UDATE 2 wk. liquid diet gaining weight

on 4/1/08 3:10 am - Overland Park, KS
 Thumbs Up   Hey all, I started my 2 wk liquid diet the 24th, as of two day's ago (also my monthly friend came to visit) I had GAINED 4 lb.s!!  Highly upsetting to say the least. Anyhow last night I checked again and had lost the 4 lb.s I gained PLUS  4lb.s,... just now I checked again, down 1 one more lb. for a total of 6 lb.s from the dr's starting weight plus the water weight, I feel so much better! I  wanted to cheat so bad, I felt why should I not eat, i'm not losing any weight  Now that it's coming together and I can finally see the results I am feeling gung ho and determined to follow through. Thanks so much for all the advice and support, only 5 day's til surgery!!!
Jan C.
on 4/1/08 4:04 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Susy so happy for you that you finally lost it, I was going to say all of that stuff to you but you perservered. How Neat that you are that determined.  Do you have an Angel for your surgery yet?  If not post it and we will see if we can find you one. ok?   



on 4/1/08 4:38 am - Overland Park, KS
No I do not yet have an angel, but I live about 2 1/2 to 3 hr.s away from sedalia, sure wish I lived closer, I am so jealous when I read about your support meetings and get togethers, we just don't have that kind of community here I guess...at least you all make me feel welcome on this board and for that I am so grateful, It has helped me more than you know, p.s today is my and my hubby's 25th wedding anniversary, and I still will not cheat...promise.
Sheila H.
on 4/1/08 9:42 am - Marshfield, MO
Happy Anniversary!!!!! hope you have many more yto come


Jan C.
on 4/1/08 12:25 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
congratulations on your anniversary, go make love instead of cheating lol  lot more fun and you will use up some of those old fat cells lol   I think we need to get someone for you an angel.    Sure wish you could come to Springfield sometime for our support meetings we have very good ones. 



on 4/1/08 9:28 pm - Dearborn, MO
Congrats on 25 years I hope you have many more happy years together!  Keep up the great work just remember it is worth it...your date is so close how exciting!! Good luck! Charlene
on 4/1/08 5:07 am - pomona, MO
I am so proud of you, you are gonna do fine....vesta


on 4/1/08 9:57 pm - Overland Park, KS
Thank you all so much, the support is so wonderful, I wish I were closer, at least the computer makes everyone seem "right there"  thanks again , you are ALL angels!!
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