So good to see so many newbies about to hit the bench!!! Sending lots of prayers up for each of you that have any type of issues going on in your life... Hope you all have a great Wednesday... God Bless each of you..... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334